EPISODE 069: Dedication To The Craft Of Mediumship with Pamela Pollington

podcast Jul 28, 2022

My guest this week is Spiritualist Medium and qualified Healing Medium, Pamela Pollington, CSNUt. Pamela talks to us about the importance of dedication in our mediumship training, not just in a one-week course but in consistently training year, after year, after year. She explains why we should all endeavour to follow in the footsteps of the amazing pioneers of mediumship who went before us and who were all absolutely devoted to serving the spirit world to the highest standards that they possibly could.

Pamela has been working for many, many years, regularly taking the platform to demonstrate mediumship in spiritual churches and centres across the UK and in the USA and beyond. One of her passions is teaching and passing on the amazing knowledge that she has learned on her life path. She’s on the show today, to talk to us about her passion for mediumship. And how important it can be for grieving people to receive evidence that their loved ones in the spirit world have survived physical death.

This Week’s Episode

“No time spent with the spirit world is ever wasted, never. There’s always something new to learn. The more you work with the spirit world, the deeper that connection can become, so it’s not to waste any piece of evidence.  The spirit world gives us the evidence for a reason.” – Pamela Pollington

About Psychic Matters Podcasts

Ann Théato, CSNUt, Psychic, Medium and Spiritual Tutor, investigates psychic development, mediumship techniques, and paranormal science, so that you can come to understand your own innate psychic ability and expand your knowledge, whilst learning to develop a curious mind.



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PM 069

My guest this week is Spiritualist Medium and qualified Healing Medium, Pamela Pollington, CSNUt. Pamela talks to us about the importance of dedication in our mediumship training, not just in a one-week course but in consistently training year, after year, after year. She explains why we should all endeavour to follow in the footsteps of the amazing pioneers of mediumship who went before us and who were all absolutely devoted to serving the spirit world to the highest standards that they possibly could.   

Pamela has been working for many, many years, regularly taking the platform to demonstrate mediumship in spiritual churches and centres across the UK and in the USA and beyond. One of her passions is teaching and passing on the amazing knowledge that she has learned on her life path. She’s on the show today, to talk to us about her passion for mediumship. And how important it can be for grieving people to receive evidence that their loved ones in the spirit world have survived physical death.
You’ll Learn
  • Why we have a duty to the spirit world to be the best we can be
  • Why mediumship takes time to develop
  • The significance of devotion in mediumship
  • The meaning of objective and subjective experiences
  • The importance of high standards in Spiritualist churches
  • Why training to be a medium is not a race
  • What a healing medium does
  • How to choose a good tutor
  • What a spiritual assessment is
  • The importance of trusting the spirit world




Hello everybody my name is Ann Théato and welcome to Episode 69 of the Psychic Matters podcast.  There are just 4 days left until voting closes for the People’s Choice Podcast Awards.  THANK YOU so much to all of you who have voted so far for Psychic Matters – I’m so appreciative.  And for those of you who have not yet voted, I wonder if I could ask you all a favour.  Do you think you could go to this website and If you could go there now and vote for Psychic Matters in The People’s Choice Podcast Awards, I would be so grateful to you. It’s in the spirit of these particular Podcast Awards, that we ask and work with our audiences to ask for your votes.  So, if you really love Psychic Matters, you love the episodes, you love the advice, you love the experts, you love everything about it, and you’ve learned things and you find it really a rich resource, then I would really love it if you would go and vote for me. Please, please, you have just got four days to get your votes in so time is running out.  So how do you do it?  How do you vote?

How do you do that?  Go to the website, and you will see that I’m listed in three categories – and so I would ask you to vote in all three of those categories.  So, I’m listed under Religion & Spirituality  Best Female Hosted Podcast, and The Adam Curry People’s Choice Award.  So, if you go to the website and then look up those three categories, Religion & Spirituality, Best Female Hosted Podcast, The Adam Curry People’s Choice Award, and you will see that when you go to that website, you will see there is a blue bar across the top and it says, ‘nominations are open’. When you click on the blue button you will find this year’s voting.  I’m so grateful to you for doing that for me, just four days left,

And now it’s time for this week’s podcast with my next guest who is a fantastically talented medium and excellent tutor.  You are going to learn a lot in this episode about the importance of dedication to your mediumship training, not just in a one-week course, not just in a weekend little soiree off, to go off with your friends to go off and do a bit of training in training year, after year, after year.  And I would ask that as you listen, you consider very carefully, the wisdom in the words of my guest this week, as she explains why we should all endeavour to follow in the footsteps of the amazing pioneers of mediumship who went before us and who were all absolutely devoted to serving the spirit world in the very best way and to the highest standards that they possibly could.  Enjoy.


