EPISODE 007: Secrets Of The Spirit Realm with Chris Lippincott
Apr 20, 2020
If you’ve always wanted to know about the Spirit Realm and what we do when we get there – this is the podcast for you! Psychic Medium Chris Lippincott is on the show to describe the beauty of the spirit world and to help you understand how you too, can make your own connections to loved ones who have crossed the great divide. Based in New Jersey, USA, Chris explains the many different ways in which Spirit People can communicate with us on the Earth plane. You will learn about the work of Spirit Authors; Automatic Writing; Remote Viewing; what the difference is between a Guide & a Higher Guide and the importance of exploring Afterlife Phenomenon and the Science behind it.
- Chris Lippincott website
- Padgett Messages
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Ann Théato, CSNUt, Psychic, Medium and Spiritual Tutor, investigates psychic development, mediumship techniques, and paranormal science, so that you can come to understand your own innate psychic ability and expand your knowledge, whilst learning to develop a curious mind.
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PM 007
Hi there, my name is Ann Théato and I am here to teach you proven techniques for spiritual and psychic development from the comfort of your own home. I’m also here to investigate the teachings of experts across the globe, to bring you their wisdom, their advice and their spiritual wealth.
If you’ve always wanted to know about the Spirit Realm and what we do when we get there – this is the podcast for you! Psychic Medium Chris Lippincott is on the show to describe the beauty of the spirit world and to help you understand how you too, can make your own connections to loved ones who have crossed the great divide. Based in New Jersey, USA, Chris explains the many different ways in which Spirit People can communicate with us on the Earth plane. You will learn about the work of Spirit Authors; Automatic Writing; Remote Viewing; what the difference is between a Guide & a Higher Guide and the importance of exploring Afterlife Phenomenon and the Science behind it.
Lots to learn, let’s go!
You’ll Learn
How to blend with spirit
What our loved ones do in the Spirit World
The importance of Automatic Writing
How Spirit Authors communicate with human beings
The importance of being a sceptic
To explore Afterlife Phenomenon and the science behind it
How to know when spirit people draw near
What overshadowing means
How to use remote viewing as a tool
How spirits work with us in a multidimensional way
How humans know so much about the Spirit World
What the Spirit World is like when we get there
The difference between a Guide and a Higher Guide
What is the purpose of a Spirit Guide?
An exercise to do at home to help you
Hello everybody, my name is Ann Théato and welcome to The Psychic Matters! Podcast – episode number 7. This week, we are exploring the Spirit World and all it may hold for us. If you’ve always wanted to know about the Spirit Realm and what we do when we get there – this is the podcast for you! Psychic Medium, Chris Lippincott, is on the show to describe the beauty of the spirit realm and to help you understand how you too, can make your own connections to loved ones who have crossed the great divide. Based in New Jersey, USA, Chris explains the many different ways in which Spirit People can communicate with us on the Earth plane. You will learn about the work of Spirit Authors; Automatic Writing; Remote Viewing; and what the difference is between a Guide & a Higher Guide as Chris discusses the importance of exploring Afterlife Phenomenon and the Science behind it.
So, if you’re ready, let’s begin.
Welcome everybody to Psychic Matters! and I am here this afternoon with a fantastic Psychic Medium, all the way from America, Chris Lippincott welcome to Psychic Matters!
Thank you for having me.
It’s such a pleasure Chris. So why don’t we start by you, let me handover to you and tell the listeners who you are and what you do with the type of work that you currently doing and that you’re interested in, etc., etc.
Sure, well I am a Psychic Medium and what I love to do is really help clients connect with their spirit loved ones, and really offer them healing and comfort. Quite often people are searching for just any kind of connection with their loved ones who are no longer in the physical. Or they are just searching for answers to what is happening to their loved ones in Spirit. And what I love to do is to help them heal, help them get over, perhaps whether it’s grief or any kind of loss or if they are just searching for answers or if they are searching for a better understanding, for the spirit world or whatever and I really love to help them connect and it’s just the most wonderful experience when you see spirit loved ones help a client transform. It really is a transformative love and that’s a beautiful thing.
