EPISODE 010: Mediumship - The Art Of Love with Bev Mann
Jun 04, 2020
This week, Bev Mann, is on the show. She explains how the spirit world might call our attention; the signs, symbols and feelings we should all be looking out for and how all of us, whether you feel you are clairvoyant or not, can work with our sixth sense or intuition. Bev is a Spiritual Medium whose mediumship is truly from the heart. She is passionate about her work and dedicated to teaching those with an enquiring mind, how they too, can be the best possible ambassadors for the spirit world. In the episode Bev discusses a vast array of topics around mediumship & healing; teaching us the value of personal responsibility; how we can surrender and allow the spirit world to speak through us; and the benefits and importance of receiving good mediumship tuition.
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- Bev Mann Instagram
- Spirituality From The Heart
- Will Grant, Shamanic Healer
- Brian Messenger
- Arthur Findlay College
- Glyn Edwards
- Gordon Higginson
- Tony Stockwell
- The Lyceum
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Ann Théato, CSNUt, Psychic, Medium and Spiritual Tutor, investigates psychic development, mediumship techniques, and paranormal science, so that you can come to understand your own innate psychic ability and expand your knowledge, whilst learning to develop a curious mind.
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PM 0010
Hi there, my name is Ann Théato and I am here to teach you proven techniques for spiritual and psychic development from the comfort of your own home. I’m also here to investigate the teachings of experts across the globe, to bring you their wisdom, their advice and their spiritual wealth.
This week, Bev Mann, is on the show. She explains how the spirit world might call our attention; the signs, symbols and feelings we should all be looking out for and how all of us, whether you feel you are clairvoyant or not, can work with our sixth sense or intuition. Bev is a Spiritual Medium whose mediumship is truly from the heart. She is passionate about her work and dedicated to teaching those with an enquiring mind, how they too, can be the best possible ambassadors for the spirit world. In the episode Bev discusses a vast array of topics around mediumship & healing; teaching us the value of personal responsibility; how we can surrender and allow the spirit world to speak through us; and the benefits and importance of receiving good mediumship tuition.
Lots to learn this week!
You’ll Learn
Why we are already natural healers
The importance of nurturing children
How to ask for signs from the spirit world
The importance of good mediumship development
How it feels when the Spirit World draw close
Why we should surrender & allow the spirit world to speak through us
How the spirit world calls our attention
Why we need to touch the heart & soul of our recipient
The importance of personal responsibility
How to work with your intuition
The benefits of a good tutor
Hello everybody! My name is Ann Théato and welcome to the Psychic Matters Podcast – episode number 10. This week, I have special guest Bev Mann is on the show. She explains how the spirit world might call our attention; the signs, symbols and feelings we should all be looking out for and how all of us, whether you feel you are clairvoyant or not, can work with our sixth sense or intuition. Bev is a Spiritual Medium whose mediumship is very heart centred. She is passionate about her work and dedicated to teaching those with an enquiring mind, how they too, can be the best possible ambassadors for the spirit world. In this episode Bev discusses a vast array of topics around mediumship & healing; teaching us the value of personal responsibility; how we can surrender and allow the spirit world to speak through us; and the benefits and importance of receiving good mediumship tuition.
So, if you’re ready, let’s begin.
This week, I have a Spiritual Medium on the show, whose mediumship is truly from the heart. I am really moved by how passionate this lady is about the work that she does. As an Intuitive and Empath, she is absolutely dedicated to helping people re-connect with their loved ones who have passed over to the Spirit World. And not only that, she is devoted to teaching other people how to do what she does. It is my honour to introduce you to Spiritual Medium, Bev Mann. Bev, welcome to Psychic Matters!
Oh, hi there thank you so much for having me.
We were talking just before we pressed record on this podcast, Bev about the feeling that spirit are gathering close. I’ve not experienced anything like that before on any of the interviews I’ve done so far…from my point of view I feel like the air is electric, and like my energetic body is vibrating and like fizzy and bubbling – I really feel like spirit are right here!
Yes, absolutely I do too, Ann, and I often get that, well I always get that actually before I’m about to work. It’s like the anticipation of the spirit world, knowing that they are going to be drawing close and I feel it’s their excitement that they’re going to be working and channelling through me. And you just get that wonderful buzz. And a lot of us translate that to be anxiety and nerves, and it kind of is our anxiety, but in a pleasurable way. And it’s actually, if you look at it in from a positive point of view, it’s just the spirit world drawing close to let you know that they are there and they are ready to speak through you, so exciting.
Yeah, really exciting.
So, tell us about your work Bev, start where ever you wanna start, because I’d love to hear more about your journey and what brought you into working with the spirit world.