Today, I am delighted to say that we are joined by Pamela Pollington, CSNUt, who is a Spiritualist Medium and a qualified Healing Medium as well. And Pamela has been working for many, many years, regularly taking the platform to demonstrate mediumship in spiritual churches and centres across the UK and in the USA and beyond. And one of her passions is teaching and passing on the amazing knowledge that she has learned on her life path. And she’s on the show today to talk to us about her passion for mediumship. And how important it can be for grieving people to receive evidence that their loved ones in the spirit world have survived physical death. Pamela Pollington, welcome to Psychic Matters.


Thank you. Good morning. Thank you for inviting me.


Good morning. It’s such a pleasure. It’s great to have you here. It’s so wonderful to have you on the show, and to spend a little time in your company. So, thank you so much for agreeing to join us. I know Pamela, you’ve got a really busy schedule. So, we’re very honoured to have you here. Pamela, maybe we can start with you. Just speaking a little bit about what led you into this work as a medium and a healer as well.


Yeah, sure, no problem. So, I mean, unfortunately, it was sadness that brought me into Spiritualism, my daughter, passed to the spirit world, and I mean, with all that turmoil that was going on at that time, and that sadness, my sister had come around to a friend’s house, and she happened to bump into a medium there who said, I need to see your sister. So that was in, within the first week or two of my daughters passing. And she kind of came round, and she gave me a lovely reading. And it was kind of at that stage that it kind of ignited this little spark within me, just to say to myself, this lady brought me so much comfort and evidence that my daughter was still around that she had survived this physical death, she gave me things that there’s no way she could have known. And even to the point of going into my daughter’s house or flat and checking and looking for something she had said, I would find, and I found it there. So again, I just realised at that time that there must be more to life than than what we see here. My mum, she lost her mother when she was a young woman. And so, she always believed in spiritualism. So, my mum was kind of always believed in the afterlife. But I think with my journey of always having that, I suppose that spiritual need, I was in involved in another religion for 12 years, which is very anti, I suppose what I do now, but I had left that religion, and for about, I think it was about eight years, and I was not looking for anything religious based. It’s something I didn’t want to get involved in ever again after my experience. So, to cut a long story short, my sister-in-law who lost, we lost my mother-in-law when she was quite young as well. She went to a Spiritualist church when her mum passed. So, she said to me, Pam, why don’t we come to a church, a spiritualist church, and because it really helped me. So, I remember going to the church. I mean, it was kind of, I suppose not long into a month after my daughter passed. And I was still in that state of, I couldn’t sing the songs, I couldn’t, I just really was not, but I loved it. It was like almost walking into this wonderful place where there was so much love shown to me and so much, it just felt really comfortable. So, I didn’t really realise actually that Spiritualism was even a religion at that stage. But I went regularly, week after week to not to get a message. I just used to love hearing other people getting the message. And if I thought, felt it was something for me, my heart would literally pound in my chest, please don’t come to me. I was not at that, it’s like, please don’t come to me, please don’t come to me, like this, because I don’t think I was ready for it. Even though my daughter come through to the medium who come to my home, that kind of felt different, but I would just contented with sitting listening to the different mediums week after week. And I even remember one night I was in a bit of a state and the committee at Hampton Hill spiritual church was so wonderful that they kind of said, look, maybe you can have some healing. I’m like healing, what’s that? I don’t know what healing is. I have no idea because this is all new to me. So, they, they took me into a lovely room, and they gave me some healing. And it was kind of that kindness that they showed, they listened to me, the President of the church, the lovely Sheila Smoothie, she too had lost her daughter. So, it was kind of like having that real connection. For the first time with somebody that had been through obviously something similar to myself, but the love that was shown and the healing that they gave me, again, it just felt so, such a lovely environment to be in. And then, I, my daughter was seeing spirit objectively, her, my daughter in the spirit world, her sister, was in spirit objectively. And I kind of started sitting in a circle at the church so she could understand what she was going through. So, we could both, I mean, we sat in circle but, and I really sat in circle to begin with, for my daughter and her understanding about the spirit world. So that was really the start of my journey. And then one night, in our development circle, the tutor said to us, well, we’re going to make a connection to the spirit world, and like, oh, I can’t do that. And straight away, the spirit world came in, I was able to give a lady a message, and it’s just I caught I thought was a fluke, it’s not gonna happen again, it’s just a fluke. And then the next time and the time after, it took me quite a while before I’d actually even accept that I was a medium and I could do this work. But at that stage, I kind of, I kind of threw myself into it. I kind of went to everything that I could have done, all the church circles, sitting in a private circle. And then my heart was really drawn to going to the Arthur Findlay College, I don’t know, I just was googling one day, and I saw this beautiful college. And I knew at that stage, I need to go there, it was kind of like pulling me, drawing me. And I was looking at a course that I really wanted to go on, a Simon James’s course. And then a medium I booked a reading with it, again is a tutor at the college, which is the lovely Andrew Manship, he come round and give me a reading. He said, I want you to go to the college, I need you to do that. And I want you to go on Simon James’s course, oh, that was the one I was looking at. So, kind of like real, it kind of made it all sense. And it all slotting into place. So therefore, that started my journey of going to the college, taking my development seriously, and just wanting to be the best that I could be. And in a way, it was a kind of that time I was spending on my spiritual development, was the time that I was spending with my daughter in a spirit world. It wasn’t that I needed to hear from her. Because I kind of had this, you know, I had the belief there that she was still around. But it was just that time, I knew that she was there helping me. So that was really important, to spend that time with her, as well as my development. But actually, I say sitting in the church week after week, you kind of see the mediums, oh they’re really good. They’re not so good. And it’s not that you want to judge people because all mediums can have a difficult night. But you know, the ones that are just like, you kind of get to learn the ones that are working mediumship and their evidence, and then you kind of learn, ah they’re not some, you know, not really with the medium, with the spirit world, they’re more psychic because they’re talking about the person and not the spirit world. So, I just felt sometimes that wanting to be the best that I can be because I feel we have a duty, not only to ourselves to be the best, but to the spirit world and to the recipients. And what saddened me sometimes, when the medium wasn’t so good, it saddened me to think that somebody might have taken all that effort to come to a spiritualist church and they didn’t receive the quality I suppose, of the demonstration, and it might have put them off of ever coming again. And I didn’t want to ever be like that. I wanted to be the best that I could be for for all parties involved. So, I suppose that’s really why I took my mediumship very seriously and dedicated the time that I did, which I kind of feel was a little bit lacking in today’s society, because we want everything instant, there’s not the devotion there, or the want to develop yourself to the best standards that you can do that. That’s my experience.


