EPISODE 048: Mirror Divination with Ann Théato

podcast Oct 31, 2021

Since time immemorial, our ancestors have used the ancient art of divination or scrying to help them gain personal guidance, prophecy or inspiration via imagery, symbols and messages. The word ‘scry’ itself, comes from the Anglo-Saxon word ‘descry’ which means to see.

On this podcast, I will teach you how to quieten your mind, connect to your life force energy and use it to assist you in the fascinating art of mirror divination. The exercises I share with you today, will help you develop and strengthen your own innate ‘sixth sense’ or your intuition and you will learn a technique that you can use today, to receive prophetic visions or symbolic guidance.

This Week’s Episode

Scrying is a type of divination which involves gazing at either a surface, a candle flame, smoke, clouds, or any surface or object, in order for us to go beyond the physical eyes and allow us to receive visions and information on the past, the present or the future, and we do that by using our intuition

Episode 048 Resources

Here are some resources referred to in Episode 048, which you may find helpful.

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About Psychic Matters Podcasts

Ann Théato, CSNUt, Psychic, Medium and Spiritual Tutor, investigates psychic development, mediumship techniques, and paranormal science, so that you can come to understand your own innate psychic ability and expand your knowledge, whilst learning to develop a curious mind.



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PM 048

Since time immemorial, our ancestors have used the ancient art of divination or scrying to help them gain personal guidance, prophecy or inspiration via imagery, symbols and messages.  The word ‘scry’ itself, comes from the Anglo-Saxon word ‘descry’ which means to see.

On this podcast, I will teach you how to quieten your mind, connect to your life force energy and use it to assist you in the fascinating art of mirror divination.  The exercises I share with you today, will help you develop and strengthen your own innate ‘sixth sense’ or your intuition and you will learn a technique that you can use today, to receive prophetic visions or symbolic guidance.

You’ll Learn

  • How to quieten your mind
  • Two techniques for mirror divination
  • Brief history of divination
  • Psychic tools hold no ‘power’
  • How to ask for guidance and insight
  • How to have a 3 dimensional experience



Hello everybody! My name is Ann Théato and welcome to the Psychic Matters Podcast – episode number 48 – a Halloween Special.

Since time immemorial, our ancestors have used the ancient art of divination or scrying to help them gain personal guidance, prophecy or inspiration via imagery, symbols and messages.  The word ‘scry’ itself, comes from the Anglo-Saxon word ‘descry’ which means to see.

And scrying is a type of divination which involves gazing at either a surface, a candle flame, smoke, clouds, or any surface or object, in order for us to go beyond the physical eyes and allow us to receive visions and information on the past, the present or the future, and we do that by using our intuition.

In terms of general divination and prophecy – The Babylonians – used to put liquid into sacred bowls and divine from that. Hindus used bowls of molasses; Egyptians used a pool of ink held in their hands; Greeks – lowered mirrors into Holy Waters; Nostradamus used a brass bowl with water on a brass tripod.

When it comes to mirrors – in ancient China, mirrors of highly polished metal were consulted; Merlin, King Arthur’s magician, used his magical mirror to warn the king about plots and potential invasions; Vulcan the Roman god of Fire, fashioned a mirror that showed past, present, future; the Greeks used Bronze mirrors to see into the future; black shiny mirrors called witch’s mirrors were used in medieval times, and in ancient Rome – practitioners of mirror divination were called specularii.

On this podcast, I will teach you how to quieten your mind, connect to your life force energy and use it to assist you in the fascinating art of mirror divination.  The exercises I share with you today, will help you develop and strengthen your own innate ‘sixth sense’ or your intuition and you will learn a technique that you can use today, to receive prophetic visions or symbolic guidance.


If you love this podcast, do consider joining me on my GYPSY MAGIC workshop – which is 5 hours next Saturday, November 6th – I’ll be teaching you exactly how to use a crystal ball, how to scry using bowls of water and seer stones and we will be doing mirror divination as well.  You can sign up on my website it’s just £50 and testimonials from previous students have said wonderful things – here’s a couple: it was an utterly fascinating experience working with my scrying bowl. I could see changes in the water colour, numbers, the  way the water was moving around the bowl and I could see some memorable picture of my past! I gained so much not just from Ann but also the people who attended the course. I learnt how to use a bowl of water, a mirror and a scrying stone for scrying and the outcome was amazingAnn’s lively personality makes for an engaging and stimulating class, she is widely experienced and deeply knowledgeable but her natural way of being results in the feeling that she is a friend sharing among peers.  Isn’t that lovely thing to say, thank you much for that to all my previous students.  If you are listening to this after 6th November 2021, and chances are high that you might be – don’t worry – the course is coming as a downloadable course to learn in your own good time.  So head over to my website and sign up to the newsletter and then you’ll get information when the course is announced.  I do not plague people with my newsletters, please don’t worry.  I totally understand that with the best will in the world, we just don’t have time to read them.  So, I only send out two per month and they are only sent to announce each new episode of my podcast – and so in there, that’s where I will let you know if there are courses coming up that I’m offering.  So Gypsy Magic is where it’s at!

So let’s go back to day.  And let me just say, there is no power in the psychic tool – the power is in YOU.