Well I believe that my journey started literally from the womb and coming into this world. It took me not a long time really to realise that, I was different from many other kids. I always felt, growing up as a small child at school, very different. I didn’t realise the difference, what the actual difference was until later on in life, but I know that I felt different. I was always very sensitive and now reflecting back on it, I realise that I was just super sensitive and I was picking up other people’s thoughts and feelings and what they would probably feel about me and certain situations and being able to intuit their thoughts and feelings and when you are growing up, as you probably well know yourself Ann, that as you experience things as child, you feel that it’s normal, you know, that everybody is the same as you. And consequently, I went through my childhood feeling quite well, I would say isolated really like I am now. In that I found it very hard to fit in, and besides a few personal friends that I would make along the way, I found it very difficult to integrate into crowds and groups. And this carried on throughout adolescence and growing up really. One of the reasons I am passionate about teaching is, I feel that as adults and parents and teachers whether in school or outside school, we need to nurture the child from a very young age. In that children who may feel different or who may be going through this, can come to some sort of understanding about what is going on in their life and as you probably know Ann as well, it’s been said that we retain our link to spirit world until we are about the age of seven years old and then we become, you know, indoctrinated by society and their thoughts so we have religion and we have schools and our friends and family telling us to behave and believe in a certain way when actually we are experiencing things different. So, we get labelled as different. And as a child myself, I often was woken up by Spirit, which my parents didn’t understand. All they knew of was that I would wake up screaming or I would be talking in my sleep and it used to, I’m sure, freak them out a little bit. So, part of my teaching as well, and I’ve had a few parents who have reached out to me, because their children are going through nights terrors, or saying that they are seeing people or imaginary friends. So I’ve never seen a child on their own obviously they are too young, in my mind they need to be 18, but I have had parents and children who have come to see me and I have helped allay that fear both from the child’s point of view and the parents point of view and bring comfort. So that’s one area of my teaching, because it is something that I went through. And another reason that I’m passionate about my teaching is that when I first started to sit with Spirit I was invited to a circle, I’d say, I don’t know, it must’ve been about 20 years ago or maybe longer. And I was asked to sit in this development circle and sit and meditate and get a link and I really didn’t know what I was doing, and I didn’t even know how to meditate or what I was doing. The Circle Leader was talking us through a beautiful fountain of coloured water. My mind was not trained to follow this, and I couldn’t follow it at all. And she went around everybody in the circle and asked them what their experiences were, and when she got to me, she said well, what did you get Beverly? And I said nothing, and she said well you must’ve got something, and I said nope. She said well what did you experience? And I told her about the gentleman I encountered when I walked into her flat and how he was sitting there and how he was dressed what his appearance was like, and what sort of person he was, and she was completely gobsmacked by it and so was I. So, week by week, things started happening. I went again, and we did psychometry, which is feeling some pieces of jewellery and I picked a ring. And I then I gave a speech which apparently, she said was her late husband’s eulogy. And she said you’ve just repeated his eulogy. And I kind of like, freaked myself out a little bit, because I didn’t really understand what was happening and so now, many years later having been told that I was a teacher myself and my other very well respected tutors and mediums, that I am now passionate about passing on the knowledge because we can’t just, usually the first experience we have with Spirit, and I don’t know if this happened with you Ann, but it’s usually something really profound our first reading and it is something we really remember and it really catches our attention and our hopes and our dreams that yes, there is life after physical death. But what it’s taught me is how to teach others, because I do believe in teaching people the basics, so they know what they are doing. Because it is a responsibility this work. It is not just playing at getting a link. And again, that is what I am passionate about. Teaching people personal responsibility and the sacred art of mediumship, which it is.
Wow, Bev what a fantastic introduction to the things that you have experienced and the things that you are really passionate about following through. Let’s go back can we? I just want to go back to what you were saying about children, because this is a great passion of mine and I don’t know how it’s going to unfold or what to do with it myself and it is something that I’ve mentioned in the Psychic Matters Facebook Group page about how important it is to accept what children are telling us when they are little, if they are experiencing seeing spirit people or seeing things or having these different experiences. I’m really interested in working out or trying to find a way I suppose to educate parents and children together. Like you say you are doing that now, you have got people coming to you to try to allay fears and help in that way.
Yes, I mean that just naturally happened, I have had a few people who have contacted me. But there must be many others who, parents with the greatest respect, who are sweeping it under the carpet. And if only we could educate our children in this manner. I mean nowadays thankfully the schools are changing their syllabuses and they are including mindfulness and meditation.
Yes, they are, that’s right.
So that is a giant leap forward. But unfortunately, we do get put in a box and some people are you know, they have been bought up with a certain religion and that’s fine. I was brought up in the Jewish religion, which is very traditional values. Especially women are not supposed to have any, as my understanding is, you know, you are not supposed to talk to the dead you are supposed to let them rest. And especially for women, it is not work for women. So, you know there needs to be some kind of teachings that it is okay for this to happen.
How did you get to that point yourself then if that was your family background, how did you manage to get that acceptance or how did you accept that within yourself and decide I’m gonna move this forward because it is important to me?