It’s fantastic. It is a wonderful story. I’m so sorry about the loss of your daughter, Pamela, it’s obviously incredibly tragic for you, for your family. It’s interesting to know that your mother also went through a similar experience losing a daughter herself. That was extraordinary.


Oh no, my mum lost her mum young.


Oh, she lost her mother young.


Yeah, my mum was only in her early 20s when her mum passed to the spirit world so it’s kind of, that’s what ignited her search, or she always believed in the afterlife.


It’s fantastic, I find it very interesting that you went along for your daughter’s benefit, your, your living daughter, to help her with her exploration of this spiritualism and and developing in a circle. And you spoke there about her seeing spirit objectively. Could you perhaps explain for the listeners what that might mean?


Yes, I can what, objectively means outside of, subjective is when you see within your mind, objective is when you see outside of and she kind of had a few experiences because she was, just had a baby at the time. And she saw a lady sitting at the top of her stairs in this home that she was living at the time. She, my daughter, come to her and and showed herself, when she had had, because my daughter had a tragic accident, how she was after she passed. I mean these were real to my daughter. I’m not saying it wasn’t real, but it might have been her overactive imagination, because the grief that she was going through, however, it was real to her. And she then moved out the place she was living in because of things happening. And she come and live with me. But even living here, she could see somebody walking downstairs. But that’s objectively, I think, really, it could have been the deep grief that she was in. I’m not saying it wasn’t real to her, but it felt real at the time, but it’s just to understand, for her to understand what it, what the spirit world’s all about, really.


Yeah, thanks for explaining that. That’s really, really interesting. And you also spoke about the quality of mediumship, in demonstrations that we might go and see and how you’ve had varying different experiences of the quality of the work, I suppose, and acknowledging as we both know that demonstrations can sometimes be amazing and sometimes be awful, usually within five minutes of each other. And so, what do you think we should perhaps be focusing on as a community of mediums, spiritualists, or non-spiritualist to raise the standard of mediumship today?