Yes, it certainly is Chris. And tell us, how did you come to do this kind of work. Give us a little bit about your background.
Sure, when I was very young, I was aware of Spirit but of course I didn’t really know what Spirit was at the time. As a child I was thinking it was a typical Hollywood monster – the Hollywood ghost story. So, when I was young even though I was in connection with spirit, I thought it was going to attack me or something. So, as a child, even though I was connecting and speaking with Spirit, I eventually suppressed it for probably about three decades because I was too scared of it. Come full circle as an adult, I started to learn greater meditation and during meditation practising, I became more aware of, sort of the energy around us, and Spirit started to leave breadcrumbs that I would follow, and of course I had an incredible appetite for all things metaphysical and spiritual. I have this insatiable curiosity. So, I was reading a lot. And I would say about, perhaps five years ago, I had this incredible experience, incredible spiritual experience and awakening where I was deep in a mediation and this incredible experience of spirits coming to me, and it just really opened up the portal and the next thing I knew, I was communicating with my deceased relatives, I was communicating with so many other people, I felt the energy around me. It was like somebody turned on the light switch and I was back in contact with Spirit not because I allowed myself to be open again after shutting the portal for so many decades. And here we are today.
Well, I think that is absolutely fascinating because you talk about when you were young, and you were scared of it and now of course you are, a full qualified professional working medium but how do people make that leap, from finding something so alarming I suppose when it first comes into your life, to accepting it fully and working with the energies that we work with? Tell us a little bit about why you felt you had to suppress it. Because I’m interested in this… the fact that we don’t have, or certainly didn’t perhaps three decades ago, have enough tuition or knowledge about it we had, there is a lot more available now because of the internet. How did you make that change?
That’s a great question. Well I guess when I think back when I was young, I guess a couple of examples might be in order. When I was young, I would feel spirit hands on my back when I went to sleep, which as a child, it absolutely freaked me out. I thought there was a monster coming to take me away, put me in their lair, and I’d be gone forever. The classic monster under the bed syndrome. Every child is afraid of it. And that time I was hearing voices in my room, and I would you know, it was like a disembodied voice, and I didn’t know what was there, that’s the part that really shook me to my boots. I would pull the cover over my head and just ask it to go away. Praying for it to go away. But I think what really happened as I look back on it, was the fact that, it is really I think, I would give all the credit to Spirit because it took me about 20 years of reading. And I would call it an evolution not revolution because as I mentioned there was this insatiable curiosity. So, I hadn’t fully supressed it. There was just this insatiable curiosity to know, to keep reading, to keep understanding and there was this sort of underlying, I guess I would call it an underlying river that was constantly flowing, this desire to know more. This… almost like this magnetic attraction that kept pulling me back to know more, so that I kept on reading and reading and reading and reading, so 20 years I felt I became like an expert. I would read everything, whether it was from NDE’s to, you know, what was Spirit, where do we come from, you know, prior life research, after life research, to automatic writing. Towards the latter stages
I really became intrigued with automatic writing and what spirit authors had to say because that was so intriguing. It was almost like an open door, like Spirit saying this is what the spirit world is really like and we are here to tell you about it. And I was like oh my God this is amazing. So, I really began to learn about it. And that’s really what and opened the door and enabled me to accept that there was something larger out there. Because before I went from, I guess a sceptical materialist, to a spiritual believer, and it became quite a differential. From opposite spectrums, I guess.
Yes, I can imagine. So, I really want to talk to you about the spirit authors and the automatic writing, but I just want to go back again to your childhood, and I want to ask you, how was that accepted? Did you speak about that with your parents, the experiences you were having as a young child?