Well that is a very good question because at the time when you are going through it, you know as a young child and then a teenager and then adolescence, and even into my 20s, I didn’t really understand what this was. Because there was no one to tell me. It was classified as my night terrors where I would wake up screaming even when I was married, and my husband used to think oh bless her, she’s having another one of her bad dreams. I would literally wake up screaming because I would experience, and having spoken to other people they’ve had the same, where you see these orbs of light with people inside them, faces inside them and as you are regaining consciousness, they are coming closer and closer to you. And now, I realise that what it was, was that the spirit world were just trying to make themselves known to me and they were just trying to come close, to most probably let me know that I did have this gift and I always say that they always come with love, that is the most important message here. That they never come to frighten or scare us, they come, always come with love. That scariness thing is from movies and TV shows that make money. Your loved ones in the spirit world would never want anything bad to happen to you. They are just trying to step forward, this is my understanding now, to let you know that they are close by. Like I said it didn’t come to me for quite some time. I started reading books I started reading, my first book I ever read was Doris Stokes and funny enough, I am now very friendly with her, the lady who wrote all her autobiographies. So that’s funny how that comes around in full circle. But I started, and this is another thing that happens, that people naturally get drawn to having readings, reading books, so it’s like the pieces of a jigsaw that you start to put together and spirit will always lead the way. Like I said, I was invited to this circle and I didn’t have any knowledge of what was going on. I had no experience of my gift. Oh, the other thing I used to do, was, I used to, my father was quite in tune, you were asking me about my background. My mother was very typically traditionally Jewish. And so was my father but not as much as my mum. My father had an understanding of spirit and he was told many years ago by the very famous medium Joe Benjamin, that he had healing hands and my dad would be a healer. And my dad did have some poor health and I remember he used to go healing to this beautiful healing sanctuary of which he used to take me along to, so actually that’s probably my earliest memory but I, like I say I didn’t put all the pieces of the jigsaw together until later. It is hard, because parents don’t understand what is happening or what is going on.
I think it’s okay. Sorry Bev to interrupt.
No, it’s just that if they are a bit fearful then even if they try to cover it, children are really susceptible to other people’s emotions, especially their parents and they are going to pick it up.
So, I experienced things, that you have just spoken about in my childhood and it was crushed within seconds. It didn’t exist, I had to shut up and not talk about it. And a lot of mediums have had the experience too. My children I’ve already spoken about in podcast episodes if they spoke about seeing people in the bedroom it was an open platform, they could speak about it and I would be able to reassure them because I have my training in my own development so I was able to help them.
But we are in the minority.
That’s right. So, how do we, I guess people are still so sceptical about the work that we do, it is difficult for them to accept our truth. And so, they want scientific proof of you know if this is really happening prove it with science. And so, it is very difficult. But I think it’s getting easier now in this day and age as we go forward with the Internet, now we are able to reach so many more people, and educate the adult population, people like us who, let me see if I can be clear, we have now got to a certain stage because we’ve gone off and we’ve had training and development to understand our innate skills and gifts that we brought to this world. There are other people who are the same as us, psychics and mediums who haven’t had that training yet. So, they are needing to be educated. Now that the world is bigger we have the Internet and people that don’t have easy access to the Arthur Findlay College can now learn online, so we can educate that section of the populace I suppose and then it’s about filtering it down to the children, I think, I don’t know what do you think Bev?
I feel that with, especially with the current pandemic that people are starting to open up and develop naturally because they have got nothing else really to do, many people, except go within. And I always say the only way out is in. And people are starting to question, they are questioning their own mortality, you know their own spirituality, what’s it all about and so, I think people are starting to wake up. And the beauty of the Internet as we said in the first place when we opened up here, was that it is bringing the world closer together. I’m hoping that it’s not my stream that I get on Facebook but there is so much out there to access and fortunately because we have the World Wide Web that people are able to Google and look up and be able to be you know, educate themselves and then pass on to the children. Like I say we are in a minority and all we can do is hope and pray that spirit, you know, will show people the light, light up the way for them to understand their gifts. Because I do believe that we are all born with many, many gifts. They say that we are born with five senses, but we have got many more people talk about sixth sense. We have got hundreds probably thousands of senses and they are all gifts that we use and I always say to people who ask me about this, and I say well when you go to the gym the more you train your muscles to become stronger and developed, well it’s the same thing with your psychic and medium mystic faculties. The more you use them and train them, the stronger they will become so we are using our psychic faculties in our everyday life. When we meet people when we go to meetings or you know, events, or we have to make important decisions all the time, we are using our intuition without even realising what we are tapping into. It is our gut feeling, you know it is part of our inherent gift to be able to tap into that intuition. How many people say that they don’t listen to their gut instinct? So, what I try and do is to train people to be more aware of, they are that and so much more, that there is so much more to the brain. I remember many years ago, well a few years ago, I was in America, and it was Thanksgiving and we went because my daughter was studying in the States and I was actually helping some people out there as well. And they asked me who I would like to sit next to, and they said would you like to sit next to the neurologist? He was also like a brain surgeon as well and I said oh yes lovely I’d love to and my husband at the time looked at me like, really Bev, you know. And I find it very interesting to hear the other side of what someone’s got to say. And I said to this guy we are only using 8% of our brains what about the other 92% and he said well you know we’ve got enough to get by. To me that’s not an answer. How can you disregard people’s gifts when you don’t understand the full capacity of the brain? I mean I’m no scientist so I can’t really follow this conversation through, I can only speak about what I know of and what I’m capable of, so there must be elements of the brain that we can all tap into. Because there’s always that contentious argument, are people born mediums or are they not born mediums? I do believe it is there and going back to the gym, it’s up to us whether we leave it dormant or whether we try to exercise it. And there will always be some people who are better at their mediumistic skills then perhaps their psychic skills. All we can do is try and draw it out of ourselves.
I love that Bev I just love that, I think that is so interesting about the brain.
But I feel like there has to be, there is usually a calling so it will come from a young age or quite often when someone has lost someone very close to them. That is also like an entry point, I want to say entry point. It is something that is so traumatic, that you know like as when people turn to religion. We tend to pray in times of difficulties like now with the pandemic, people are turning to prayer whereas they would not normally pray. So, when people have lost someone very close, that often brings them into Spiritualism or Spiritism if you’d like to call it. As I say it’s like an awakening and entry point in.