Yeah, I think the only way you can really raise the standard is to work hard. I think that is the thing is working and developing your mediumship. I mean, with my experiences at the college, I know I, I’ve been to the college and some people were there for the first time, they get their first link, and then you go home, and they then put on their Facebook page, medium so and so trained at the Arthur Findlay College, and it’s after one week at the college.  It takes years to develop, I’m not perfect, I’ve still got a lot to learn. And I accept that. So, I kind of feel like even if we feel we have kind of got it there, is to keep it going. Keep that dedication going, keep that practice going. With myself, wanting to be the best that I can be. I kind of done a mentorship too, with my CSNU. So, I wanted to get that qualification for myself, really just to take it, it’s such a, I suppose what I’m trying to say is, it is such a responsibility being a medium, and I would never want to do any harm to somebody with my words. So, it’s actually aiming to be the best that you can be and improve the standards within our churches. And that’s why I went into teaching as well. Again, I don’t have all the answers, but I will give it the best that I can. And with the teaching side of things is to improve the standards also within our churches, and use what I’ve learned, I suppose in my journey, I’ve had some fabulous tutors, I’ve been really, I suppose thankful in that way or really, it just feels I’ve been really lucky as well that I I’m able to go to the college and I’m able to do the courses there or workshops, other places because it wasn’t just a college within my church, Hampton Hill, Spiritualist church, we have a really good learning developing circles. So, we have Martin Twycross who is at our church. He does a lot of the teaching there. His wife, Linda, so again, we had really good quality teachings within the church. But every week I would go and and sometimes you feel like people today, well I’ll go once this month, oh I can’t make it next week. And it’s just like, there doesn’t seem to be any consistency with people. They’re not taking it as serious as what the old school did, the pioneers. I mean, we talk about the pioneers, we talk about how dedicated they were to their development and their training and sitting for spirit and all this, it takes time. We, and I think people, have got to realise it’s not a competition. It’s not a race to be the best you can be. It’s about supporting each other, as well. And given that support back, and also, we’re talking about my church at Hampton Hill, I kind of joined the committee as well, I’m Vice President there. But I joined the committee really because of the love and I suppose the care that was shown to me at that time, when I was at the lowest of my my life, and losing my daughter very tragically, very, just out of the blue. It wasn’t expected. She wasn’t poorly or anything and it was just one of, you know, a really tragic accident. Losing her was at the lowest of my my life, that I was shown that love and that care at that time, I wanted to give that back as well, which is why I joined the committee. So, it’s not just dedicated to my teaching, it’s dedication to the church that I belong to, because I will always be eternally grateful to those lovely community members that showed me that love and support and you spoke about the healing as well. Maybe the healing was something that I maybe didn’t want to do to begin with, but I just firmly believe that the spirit world opens these areas for us. And we kind of feel like, but maybe they need me to go in that area of healing. So that’s why I’m, I got invited to become one of the healers at the church. It takes a couple of years to get the certificate and the hard work that goes into it. So, I just thought, okay, spirit, if this was what you want me to do, the healing as well, then yeah, but I also firmly believe with our mediumship, it should be healing too.  People should go away from a reading feeling that comfort and that healing. And then I’ve done my job correctly.


Yeah, that’s really lovely. What does healing consist of? I haven’t looked into the training to be a spiritual healer. What what does the training consists of, and how do you offer that healing? Because you spoke about receiving it? And obviously, you’re now giving it so what is that process?


The process, I mean, it’s changed since I’ve become a healer. It used to be you do, I think it’s the H1 with within because I’m an SNU healer. There are other forms of healing, obviously, but being an SNU trained healer or healing medium is what it’s called now because you connect with the spirit world. So, when I was doing it, you had the H1, which is your theory, your written work. So, you learn all of the theory and you submit your essays, like you do with your CSNU. And then I had to do 100 Hands on healing sessions. So, 100 hands on, and each time you’ve done your hands on healing, you then get your signature. I know it’s gone down to 50. Now, so it’s kind of has halved the hands on. I think people were just feeling it was too long for them. And then, and then you had to go to three review days as well, which is training days. So, I mean, Hampton Hill, spiritualist churches got a wonderful group of healers. I think at the time when I was training, I think we had about 20 Healers, obviously, we’ve just been through COVID. So, everything’s changed. So, we have to keep thinking pre COVID, we had about 20 healers, very, very busy on Wednesday evenings, but the atmosphere is wonderful. And I do find when whenever, even if I’m having a sort of low day myself, you go and do healing, and it’s from Spirit, through spirit, to spirit, so you connect to the spirit world or to the source. So, from the spirit world, and then the energy flows, the healing energy, and it knows where it needs to go. So, you don’t need to touch the place or any way you just put your hands on. And you can also do distant healing and absent healing. So, there is that too.


And how do people feel after they’ve had a healing session with a healing medium?


Yeah, that’s what I was gonna say, just how I feel when I’ve given healing, I always go home. buzzing. So, I know, it’s kind of like, part of the healing, you know, touches the vessel, it sticks to the side, if that makes sense. You’re the vessel. They go home feeling wonderful. They sleep better, if that’s an area of that. But you see, when you do the healing, it’s not just at the time, it continues for a little while after you stopped healing. And many people say, wow, I can still feel your hands on me even though you’re not touching. And it’s just a wonderful experience. People are really grateful. I don’t do healing outside of the church. I give back through the church with my healing. But I say the mediumship is healing too.


Thanks for explaining that.


Does that make sense?