Oh, that’s a great question, no I was too scared. And I guess when I was a child, what was so interesting, because I was an only child, and my parents were not religious, they were not spiritual, they were very, um, I don’t know if you would call it Conservative, gosh I don’t know how I’d…they were probably agnostic materialists that’s probably a good way to term it, agnostic materialists, where they didn’t really believe, they didn’t really think that there was anything specific because they need a tangible proof and that kind of philosophy was something that I picked up. So, I thought to myself well I have it, I’ve got to pick it up, I need proof. So, the concepts of like God and Jesus to me were all these… I thought they were kind of like the classic man in the sky, woo-woo. I couldn’t believe it. I said I need proof. I have to have… and I thought to myself literally, how could all these people believe in something they can’t see and touch and there is no evidence for it, so that was the mindset I went in. And I held that for so long and my parents were thinking that same way, and that was the whole, I guess, frame of reference that I worked with, so that’s why, when Spirit was trying to come to me as a child, it made no sense to me. Even though I was still talking to the Spirit during the daytime, I would have these conversations with “make-believe” friends you know how all children seem to have this conversation with their imaginary friends, their imaginary playing mates. Well, I would have these imaginary conversations not only with imaginary playmates and imaginary friends, but I would be speaking to the trees, I’d be speaking to animals and I should have noticed something was a little bit off when I could have a full conversation back and forth. But it never really occurred to me.
It’s interesting. I ask you that also, because I know that before we started officially recording this interview you told me that you have a son of 18, and I just wondered if you have been aware, as he was growing up, in the same sort of age group as you were, of any experiences he might have had. I’m sure you are very supportive of him.
Yes, he was very much, he is growing up very much the same way I did when I was young, in fact, I would say he is probably more sceptical than I was when he was growing up, because he is very materialistic. He is very scientifically oriented. He is very… “you have to prove it”. And so, as I interact with him right now, you know, and he is in his late teens and he is very scientifically orientated, his belief and my belief, our spectrums are opposites, so he has extreme difficulty understanding what I do.
Yeah sure and I think it’s really important to be very sceptical and look for the proof and try and look at the science, I think that’s a really important thing to do and not just accept things at face value. For me, how I’ve come to have my own proof and 100% knowing is through experiences as I’m sure it’s been the same for you. So, I mean, let me ask you, is that the same for you do you look at the science?
Yes, I think that’s a great point. Perhaps that is one of the reasons why for me it became so poignant because I came from the perspective of an agnostic sceptic. I just couldn’t believe. So, as I started having all of these experiences, I had to have an explanation for it. And that may have been one of the reasons why, the 20+ years of afterlife research and afterlife reading and knowledge, I came from it from a perspective of knowledge. I came from where I am today, from a perspective of understanding of scientific research and that’s one of the great things I loved, was that a lot of my research was actually academic research where I would read academic papers and studies from universities of what, the, like, I think it was the University of Virginia, UVA, Parapsychology and Duke University Parapsychology departments they’ve got these vast libraries that study NDE’s, they study afterlife phenomenon, and the science behind it. What is energy? And how can spirit really be here? And what is the definition of spirit? And energetic vibrations, etc., and all that just makes so much sense and that’s why it helps me come to this from, not just as a belief but an understanding of what it really is and how it’s possible for it to be.
Yes I mean, that’s really fascinating Chris and so for you when you’re working as a psychic medium and your clients come to you, everybody’s mediumship seems to work in a slightly different way. How does yours work? How do you make that connection with spirit? How do you know that they are there? How do you then give information to your client? How does it work for you?