I love listening to you, it just fascinates me I could listen to you for hours and hours and hours. I love that about the brain you know, that we do not understand it so, that’s really really struck a chord with me and it is interesting that we are all, well many, many of us are separated in our own houses away from our loved ones at the moment and yet, and there is this massive shift in the energy of the Earth and all of our little mini lives and worlds because we are all looking at how we are going to walk through the world now that it has changed.
Absolutely and many people actually ask me how do I… I can’t send healing, or I can’t heal because I’m not a healer. I don’t believe, and this may be a bit controversial, but I do not believe that we need to be trained to be a healer. Healing comes from the heart it comes from your compassionate place within your heart. It is the desire through love to want to bring about healing for someone. So, it is like anything you do in the world, it is based on pure intention. And anyone can send healing. People say to me oh, can you send healing to my mum or can you send healing to my cat or you know, can we send healing to you know someone in hospital. You can do it. All the great mediums and prophets like Jesus, you know, he didn’t need a certificate to be able to place his hands upon someone to give healing and I know this may go against some of the teachings that we may have been taught, but I always go with what resonates within my own heart and if you love someone, like a baby, the first thing you do when you go to comfort a baby or someone who is going through trauma, is to rub their back. You are automatically giving healing without realising and you can heal through your words as well. So, there is no one going to stop me from sending healing because I don’t have a certificate in it, because I don’t need one. I have the love in my heart to send that goodwill gesture to someone who might need it and hopefully it will be received.
Isn’t it interesting because I’m having some distant healing at the moment from this fantastic practitioner in America called Will Grant, and we set a time for half an hour and I sit in my chair and at the first session I had with him, he was sending me this distant healing and I was just waiting, and I was thinking there is somebody here, there is somebody in the room they were so present at my head but it was him it was his energy that he projected into the space it was absolutely fascinating. And the second time, in the second session, I felt like he was at my feet, and when I spoke to him afterwards, he said yes, the first session I started at your head, the second session I started at your feet. It’s just extraordinary the things that, yeah it was just amazing.
I have been working alongside a friend of mine in Australia called Brian Messenger. I met him, we met at the Arthur Findlay College, in fact I was staying on for another week and he just arrived and in the quietness of the college we kept bumping into each other. Where ever we went we would bump into each other and it was like Spirit kept putting us in front of each other. And anyway he is a fabulous healer he was doing a lot of animal healing and I said to him, Brian you know, we love our animals we truly do, but in this time now when we’re going through COVID-19, why don’t you try as an experiment to do some of your healing, to help you know, the coronavirus patients. So, I had a few people within my development circle who had family who were unwell. Also, there was someone that I knew who was desperately ill in hospital with coronavirus and was in a coma. And you know, I can’t say that it was just down to the healing because obviously the NHS were wonderful to that particular patient, but as soon as Brian sent is healing, within 24 hours you know that guy was out of his coma and there is something to be said and I really do believe in the power of healing. And I can say that I’m not really a healer, I’m a medium, but all mediums are healers and I believe all humans are healers. It’s all about the intent. So, it doesn’t matter about distance, like I said at the beginning, we could be anywhere in the world and we are able to connect. I have given readings to people in Australia or America and it’s fantastic knowing that this is just based on energy. We do not need someone sitting on the chair next to us I’m sure you found that as well Ann, it’s so incredibly powerful you know the essence of spirit that they are around us all the time and there is no such thing as time distance, space, they are there, but again people ask me how do I get signs and I said well are you asking for them? You know people as humans don’t know how to ask. If you don’t ask you not going to get.
And you have to be observant don’t you have to, like you say, look for them, ask for them and then you have to be observant and notice when they are shown to you.
And like I said to you, just before we did this interview, I went for a little walk and I never see Robins actually and as many of us know Robins are spirit messengers and I just went for a very quick walk around the block and a robin just flew straight in front of me, so I knew that Spirit would be present at this virtual meeting that we are having now. So, I asked for a sign and I got it, so thank you Spirit.
Yes, exactly so that is something people can do after they finished listening to this is ask for some signs from the spirit world and see what you get and then let us both know.
Well another nice way of doing it, and I tell this to a lot of people, you know we all love our feathers and special little signs like Robins but you know, when we could get out more often, I would often say to Spirit as I was locking my door and getting into my car, okay if you’ve got something to tell me a message for me can you relay it to me in some form. When I get in my car turn on my radio and they would always be a relevant song with, and I would listen to the lyrics because often the message will come through the lyrics of the song. So, try it.
So Bev, if somebody wants to learn, I know you do a lot of teaching yourself, people that are listening to this they listen from all parts of the world and we are lucky we have our wonderful Arthur Findlay College we have a lot over here in the UK a lot of places you can physically go to and are easy to get to, but those people that aren’t near a source of education as we are, what can you recommend, how do people find a tutor, you know they don’t have a development circle close to them, what can they do to explore their own spiritual development?