Yeah, that’s great. Thank you for explaining. It’s brilliant. And you spoke also about the devotion, I think the devotion that we have to our work and that we recommend others have as well. That total devotion to the spirit world. You spoke before the interview started about how we’re working for spirit.


It, that’s interesting. It’s just the commitment really, I feel some people they they flit in and flit out, flit in and out and then they wonder why they’re not progressing. It takes dedication to do this work. It takes commitment to do this work. And if you keep flitting, like, oh, yeah, I’ll be there tonight. And then they don’t show up. Oh, I’ll be there next week. It’s kind of like there’s no seriousness in it. It’s not a hobby. I just feel it’s part of my life. And that’s really important to me to dedicate that time for the spirit world. And I feel not it’s all about oneness, talk about dedication to the spirit world. I kind of feel we owe them to do the best we can. And we’re not going to become mediums overnight. It’s going to take many, many, many years. And that’s where the dedication needs to come in is to be committed.


I think that’s just so lovely that we have this duty to the spirit world of which you spoke.


Yeah, it’s duty and service, isn’t it? Really so …


And so, if somebody wanted to, you know, they’re dedicated, they’ve got a devotion to the to the work and to the spirit world and they want to carry on, where should they go to get the training, you know, the good training that they need, if you know, rather than pitching up to the wrong place every week? What’s the process for those people?


I always say to my students, I would say, before you choose a teacher watch them work. That is one way, to watch them work. If you like the way that they work, and you feel drawn to them, then just go for it. I believe, I don’t believe that you should just have one tutor, I kind of had many throughout the way.  I mean, I’ve been very lucky to go, I’ve been very fortunate to go to the college and have the best tuition because the Arthur Findlay College I feel, is where, I know, not everybody can go there because of the money side of things. But it is really is. You just go there for the whole week. And it is totally a wonderful experience. It just feels it’s just everyone that goes there will know, it just feels like home. It just feels that really. But you’re dedicating yourself for that whole week just to work with the spirit world to be with like-minded people. And it’s an amazing experience. So, I’ve been very fortunate in that way. However, even if you can’t afford to go is, you know, watch your medium work. But I’m a firm believer, actually, when the student is ready, the tutor will appear. And that’s the way it’s kind of worked for me that I’ve always had the right tutor at the right time. And that’s probably, I’m very lucky in that way. But that’s why I feel too, that the tutor or yourself, the student will kind of meet somewhere. And it will feel right to go with that person, if it feels right. And also, be your own be your own person. I think, I would hate to become a clone of another medium. Because I feel we all have our own uniqueness. We all need to be our own people. So, if you do find some to stick into one tutor, you might find you might just work like them or talk like them or do what they do. But again, that’s why just have various tutors as always, a good thing I was I had some wonderful advice by so many tutors. I mean, maybe this particular she kind of said, stick to the ones that know you. So, I did, I kind of stuck to, I was, used to go on Paul Jacobs’ courses, a lot of the college and get involved with the tutors there. So, they kind of knew me, they got to know how my mediumship worked, what I needed, they helped me develop in that way. So, I kind of took that advice on board is to stick to the tutors that know you at the college.  It doesn’t mean that you can have different tutors, but it’s just they all sing from the same hymn sheet, and they all teach the same. So again, that’s important. But you see many people teach different things. And I don’t teach old school, of rituals and things, I know they used to in the past and some maybe circle leaders still do. I’m very down to earth with my teaching. And I think you should enjoy your development as well. Because if you’re not enjoying it, then what’s the point in doing it? You need to enjoy things that you do in life too. So, make it fun. If you’re going to teach it’s like, just enjoy it and make your students enjoy it too.


Are you teaching at the Arthur Findlay College now, Pamela?


No, no, not yet. No, it’s on the, I mean, it could be on the cards.  I’ve done the new tutor’s course. So yeah, we just have to see where that one goes. If it’s meant to be.  I’m a firm believer Ann, that if it’s meant to be it will be. So, if it happens, it happens it’s meant to be and if it doesn’t, then I’m not meant to do that. I am teaching, I do my own circles, I teach at Hampton Hill, Spiritualist Church running the development circles there, mediumship practice circle, open awareness circle. I’m also going to be going abroad to Switzerland very soon, which I’m looking forward to, to teach for the first time. So that’s exciting. I love it. I love seeing the students develop. It’s a real sort of, it gives you a really good warm feeling inside when they’re happy and they’re getting the connection and it’s just really helping them on their pathway. That brings so much joy.


Yeah, it does. It really does when you see other people thriving, and Switzerland sounds really very exciting as well. So, congratulations on that appointment. Also, you do teach online, don’t you?