For me what I’ve noticed, and this has been true of all of my experiences, is that when spirit comes to me, I feel this incredible warm, vibration of spirit. It feels like a warm tingling. And I noticed this early on after my experiences, after my awakening. It feels like a warm tingling, warm, effervescent champagne, like bubbles on my upper arms. It feels like somebody is putting their hands on either side of my upper arms and it is an acknowledgement that they are present, and I can feel their energy. Sometimes the energy… In fact, I can feel it right now. Sometimes I feel the energy just on my upper shoulders, just on my upper arms. Sometimes I’ll feel it all throughout my chest. When I feel as though my higher guides come through, it feels like I’ve got tingling all throughout my entire body almost as if I put my finger in a socket and I am just, you know, tingling and shaking. And that was one of my experiences that I can remember even having as the child. I can remember as a child trying to go from point A to point B. I think I was trying to run through our living room as a child. I remember being surrounded by this incredible energetic bubble, which at the time I had no understanding what it was, I just remember it just absolutely scared the daylights out of me. I just remember being surrounded by this incredible effervescent tingling. And when I had my awakening, I remember that distinct feeling and thinking oh my God that’s the same feeling. And it’s like I began to compare. And after that continued feeling, it was like, oh okay that spirit because it was a constant. And so, as I do my readings today, I know that Spirit is with me and it allows me to know that they are there, so that when I am with clients, I will let them know. I’ll say okay I feel Spirit they are with me right now. In fact, I did a reading yesterday, where I can remember telling the client okay, I’ve got Spirit here, they are with me right now, they’re drawing closer. And the closer they get, and I invite them to overshadow me, and to allow them to get close to me, and as they overshadow me, they then become really part of me. And they will overshadow me, they will make me move my arms, my hands, my facial expressions, my verbal intonations, certain sayings. And so, as that happens, what winds up happening is that I’ll begin to say things that have a certain resonance with the clients. Certain phrases, certain intonations, certain sounds. It really paints spirit back to life because all of a sudden, they are with me, they are energetically, they are alive again, almost in the physical, through my body and it’s a wonderful experience for both the client and me because we are sharing spirit. They are back again.
Gosh it’s just beautiful listening to you describe it and how it works for you. When I sense spirit around me, if I’m sitting with a client, you get this lovely tingling and effervescence and bubbles and you really start to sense the energy coming forward, so what happens with me is, just as a contrast people listening might find it interesting, I can be just going about my normal business, then I can sit down with my client, and then when you focus on the spirit world, for me, I start to just become aware of people join close. And you know someone stands behind you and you know they are there, but you can’t see them it is that sort of feeling, you just sense that they come close. And then as I either close my eyes or stare into a point in the distance, I will become aware of Spirit, I will become aware of their shapes. Like I can see them out of the corner of my eye, and I can start to tell whether they’re a male or a female and I can tell how tall they are or what they are wearing and things like that. So then as they start to come closer and you mentioned blending with them, and you mentioned them coming and putting their shadow over yours, as I make that plan too, you get more detail don’t you. So yeah, it’s interesting how it works slightly differently for different people.
Yeah and I guess I would also add, a large, I would say two of my primary modalities are clairvoyance and Clairsentience. And I really see what they look like and I can see, you know, what they are like and I can feel their personality. It really starts with clairvoyance where I can see what they look like, where they are and quite often, they give me remote viewing of where they have been, where they were, where they are. So quite often they will allow me a remote viewing of say their living room and they will, it’s like a 360 degree camera and I’m in their living room and I will see everything in the living room and I’ll be able to describe in intricate detail, everything about the living room and it’s like painting this beautiful watercolour or oil painting for the client. And they’re like yes that’s the persons living room. And it’s an amazing experience.
Yes, I find that the way they work with us in such a multidimensional way, that’s happened for me as well sometimes when I’ve been with clients. I remember one specific lady I was reading for and I said this gentleman was in hospital, the gentleman in the spirit world, he was in hospital. “Oh well I’ll believe you if you can tell me where he was in the hospital.” So again, the spirit gentleman took me on this three-dimensional viewing like the 360 camera that you were talking about, and so I followed him through the hospital into the X-ray Department, told her what he was having X-rayed etc., etc., and she couldn’t believe it. And it was.. I mean I could believe it of course, because I’m a psychic medium as you are, but it is fascinating when things like that happen.