This is a very good question and if you asked me before the pandemic it would’ve had a different response, because you know, we’ve always got local spiritualist churches and groups and people that can help but in these days of isolation it is not so easy. I always say our best teachers are our guides helpers and loved ones, as I call it now, our spiritual team. They are the ones that give us our truth and the more that we sit in what we call in the power, which is a form of meditation, sitting in the oneness of one’s own energy, and it is a practice because we all have, you know, busy minds. The more we sit in the power of spirit; we are allowing them to draw close to us in order to give us that guidance as to which way. So, there are many people that can’t come together. A little while ago, I’m very fortunate to have friends from all over the world, like you Ann, and part of that comes from my many visits on many different courses at the Arthur Findlay College which was, you know a wonderful experience to learn under, you know, the most auspicious mediums there. Because it’s not just about learning mediumship it’s also learning the philosophy of Spirit as well and inspirational work. But there are people from all over the world that you meet. And what was happening was people were going home and they couldn’t practice. So, I had a friend in the outback of Australia and then a friend in Iceland and one in Israel and they didn’t have anywhere to practice, so I set up a group. I’d already set up a group called Spirituality From The Heart, which was just a support group for learning, sharing, caring, but no advertising. So, I decided to set up the Skype Exchange for the Spirituality of the Heart page and again it wasn’t about anyone exchanging money, it was about exchanging gifts. So basically, it was like a practice room, where someone from Australia could practice with someone in Iceland. So, there are lots of online groups now with the Internet the world is much smaller but always feel guided by your own heart where you want to learn. As mediums ourselves, we can never stop learning and one of my biggest lessons for me was someone when I very first went to the Arthur Findlay College, someone said to me why are you going there, I can teach you everything you need to know. That is not on. Nobody knows it all and we are like sponges, the more we gather and learn, the more knowledge we gain and it’s good to learn from many different teachers many different inspirers and I always also say, take on board what resonates within your soul and what doesn’t, just let it go, just discard it. Because we’re all individual and we’ve all got, we’ve all come from our own beliefs going back to growing up. We all come from our own religious backgrounds or what feels right to us what resonates with us and that is important. But I do a lot of online teaching, I did run a lot of circles I did a lot of workshops here and abroad because I’m unable to travel now I’ve been doing a lot of work, I’ve been doing a lot of live readings actually, psychic readings on Facebook Live because people can’t get out and also people can’t afford it. But I also run other groups, private groups, one-to-one mentoring sessions, because that is what I’m passionate about the teaching. Having gone through so many readings myself, I know what I want from a message from my loved one. I know the content that I’m looking for and it needs to be from the heart, so we can learn so many different things, how to deliver a message evidentially, but what I aspire for my students is did they touch the heart? Did they bring that memory of that person alive again? Were they in the room with them? Did they feel their soul through my soul? And that is what I try to teach others because you know for me, when my father comes through, I don’t need to be told how tall he is, I’ve got no idea how tall people are. I don’t particularly want to be reminded of watching him gasp his last breath and how he passed. I wanna hear the happy memories I wanna hear about the golden memories that we shared you know, the little things that he used to do for me, or I used to do for him, the places we went. You know this is quite a contentious subject as well because I have heard from other mediums saying, you know we don’t need to make people cry, but how do you know when you’ve touched a soul unless people let that emotion out? Because quite often people are holding onto emotion and they haven’t released it and so every reading should be a form of healing. Every reading should bring healing because it’s not just hands on healing you can heal with your words. So if people come to me you know not just for a message from their loved one, but they need healing in some shape or form.
Yes it’s true and I think if it was my dad in the spirit world, all of the above that you said you know, not necessarily wanting to know how he died I don’t need to be reminded of that but what I would love to hear is like you say, what is he seeing that I’m doing at the moment? What does he know of my current issues? How can he help me with those? Things like that would be really helpful in a reading.
I mean I had, two people come for a reading and I always have a rule that I like to see one person at a time because sometimes the energies get mixed up and not only that, a lot of personal information can come out and perhaps you don’t want your brother or sister knowing that stuff. But for some reason I heard that I needed to go against my own rule and I always do what I’m told with the spirit world, or I like to think I do, and I had them both here and it was wonderful. I felt as if I was her and I would turn to the daughter and say one thing and then turn to the son and say the other, and you know the son was sobbing because there was so much. But one of the lovely evidential things about it, was that she told me things that was going on around him at the moment, even down to his child’s birthday party and I said oh you know she is showing me bowling and she is showing me ice skating and he said yes we had a discussion. We don’t know whether to do a bowling party, you know, she was I don’t know 10, or an ice skating party, I mean, you know it just goes to show you that his mum was around him and listening to conversations and that was so wonderful and yes we want the evidence we want the golden nuggets, but we also want to know who our loved ones have met up with. What did they see of our world? And like, I would always go to my parents for their guidance and advice and I would like to think that they are still around us for that. So, I think we get so indoctrinated now when we are learning about evidence. Evidence is very, very, important but you have to feel the essence of your spirit person come forward and sometimes we only know that when they shed a tear because they have felt their loved ones in the room. They have touched their heart and soul and they know that they are with them. You know when that spirit person is present.
Yes, you can feel it can’t you. When somebody reads for you, if your spirit person, your loved one is definitely there, you actually feel it in your heart and you know it is there and they don’t even have to give the greatest evidence in the world but you just, from whatever they say that is so specific, that you just know that they are with you.