I teach my own group online. That’s correct. I also do one to one mentoring, which is really, really good. People want a one to one because not everybody wants to start in a group setting. They want to have that individuality to begin with. And then I would encourage them to start practicing with with people and go to development circles. So that’s where you kind of need, really need it’s the practice, practice, practice practice. And if you don’t get it right it doesn’t matter it’s just, you’re practicing.  No time spent with the spirit world is ever wasted. Never.  There’s always something new to learn.  Every time I do a reading for somebody, they come, you know, the one-to-one readings, I’m learning all the time, it’s fascinating. And we’re all unique. You see the spirit world use our data; they use what we’re familiar with. I get unfortunately, or fortunately, I don’t know what way to look at it, I get a lot of young passings because that’s what, it’s what you go through in life.  The spirit world will use your experiences. So, I know my daughter is there helping me, so that’s, I can just say, come on, my mum can do it. I can just imagine her.


Yeah, that’s so nice, isn’t it so lovely. A helper on the other side. I know also Pamela, that you do soul or spiritual assessments, perhaps you could speak a little bit about that aspect of your work as well.


Yeah, it’s really about tuning into the energy of the person and just working with what they’re, they need on their spiritual pathway. And it might be something that they haven’t thought about themselves, because, again, you might pick up in somebody’s spiritual journey, or this assessment that they actually, you could be a really good healer here. Or you could be a teacher or, or maybe have you sort of thought about working in trance, it is all about reading their spiritual pathway. Because not everybody is gonna be a great medium, they may train and train.  Some people pick it up, but never put anybody off, either. So, it’s kind of, maybe, maybe you can pick up in that spiritual assessment, something that’s holding them back, something that’s blocking them, and maybe even giving them advice on that. So that’s what a spiritual assessment is all about. And it’s about getting into their soul, and working with their energy to, to feel what would be good for them, what, but also, what is stopping them, what is holding them back, maybe it’s something that happened to them in the past, that they need to work on, because I do feel we need to work on ourselves to become the best mediums that we can be.  So self-work, self-care is really important too. So, yeah, sometimes we have to go, and we have to address things that we haven’t quite dealt with in our past. And that can take a lot of unsettlement for a time. But we have to do it and be able to move forward.


And for those people that perhaps have never had a spiritual assessment, or or no, or this is the first time they’ve ever heard about it, how do you as a medium, tune in to somebody else’s soul to to become aware of all of that information?


It’s just trust. A lot of it is just trust. I mean, it’s from, I’m not saying with spiritual assessment, it’s mostly psychic. But it’s not to say that we couldn’t link to the spirit world as well. But mostly it’s about their energy. So, it’s almost like a psychic reading but it’s all also about tuning into them, energetically. And it can be done even on over, over Zoom. Because again, we, even though, it is that intelligence there.  It works on that voice vibration as well, so you’re just really getting into, into their soul and tuning into energy. I mean, some people can read the auric field around people, sometimes they can, depends on what their background’s like. So, it’s just really reading them and as a person in front of you. That’s really how I do it, I just do.


Yeah. Sounds lovely.


Some people say, well, how do you link to the spirit world? I don’t know. I just do, I just do it. They’re just there. I don’t have to do this oh, come down in a bubble, come surround me. It’s never been like that for me. They’re just there straightaway.


Yeah, that’s wonderful. And your mediumship as you’ve gone through, from the beginning, the first steps into mediumship and doing this work, to now, how has your mediumship changed? Because for me, my mediumship has evolved in so many different ways and I’m working in new ways all the time. And so now every time I step up to work with the spirit world, it’s like, oh, it’s so exciting, what’s going to happen today? But I’m just wondering if you could say a little bit about how your mediumship has changed over the years and evolved.


It’s always evolving, like you say, there’s, we kind of go into it, don’t we, we’ve got no script, we work blind, we step up, we we offer ourselves, you never know what’s coming forward. The more you work with the spirit world, obviously the deeper that connection can become. So, it’s not to waste any piece of evidence.  The spirit will give us the the evidence for a reason. Now I think I’ve learned to breathe it in and just go a little bit deeper. Am I missing something here? It’s okay to get a no. I think that’s what I’ve learned as well, that if somebody says no to me, that’s fine. Because I will either go back and check or the spirit world, the the recipient can go back and so many times when they’ve said no to me, I get a message after, oh no you’re right, I was able to go back and check it. So yeah, you were correct. And so yeah, I knew it was.  I joke.  So then but, sometimes the recipient just cannot remember. So, it’s not that the spirit world’s wrong. It’s not that we’re wrong. It’s the fact that our recipient cannot remember. So again, over the years I think you don’t let those no’s knock your power, you stay in that power, and okay, you are saying no to me, that’s fine, that’s okay, I’m I’m happy with that. But I will go a little bit deeper. I’ll go and if the Spirit will want to bring it back in a different way they can do.  It’s probably easier in a one to one, because again, you can go a lot deeper on one to one’s than you can on the platform.  On the platform you have to be really careful of how you come across and the words that you use. Because you don’t want to offend anybody. But it is a skill that you have to learn. And it really is, and you want the audience to be engaging with you as well. They want to work with you. So sometimes it is a skill platform work. And it takes a long time to learn that skill. And not to jump too quickly, before you’re ready is another. I took, I took a lot longer to get on platform than I probably should have done because of, I found the philosophy difficult, because I’m not a natural speaker, because going, going back in time to my school days, having dyslexia, not being able to retain sort of words so easily, they don’t flow easily. And it’s another reason why I wanted to do the CSNU is to become a better speaker, to actually, because I know that’s what’s needed as well, the inspired speaking, that was a lot harder for me. So, I, when you think about how have I changed, yes, it’s become easier, I suppose. Because again, I’ve, I’ve worked and worked and worked on it. And that’s what you have to do. You have to keep on and keep on until you can become, still lots to learn with my speaking as well. I’m not perfect, but I really give it a go. And I think that’s what you have to do.