Oh, it is, it’s beautiful. I can remember having a client whose younger brother, we had a tremendous connection – I commend the younger brother in spirit. And the primary way that he used to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was with us, was that he suddenly brought me to this Emergency Room scenario, where I suddenly was at the foot of his, of a stretcher. And I remember, I was one of many people who was pushing his stretcher down a white Emergency Room hallway and I can see the patient (the man in Spirit) on the Gurney and we were all pushing the gurney down the Hallway, we would go through the swinging double doors. The desperation of trying to save this man was palpable. And so, I described everything that I was seeing, everything that I was doing, and it was an entire scenario that was the linchpin that proved beyond a shadow of a doubt for this client, that in fact that was her brother. And she just burst into tears with knowledge that he was with us and it was so tangible at that point.
Yes, it is, it’s incredible. That’s a great example as well and a beautiful story, thank you for sharing it. So just going back one more time, you spoke about having an awakening which sounds mysterious. Can you make it less mysterious and tell us what that was? How you awoke?
Sure, I keep referring to that as the door that opened. It was like a portal. I’ll describe it. When I was in a meditation, I guess I was in my typical man cave one weekend. All guys have to have a man cave, right? So I’m deep in my meditation and listening to some beautiful calming music and I don’t know maybe I was in meditation for perhaps about 20 or 30 minutes and the next thing I know, I suddenly see, it’s like my eyes are closed but I, I see this image painted before me of what looked like, sort of like a dark grey cloud picture. And I saw four spirit people standing before me and I clearly remember to this day, two of the spirit people and they’re basically painted in what appeared to be almost silhouette form. The two spirit people on the left were shorter and the two spirit people on the right were taller and I could feel the energy from the two people on the right was much stronger. And I was dumbfounded as to what was going on, but I do remember that the taller spirit person sent this incredible beam of energy that went right through my chest and out my back. It was so tangible that I felt it and I thought to myself, well I can’t be asleep, I can’t be having a dream, how can I feel this so tangibly? And it was this incredible energetic beam of unconditional love. I just felt this incredible essence of love overpower me, that nothing I could possibly do would remove any possible love. It was almost as if I was perfect and I couldn’t except that. I was human. I’m like how could I be perfect? This constant overpowering feeling that was washing over me of perfect love that everything I did was perfect. Everything I did – there could be no wrong and I felt that everywhere was love and I was part of love and it was this fabric. Everywhere and everywhere I looked, everywhere I felt, the entire universe was love and somehow, I was part of it. And as I look back on it, many of the feelings I had at the time were very similar to experiences that have been written about with NDE’s, where people who have near death experiences, will discuss the fact that they feel overwhelmed and enraptured with this all-encompassing unconditional love and they feel that they are one with the universe and everything is one, that we are all one. It’s like, I was here, it’s I Am and there is no end and that’s really what I was experiencing at the time and I didn’t know what to do with it. I was just experiencing it. There was no beginning there was no end, it was just this one constant fabric of love. And I was there.
What a beautiful explanation of your experience. That’s amazing.
That’s why I call it an awakening because I was like oh God, what do I do with it? After I woke up, I just sat there dumbfounded because at the time, I was still this sceptical materialist, when all of a sudden, I’m like oh my God there’s something different here, there is something real going on. What do I do with it?
Yeah and that word awakening doesn’t quite capture exactly your experience as you’ve just explained it as it’s so hard to explain. It’s just beautiful thank you. And so, we talk about sitting with clients and bringing their loved ones through from the spirit world with messages for them of guidance and inspiration, tell us a little bit then about automatic writing and what that is and how we can communicate with Spirit authors.
Yeah, I think Automatic writing is very…
Because some people may not have heard of automatic writing or what it is.