Yes, I mean the evidence is very important but did the medium touch their hearts and minds and soul? And that’s what I try and teach mediumship from the heart because it’s about those special moments and feeling the essence of their loved ones as they gather around them, so you know. Looking for a teacher, go with what feels right for you. You can learn so much from many different tutors and they are our teachers as well because sometimes we learn things from them, that might not be how we want to be. So, everything is a lesson in life. But it’s always for me about kindness and compassion and many years ago when I went to the Arthur Findlay College, do you know of Glynn Edwards who was a very well-known tutor there. I was up there giving a reading and this was in my early days, and he turned round to me and after the break and he came in with a leaf and he said I’ve got a present for you and it was all wrapped up and I thought oh, what’s he brought me, as I opened up it was a leaf and he said to me it was from Gordon Higginson’s tree and he said, Bev, never change your mediumship for anyone. And that was something that has always stayed with me and he’s come back through messages and said that from his message again. And so, everyone’s mediumship is unique.
What does he mean by that – don’t change your mediumship? What did that mean?
Oh, because you know, I was very much even in those days heart centred, you know, going on the emotion and the feeling. Obviously we have to describe the person, but the person that came through for him was actually one of his guru friends I found out about, funny enough I was talking about it the other day with someone and I said oh yes I know her I brought her through. And she also had some inspirational words for him which I just allowed to flow through me. And that again was how he knew the presence of her spirit there because they weren’t words that I would normally use. So, I surrendered to her spirit and allowed her to speak through me. So, in that way, it was different to the time what we were learning, which was height, age, how they passed. Because he knew who it was straightaway because he felt their presence. And I just delivered. Okay so another thing is about allowing them to come so close, so you are not following your check list, and you are allowing them to deliver the message how theywant it delivered. Instead of us being the pokey medium – Okay, what’s your name? You know, where do you come from? What do you do for a living? You know just surrendering and allowing them to tell their story how they want to tell it. So, I’m teaching my students to surrender, and allow. Of course, we have to get the evidence forward and then hands on your heart, feel the message, feel the spirit, and allow them to speak.
And do you check in the spirit world after you have, after each reading and see how they felt you did?
Oh yeah, there is always that element that you feel, and this comes a lot in training, that even as a working medium did I you know, I could’ve done better, could I have done better? And now I’ve trained myself to think that if I criticise myself, could I have done better? I’m criticising that communicator as well because they have made a lot of effort to get here. We don’t know how hard it is for them to get through our minds to use our mind within that message. So, when we criticise ourselves, if we don’t feel that we’ve done a good job, we have sent that spirit person possibly away with their tail between their legs and I don’t wanna do that you know. So, I just know that I do my best every single time. Some readings are going to go better than others but that’s just the way it is because it goes on how you feel on the day, how your client, you know your person sitting in front of you, how they feel on the day, how well the communicator can work with you. There are so many different factors that we don’t even know about so, you know, I do check in always because I’m very self-critical, but I’ve learned now not to criticise them.
I think that is such a good thing to say that we shouldn’t be self-critical and also critical to the spirit world like you say.
It’s very hard for them, you know I always say to people who come for me for a reading one of the things I’ll say is it is a bit like spiritual charades, and I was never good at charades, I hated doing anything like that. Because I was actually a very, very, shy child growing up and even as an adult now, people who don’t know me think I’m you know, very, very confident. But actually I’m only confident in my work, because I know when I speak I am allowing the spirit world to speak through me and Bev Mann goes out the door, silly Bev Mann, you know, sometimes who gets her words all flustered… but when I’m working in my power and I’m talking, I’m allowing them to talk through me and I am surrendering to the power of spirit to say what I need to say and I am trusting them, so, and that is how I do all my work. Because there is a great difference. People who know me and when I am teaching and I have got my spiritual teaching hat on, I’m a different person. Because we don’t teach, we don’t teach. I don’t teach, you don’t teach, any of us don’t teach – we are allowing our inspirers to speak through us in order to educate and inspire others.
Yeah, I love that Bev. And listen, just before we finish, I am thinking about you being such a great ambassador for the spirit world, doing all your work, teaching the students that come to you, doing your beautiful 1:1 heartfelt mediumship readings, and what about your own development also. Where are you… do you have an interest in a particular area of mediumship or spiritual development at the moment that you are also trying to bring yourself on in, you know, like trance or I don’t know, channelling or anything in particular?
Yeah, they always say trance can enhance. I do have quite a monkey mind, so I have been working on training it, and within that I have been studying trance and I am sitting in a trance group that is sitting weekly via Zoom, which is fantastic. And, I’ve been told that I am a physical medium and I have been told that at various times. Who knows where it is going to take me? Because I know I need to get my own mind out of the way, so, we just don’t know. Many years ago, when I very first went to the Arthur Findlay College and most people who knew me in those days will vouch for this, that I literally used to run out of the room, almost out of the college, when they said we were going to do platform mediumship i.e. standing on the stage, because I, you know, I was so nervous. I would literally shake, and I would go in the other room and just do one to one readings with the others who felt the same and who would have thought back then, that I would be doing what I am doing now, that I, you know, I still get very nervous, you’ve seen me, I still get nervous but that is like, the spirit building up, but I embrace it, because I know it is my duty to bring forward those messages that I need to do. So, what I’m saying is, one can never know what their pathway is, it’s just to follow the signs along the way and if it opens up for me physical mediumship, then I will embrace it and I will try.