It sounds like what you’re saying there as you speak, it’s beautiful listening to you talk about that evolvement of your mediumship. And it sounds like what’s happened for you is, you’ve grown and grown and grown in your trust with the spirit world. And perhaps that’s why, when you now get a no, you can just go back to the spirit world and try to unfold that in the way they meant rather than thinking you’ve done something wrong.


Yeah, and again, we have to also learn in life, that we’re not going to be everybody’s medium, we’re not going to always meet their needs, because their needs might, you know, I’m talking about the recipient, not the spirit world here.  We’re not going to always meet the recipients needs when they come for a reading. I always remember one lady, I kind of done, I kind of felt I’d done the spirit world justice, I bought her sister through to me, evidence was really good. And then I got you, when you get the email saying, oh, you didn’t tell me what was in my pocket. Or you didn’t tell me what was going on in my life. And then it’s like, you have to explain, well you asked for a mediumship reading. That is what I gave you. If it wasn’t the need of the spirit worlds need to tell you what was in your pocket, then I have, it, I work with the spirit world, really, and not for you in a sense.  It wasn’t their need to say, oh, you’ve got this in your pocket, it, they want to test you some people when they come for reading, but again, we’re not going to meet all their needs, we have to just accept that. You just hope that we’ve done our best for the spirit world because we are the voice of the voiceless. And that’s what we have to realise we are there to work for the spirit world. Yes, the recipients there but again, what is the spirit worlds need and what do they want to bring forward is always how I work.


I love that. I just love that. Pamela, thank you for explaining all of that. It’s beautiful. So, people perhaps who live in other countries that listen to this podcast, who don’t have access, unfortunately for them to the Arthur Findlay College and these great training institutions, what can they do, do you think to develop their mediumship?


Yeah, again, I I work with people from America, mainly, I’ve had some lovely experiences by doing one to one sittings. And there isn’t as much in America, I’m just using that or in other countries, because I don’t, I don’t just do, I’ve done readings for people in Switzerland, Germany, Holland, so they don’t have the churches that we have. So, we are very fortunate in England to have the SNU and our churches and other centres that are built, been built up. So, we have a lot in England, going back to people in other countries. I do run a development circle online. And I do have a couple of American ladies have joined. So that’s lovely. I think since COVID. Especially I know it did happen before. But since COVID it’s opened the world, but it worries me too. Because even though there’s a lot of people teaching it, maybe, maybe they shouldn’t be teaching it, maybe… I’m a firm believer, unless you’ve got your own mediumship into where you’re happy with. And you’ve established yourself as a medium. Personally, do I feel people shouldn’t be teaching it if they can’t do it themselves. It’s a grey area, because I can’t say they shouldn’t because I’m not judge and jury. But again, it’s a grey area. I just feel they need to get their own mediumship to a development. So, before they can teach something until they truly understand it. So be careful where you want to develop. Practice one to one’s with people. Practice with your friends.  Also, there is the SNUi, which is another option that people can have from all over the world. And that is a fabulous way that people can learn. It’s not very expensive to join, there’s loads of classes on there, all the tutors are on the SNU, I have more likely got their CSNU, or they are really qualified good tutors. So that is another option for people around the world. But yes, they also are wonderful tutors from the college run courses online. So also, they travel to different areas around the world is another option. Just yeah, just really be there’s a lot out there. Just be careful, because there’s a lot of good, but also there could be a lot of bad too. So just choose your courses wisely I don’t know how to put that, I’m trying to be so tactful, but it’s really be, choose them wisely.


Yeah, I think that’s really good advice, choose very wisely, see who you’re drawn to. And there is a lot out there. And thank you for suggesting all those different places, because that gives people lots of options, so that’s wonderful.