I think what is important to point out at the very beginning is, in a few minutes, when we begin to work with your mirror, you won’t see images appear in it like a television set or like watching Netflix, because that’s not quite how it works.  So let me manage your expectations here.  What you can expect, is to work with imagery in the mind initially.  It is a bit like a daydream, so you might see shapes, or colours or filmscapes, symbols; you might find you have got “feelings” about things or you may have an odd thought that suddenly touches the mind.  And the visions that you see, either in the mirror or in your mind’s eye, can be either static or they can be moving.  And those images will begin to say things  to you.  I mean, don’t worry about conventional meanings.  The, you might see whole scenes of things but just let your insights guide you.  See if you can hear anything, smell or taste anything, or just become aware of these different sensations and feelings. Allow yourself to feel and perceive everything.  You are going to allow your eyes to relax.  You are going to soften your focus on the mirror so that you are almost looking through it, as if you are gazing at something beyond it and then you are just going to wait for the mental images to appear, nothing is forced.

Today we will be using a mirror – so go get one – a handheld one is good if you have one or you can use one that is hanging on your wall if you like.  It doesn’t really matter you don’t need a special mirror.  Although you could buy one specially if you wanted to.    

Set an atmosphere for the space in which you are going to work. Candlelight is excellent for reading, it’s not as harsh as overhead light, so it enables you to go inwards, and it puts you in  a beautiful, relaxed mood, which is exactly the sort of sweet spot of where you need to be when doing divination or using your intuition, just don’t start a fire!

Second thing is, forget everything you’ve ever seen in a horror movie!  Things in movies are purely the imagination of wonderful scriptwriters and brilliant cinematographers and directors.  Nothing is going to happen to you, nothing is going to jump out at you, nothing is going to suddenly appear and let out a screech!  Unless it’s your mother coming up behind you like mine if I was in her house, she’d be like, oh, what are you doing you eejeit, would you put that mirror down – psychic what? you didn’t get that from me and you didn’t get that from your father either.  Anyway, bless her, love my mother, love her to pieces.

So, let’s get sensible here.  All we are going to do, is simply sit and gently gaze into our mirror surface.  It might be Halloween today, but you can do this exercise on any day or evening of the entire year.

They say that Halloween, October 31st, it is believed that the veil is thinnest between the two worlds.  I find that quite a romantic image and quite a romantic feeling.  It’s like, ooh maybe tonight is the only night I’ve got to, you know, connect. But I also find it a bit ridiculous.  We are soul beings, our spirit guides and the people who assist us from the spirit world are so close to us, they are closer than our own breath.  The veil, I don’t believe its gets thinner and fatter at different times of the year, I just think they are always very easily accessible to us but I do quite like the romantic sort of thing, that possibly the veil is thinnest, I doubt it, but there we are.  So, moving on.

I’m going to give you two exercises today.  The first one is this.  Ask the question in your mind, something pertinent to you and your current situation.  Asking for guidance, insight, enlightenment or how to solve a particular problem that you might have at this current time. You are going to set the intention to see the guidance around this question, in the mirror in front of you.  So, the image is going to form at first in the mind’s eye, and then it’s going to be held in the mirror in front of you, so that you can study it.  So go ahead, ask your question.,  Try to keep it simple.  Ask something very simple initially.

Now, close your eyes and let an image form in the darkness. Once you have that image, open your eyes, almost open them just halfway, project that image onto the surface of the mirror and then close your eyes again.  With your eyes closed, let that image become even clearer, then open your eyes softly and then project that image into the mirror in front of you.  Close your eyes again, you may want to repeat this several times, each time closing your eyes and allowing that image in your mind’s eye to become clearer and clearer, and then projecting it onto the surface of the mirror, and each time you do it, projecting the image deeper and deeper into the mirror, so that when you open your eyes for the last time, you can open your eyes and you can see the image right in front of you inside the mirror. You can watch it unfold almost like a movie and you can get your guidance and your answers from looking at that imagery.

Exercise Number 2.  As your question.  Again, something pertinent to you and your current situation.  Again, keep it simple initially and set the intention to see the answer  to this in the mirror in front of you.  What we are going to be doing in this exercise, is entering the mirror ourselves, to be in the scene, and become part of the imagery ourselves.  So, ask your question, close your eyes, let an image form in your mind. Open your eyes softly, project that image onto the surface of the mirror.  Close your eyes again, let the image form a little clearer, open your eyes and project that image onto the surface of the mirror. Now keep repeating that, very slowly, very gently in your own time, imagining the image in your mind, opening your eyes, projecting it onto the surface of the mirror.  And every time you open your eyes and project that image onto the mirror, cast that image further and further into the mirror and then, now, once the image, you can see the image fairly deep within the mirror, it might almost seem as if it is getting further and further away, but what I want you to do is imagine the mirror getting bigger and bigger and bigger, enclosing you on all sides until you are completely inside its world, experiencing that scene as a direct observer.

Accuracy and interpretation of imagery, it is like learning a new language and the more that you practice, the better you become. These are two exercises you can do on your own, but equally, you could sit with a partner, ask them a question and then allow yourself to receive the imagery and guidance to that question and do exactly the same thing, project it onto the surface of the mirror, project deeper into the mirror, you can allow the mirror to enfold you and you can become part of the scene that unfolds and you can have this very 3 dimensional, multi-dimensional experience.

I hope you have really enjoyed this episode, please do consider joining me on my GYPSY MAGIC course next weekend, where I will be exploring the art of scrying.

All the links and resources for  this episode, can be found in the show notes – plus a full transcription, and those show notes are over on my website so head over there and you can pick everything up.  You could sign up for my newsletter at the same time, so you don’t miss out on upcoming courses, etc., but also – everyone who signs up gets a beautiful meditation as well, as my gift to you.

Have a very successful couple of weeks everybody, keep well and until next time… my name is Ann Théato and thank you for listening to PSYCHIC MATTERS!