I think it does take courage, doesn’t it, Bev, so much courage. I know when I go to the Arthur Findlay College and you have witnessed this too, in the last programme we did together in January, my mediumship tends to fall apart when I am trying to do new things and having the courage to try and do new things with it and work in a different way and try out different methods of working and blending with the spirit world. So it does take a lot of courage to explore new areas and not keep just rinse and repeat, rinse and repeat, because, I think mediumship evolves, it has evolved over the years and it is still evolving and we as mediums can only take the ball during our lifetime up the field a certain amount and then we are hoping that those who come after us will take that ball and carry it a little bit further along.
Yeah and when you were talking just now, I just heard, which is what I heard actually before we started this interview, I got the words “just be you” and that’s all you can do when you are up there because we have to have a certain amount of healthy ego to stand up there. But it is very, very difficult and all you can do is just be you and surrender to spirit and let them do the work and just letting yourself go to the side and allowing them to speak through you.
I love that Bev. I just love it. So where can people find you on the internet. They all want to come and do workshops with your or find out if they can join in… by the way is your Spirituality From The Heart Group finished now, is that in the past?
No it is still there I mean I have people, admins who run it for me, so, I am not on there a great deal because I’ve just been very busy but there is Spirituality From the Heart, which I can give you the link to, and there is the Skype Exchange for Spirituality From The Heart. We don’t accept adverts or any money exchanges in any of those groups so any advertisers will get kicked off the group, they are very strict my admins, thankfully, because everything is about spirituality. So, I can give you those links because it allows people to practice but there are lots of groups going on. Those words that I got “just be you”, but before I came on I heard the words ‘stay true to you’ as well, so always stay true to yourself and never allow another person’s opinion to deflate you as well, because that is another lesson that I learned very early on and I am still learning to overcome it but all you can do is be the best channel for the spirit world that you can be and as long as you can sit in your own truth and be kind and be compassionate, then that is all they want from you.
Yes, that is so lovely.
So, thank you, so people can find me through my website which is www.bevmann.co.uk and I’m also on Facebook which is Bev Mann Mediumship From The Heart, I have my Bev Mann page but my public page is Bev Mann Mediumship From The Heart where I often put up what I’m doing or any workshops that I’m doing or any ongoing classes. I’m doing a lot of private groups, so if people want to make a little group up, it could be themselves on their own, or it could be 2 people, 3 people, 6 people, 8 people, 10 people, it doesn’t matter, we can work out a group, I tailor make everything. I tune in with spirit, and I will tailor make a group specifically for them and I have learned, I did teacher training as well with Tony Stockwell, who is absolutely wonderful, and I learned a lot from him in the way of inspirational teaching on my feet which I kind of was already doing but it is about just making up exercises and things for those specific students. So again, I can tailor make whatever anyone wants.
This is great Bev, so you are bringing people together from all over the world, so if you are out there and listening to this podcast and you are desperately needing some kind of development, head over to Bev Mann’s website and she’ll sort you out.
Thank you and I’m also on Instagram as mediumbevmann all one word, that’s two n’s.
And all of these links will be in the show notes for this episode, so anybody listening if you have missed and didn’t write those things down or you are driving along or walking along the road, go to my website and you can pick up all those links there.
So, Bev, I know it is a really anxious time for a lot of people across the world and I know a lot of people are struggling to kind of overcome these feelings of, I don’t know trying to change their mindset I suppose to one that is much more positive. Can I ask you how has your spiritual path changed your way of thinking?
Thank you, Ann. I realised along my pathway as I was developing and development is not just about developing our mediumistic skills, it is also about understanding ourselves and going within and sometimes that is the hardest place to go to, to go within because we project ourselves to the outside world a certain way, but do we actually connect in with how we are really and truly feeling. And sometimes in life we are so busy giving to others that we forget to fill our own tank up as well like a car with petrol and filling it in with that fuel. So, I got quite interested in the law of attraction, which is a natural law of the universe. What you give is what you receive and the law of positivity. And I learned very much hearing about people talking about cup half full and cup half empty. But I decided why should I even be half full when I could be completely full. And I realised as well, that I was doing a lot of negative thinking. And I do believe that it was part of my make-up, partly within my own upbringing in the way that I was, I often notice that my sister and I were always apologising for things as we grew up and even now in this time. And so, I started to look at my own pattern of thinking. And, you know, I went through my dark night of the soul, where I really went inside of myself and realised that our thoughts do create our reality. And we need to, in order to manifest abundance, we need to think positively because like attracts like. If we are feeling negatively then it is like a battery. You can’t put positive and negative’s together you have to put the positive and the positive together so I do believe that we are the masters of our own ship and we create our own reality and how we can do that is by our thoughts, and visions and how we see the world and start looking at it from a different point of view. So, we are all human, whenever I find myself thinking negatively about something, it’s natural to do so, but I kind of like stop myself right there. Recognise the behaviour and then turn it around on its head to a positive thought. And I sincerely believe that this has helped me so much. There is so much knowledge that is out there and, as I said, how we think, view life, view ourselves, view what we want out of life, is so important.