Yes, there is and there is options out there.


And I know from looking at your website, you have a diary of wonderful demonstrations coming up, you’ve been quite busy this year, I can see from all the places that you’re demonstrating mediumship. So if people wanted to come and watch you in person, if they’re lucky enough to live in the UK, there’s a list of those on your website, you’re all over the place, you are up and down from London up to the north, everywhere.


And I’ve recently done a demonstration with a lovely medium. And since, I used to do it before COVID. But obviously, now things are opening up again, I done one locally for the local, just down the road, really. And I was so amazed that we had over 150 people turn up. So, the need is there, the need is there, I’m always going to be a church medium, because I love the churches, I do feel there should be a reverence to what we do. However, to get those people in churches, we have to have that balanced viewpoint that not everybody is going to work, walk into a church. So, we have to have that balance. So, putting it out into the community is, I do it occasionally. But I there is a need out there people, I don’t see it as entertainment, I really don’t. And that’s why I want to try and encourage people to come to the church. And for the reference of it. Some hopefully my me being balanced and going out and doing a big demonstration, it might ignite their curiosity to want to look into spirituality a little bit more. But I’m a firm believer you see that our loved ones come back to us because they love us. And they want to let us know that they’re around. But also, they want to awaken us spiritually, too. So hopefully, by doing a bigger demonstration within the community, it’s going to invoke that little spark of curiosity and hopefully help them on their own spiritual journey too.


Just wonderful. Thanks, Pamela, for that. And so, if people want to find out all about you and what you’re doing and all the things that you’re offering, perhaps you could tell us what your website is.

Pamela That’s my website.


And Pollington is P O double l i n g t o n? That’s correct. Also, the link to your website will be in the show notes for this podcast, which will be up on my website. So, if people just go to the podcast page for this episode, and they can be linked directly to you, so.


Just another thing that I wanted to mention, which has just come up yesterday, people have this notion that the spirit would take a while to come forward. Some people, when my daughter, passed to the spirit world, my mum got a hold of one medium. And she said, oh, no, she won’t come through for six months. She’s in a healing hospital. Now, I just want to just say that there is no time, the spirit world can come through the very next day. Because the lady asked me, she was, wanted a reading, oh do I have to wait some time, only yesterday. You don’t have to wait any time to hear from your loved ones. And I love this, what I read the other day, like when we go on holiday, what is the first thing that we do? We let our family know we’ve arrived safely. That is what the spirit world wants to do for us, whether it’s a sign from the spirit world, whether they give you, I had loads of signs from my daughter, I had a reading I would say one to two weeks into her passing. So, there is no time, the Spirit World will want to let us know that they have arrived safely by looking out for those signs that they’re there.


So beautiful.


It is, isn’t he? I was like yeah, that’s really, I love that analogy. They will want us to know that they’ve arrived safely.


Yeah, that’s absolutely brilliant. Pamela Pollington thank you so much for joining us on Psychic Matters and sharing all of your knowledge. It’s been brilliant listening to you. I could talk to you all day. Thank you so much.


Oh, thank you for inviting me.


Such a pleasure. Thank you


Well, that was Spiritualist Medium and qualified Healing Medium, Pamela Pollington.  I think we have all got some real food for thought there, about our dedication to the craft of mediumship.  How dedicated are you?  How dedicated am I?  It’s interesting, isn’t it?  I’m sure we can all find ways to be more devoted to our practice and to take it just that little bit more seriously.

If you want to pick up the show notes, along with any of the URLs, or references mentioned in this episode, along with a full transcript of course, please visit my website, and go to the podcast tab, and click on the podcast page. 

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I’ll be back in a couple of weeks’ time with another marvelous episode for you.  I do love making these podcasts you know.  Thank you to everyone who has left a review for me – please do keep those coming as well because  written reviews are so helpful and they do move the podcast up the charts – so if you have enjoyed this episode or any of the episodes, please go and leave me a written review you can always leave more than one – so if you’ve done it before – please consider leaving another one and there is a link on my website on the podcast page to do that.

Meanwhile, I wish you all well with your spiritual development in whatever area you are working in, and I do hope this episode has given you something to mull over regarding where you are on your own spiritual path.  Perhaps you might make a little more time to sit in meditation to still the mind; or you might want to sit in the power to feel the magnificence of your own soul self; perhaps you will commit to practicing your craft on a more regular basis, or maybe your going to commit to regularly taking a walk with spirit – ask them to accompany you when you go out walking, ask them to draw close to you when you sit quietly at home.  Whatever it is you choose to do, remember Pamela Pollington’s wise words, “No time spent with the spirit world is ever wasted, never.”

My name is Ann Théato and thank you for listening to Psychic Matters.­