Oh, right okay. Basically what automatic writing is, is the ability of a, quite often, usually it’s a medium or a person who has some ability to connect with spirit, where the person will be in a mental state where they can allow Spirit to take control of their hand and begin to write as Spirit wants. So, imagine that the person is almost unconscious or in a state of total reception and spirit then takes control of that individual’s hand and spirit begins to write using the individual’s hand. And they begin to write everything that they want to communicate to others through the human medium’s hand. And what is so impressive, and there are hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of examples of automatic writing from Spirit authors and there are so many books that have been published so many incredible books that have come out, that are written by Spirit authors who go on to describe their experiences in the spirit world in detail and it depends on what level within the spirit world they may happen to be, how involved they may happen to be within spirit world. There are some spirits for example who write that they’ve just arrived, and they describe what it was like to pass over. There are some spirits who write what it was like to evolve, you know, from one level to another or what it requires for them to evolve as they learn their experiences. And there are some spirits who come through, and they explain what their purpose is in the spirit world. What they’re trying to do. Perhaps they may be trying to assist new spirits when they arrive. Or perhaps they may be trying to assist people here in the physical world with their issues or perhaps they may be trying to help communication between spirit and humans i.e. mediumship and every spirit winds up having some mission. There are some jobs, something that helps them evolve and the classic example is a spirit guide. The reason that everyone has a spirit guide, is that a spirit guide in essence is really, they are trying to help no only the human, but as they have their job, it is helping them evolve, it’s helping them grow, it’s all through spiritual growth and so what’s beautiful about automatic writing, is that we learn so much about the spirit world the structure of the spirit world, about the purpose of every level. And the classic examp le I would use, would be the Padgett messages, that’s a huge series of volume. I think there are 10? 9? Maybe 9 or 10 books of the Padgett messages and there are hundreds of books out there from automatic writings, that are from recent times all the way back to, I want to say 1867 with, gosh, what was it, oh I can’t remember the name of it but there was a book that got it started in the 1860s, a British clergyman but, we’ve had automatic writings for about 150 years and it’s just absolutely amazing.
My goodness Chris with all your knowledge and all your insatiable reading, let us know what your friend about the spirit world what is it like when we get there?
Oh gosh, it’s, it’s an incredible experience. Most of the spirits who have written about their experience, describe it as very much, very much in the same way that you might read when you pick up a near death experience book. The spirit sees themselves floating above the physical body, they would see themselves looking down, they feel this ethereal floating substance almost like they are in a dream and that’s kind of an issue, many people can’t initially believe that they’re dead. They think they are in a dream. And they are looking down on their body and the body looks like a limp dishrag. If they are not prone to believing that they are dead, they have a difficult time believing that they have passed on. And that’s why quite often, we read about spirit helpers coming to help the person who has died transform and help them into the light. And that’s one of the most important parts of the initial passing, is that we have helpers come to us initially, to help spirit people into the light because it is all about the mental state, the awareness of spirit, that the person has to be in that specific mental state to transition up into the light, and it’s really up to the individual. You can have Spirit helpers try to get them into the light and I’m sure many people have heard of the transition period, and in that transition period, if the person is understanding and they see the family and friends come to take them into the light, then the spirit person, they have their spirit body moving up into the light and at that point they begin to realise. once they’ve been told that they are with her family and friends that yes, they are now in the spirit world, they begin to slowly interact with all the loved ones. And again, it goes back to the feeling of love. I think the common theme that everybody talks about, is this overwhelming feeling of love as they transition over. That’s almost a magnetic attraction. I guess you’ve heard of the Law of Attraction, and that something that is quite common with all these. And then as spirit works their way up, they see that there are different levels, they see that there are different jobs, and it’s really an acclimation, they have to… what’s the phrase I’m looking for? They have to acclimate to their surroundings. And some spirits are able to, again it goes to the mental state when they transition. Sometimes they have … let’s say they have had a traumatic passing. Quite often, if spirit is, goes to a spirit rest home, our equivalent of rest homes or hospitals, that allows the Spirit to rest and to be watched over by those who have a job of tending, loving, caring, very much the way a nurse might, in a modern physical hospital. And as the spirit finally gets used to being in that state, they eventually will awake, awaken to their new life and it’s again, the feeling of overpowering love. And that’s just the theme over all the spirits. And they constantly talk about how beautiful it is. And I think another big theme, is how vibrant everything is, the colours. Our colours that we haven’t even seen in the physical. There is a great movie that Robin Williams was in, called What Dreams May Come and it really depicts quite well how dynamic the colours are, and how dynamic the entire world is. There are colours that we don’t even realise exist. There are sounds that we haven’t heard before and the common theme that all these spirits discuss, is that they feel more alive than they were in the physical, because there are no restrictions. Those who might have been paralysed before, they can walk, skip, and jump. Because they no longer have the physical restrictions. Another common theme is that because the spirit body is the true essence of the spirit, there is no ego. The ego is left in the physical. The ego is a part of the physical mind. All we have left, as we transition, is the loving essence of our consciousness and that is what transitions up into the spirit world. And so that is where you have the common essence of love and that is why the common theme that we’re always hearing, always reading, always understanding, is this beautiful theme of love, which is the fabric of the spirit world. I think that is really the big takeaway.