I want to ask you though, that’s great on the one hand but it’s not always that easy is it to take, if you have got a lot of challenges in your life and then trying to find a positive within it and sometimes that can be really, really difficult and I’ve read about Esther and Jerry Hicks and the law of attraction and one of the things that’s helped me is that they say you don’t have to jump from a really negative thought to a very, very positive one, because sometimes it can be too difficult to make that huge leap. But if you look for just one thing within your environment that can lift your vibration a tiny, tiny, bit. So, it might be, what am I looking at right now, I’m looking at a pink drinking bottle that my daughter bought me. So, I can look at that and I can think about the love I have my daughter and that will lift me a little bit. And then once I’ve done that, I can look for the next little thing that might just lift me a little bit. So how do we turn these, from negative to positive? You say it so beautifully yourself you know, you’re so very conscious of turning things from a negative to a positive but, is that very, very easy for you now with lots of practice?
No, not at all, I actually struggle with it myself sometimes because we are, we are a soul coming here for a human experience and we are here to learn. We are a body with a soul, but the soul is having a human experience and in order to learn and to grow spiritually. So, life does throw us lots of challenges it wouldn’t be life if our lives weren’t a rollercoaster and I really enjoyed what you’re said about the, Jerry and Esther Hicks and their way of looking at things. So Rome wasn’t built in a day we have to take it step by step, and it is the little things that you do so just by recognising something like the pink cup, that is an enormous leap forward and pat yourself on the back for it because anything we do, however small it is, as long as it is a positive recognise that you are taking small steps in order to overcome your way of thinking. And it takes time. It’s all about recognising when we are going downhill and like you said, how we can uplift ourselves and put us back on track.
My daughter before she went off, she went off to do lockdown at her boyfriend’s family’s house and she put a little jar on my windowsill which she called a Happiness Jar. And she said what you have to do mummy, is every time you think of something happy, a happy thought, write it down on a little piece of paper and put it in the happy jar and then at the end of the year you can take it out and look at all the happy moments that you have had
That is so beautiful and see, from the mouth of a babe, that these little things, and I hope a lot of people that are listening to this podcast will take that away because I think that is great, having a happiness jar or a gratitude jar. My father used to say if we put all our problems in the middle of the room, we would walk out with the same problems. And so, we have to be thankful for what we do have. Yes there are people who are facing very difficult challenges in life, and it is so, so, hard to overcome but all I would say to them is please have faith, please try and think of the positive that can happen and you know, if you are struggling with health, try and think positively about it, invite healing into your space and just simply allow the grace of God to touch you.
I just want to say that, you know, especially now, we want to help people and I am sure you will agree Ann, us Lightworkers want to help people as much as we can. I am doing my best to help people who are living with fear and anxiety right now. And a lot of people can’t afford to have this support. And all we can do. I am not a nurse, I am not a key worker, but what I can do is be there for people to reach out to me and be the light in someone else’s darkness. And the words I got from spirit yesterday, they clearly gave me three words which was “lead by example’. And so, I am leading by example so if someone needs me and even if they can’t afford it, I am still open to other human souls who needs my help.
True mediumship from the heart Bev which is what you are all about.
Thank you.
Thank you so much Bev, for sharing all of your knowledge and all of your stories, this is such a fascinating episode it’s been great talking to you and thank you again for coming on to Psychic Matters and sharing everything you know with us.
Thank you so much for inviting me. I’ve really enjoyed chatting with you and seeing where it has lead because you know, there has been lots of exciting things that we have spoken about and I am sure that the spirit world will hear all our thoughts and feelings, especially in relation to the children. In fact, I forgot to mention that many years ago, Gordon Higginson had a group called the Lyceum, which was to help, and it was like a religious spiritualist centre to help the children, wouldn’t it be great if we could do something like that?
Do you know that has given me absolutely goose bumps I would love… I would be so passionate about doing something like that, Bev, I really would, to help.
Well maybe that is something we could talk about, Ann.
Fabulous. Excellent. Plans have been made. Spirit has moved us. Wonderful.
Thank you so much for having me, I’ve really enjoyed it
It’s such a pleasure Bev and I’m sure I’ll see you out and about on some course somewhere at some time when the Arthur Findlay College opens up again.
Absolutely. So, everybody just continue to spread your love and your light and know that you are loved and guided at all times. All you have to do is open up and connect.
Thank you, Bev Mann.
Well, that was Spiritual Medium Bev Mann, who is an absolutely fantastic ambassador for the Spirit World. Do head over to Bev’s website or Facebook page or Instagram and check out for yourself her workshops, readings and tuition groups. All the links and resources mentioned in this episode can be found in the show notes for this episode – plus a full transcription, and those are over on my website www.anntheato.com so head there and you can pick everything up.
Oh and I’ve been busy making some great meditations too – so check those out over on my website.
It just remains for me to say a very big thank you to all of you, Psychic Matters Listeners, as ever, I really appreciate you and thank you so very much for listening.
Please make sure to hit the subscribe button, if you haven’t already done so, so that you don’t miss out on any of the upcoming episodes and I have some fascinating content coming up for you and a big thank you to everyone who has taken the time to write a reviews for this podcast. I so appreciate you. If you haven’t done so yet, please can I ask you, nay, beg you, to go over to Apple podcasts and write an honest review that would really help so much with algorithms and ratings and so on and so forth.
Have a fantastic couple of weeks everybody, remember to find some things in your environment to appreciate – however tiny – keep working on raising your energetic vibration!
Until next time… my name is Ann Théato and thank you for listening to PSYCHIC MATTERS!