Yes, that is the big take away. The love that is there. And I think it’s really important that you were saying, about those who have a traumatic passing, that they go to a rest home, where they are surrounded by love and looked after until they are ready to make that transition in their consciousness. It’s beautiful. So, tell us also Chris, about Guides. You mention having a spirit guide and that sometimes we are employed, gainfully employed when we get to the spirit world, we could become a spirit guide. But you also mentioned higher guides. So, do you… are you able to let us know the difference. Is there a difference between a guide and a higher guide?
From what I’ve been able to read and from what I’ve understood over the many years of trying to understand this, there are definitely different types of Guides. I think the common theme is that there are seven basic guides, which is our inner band. There is our main guide, our lead guide, who is essentially, if you want to think about it, the organiser, the Captain if you will. And that lead guide, main guide, is the primary guide, who organises the remaining band of primary guides, whether it is a messenger guide or a philosopher guide or a doctor, etc. Those are the inner bands of guides that help us as we go through our life. The primary concept with guides is that before we came into the physical, we had a spirit contract with our guides. We worked with our advisors and other guides before we became incarnate, we created soul contracts, mapped out an entire plan that was helping us and helping our soul guide us to what we really wanted to achieve when we came down to the Earth. Something that really helped our soul, because everyone has a soul and that the reason we come down to Earth is to help our soul grow. If you wanna think of it, the Earth is like a school, it’s the Earth School and every time we come down to the Earth, we come for a reason. We come to learn lessons. So, every time we incarnate, the concept is to learn a new lesson. It’s like you are coming back for a new school year. You are coming back for, let’s say that you are now in College or you are now in University and you are now coming back for your third year of university and you are now taking on an entirely different set of courses and you are learning all these new different courses and different goals. So that’s the whole concept of incarnating again, to learn different lessons. And your spirit guides are like your professors. They are trying to guide you, to really keep you on your course, and trying to help you navigate in such a way that you are going to stay within the bounds of your mission. Spirit guides are not going to, and are not allowed to, interfere. In fact, Spirit is not allowed or they not able to interfere with us at all, because we have free will. But we will always feel some kind of nudging. Quite often we will feel that as intuition. We will feel that in our gut. We should be doing something. And it’s whether or not we listen to our gut instinct, our gut intuition or not. And that’s why everyone says you should be following your gut, following your intuition. That is your spirit guide elbowing you in the side saying hey, dummy wake up, you ought to be doing this. And our spirit guides are trying to keep us on path. We have the free will to completely ignore it, but, we do that at our peril.
Wow. And Chris, that you have put all of this knowledge into a book that you have written and that is called Spirits Beside Us and it’s due for release on 17th May I believe. And tell us some of the things that people can learn by reading that book.
Well let’s say some of the primary ideas within that book. It really.. It helps people understand what spirit is first of all. Is spirit real? How can Spirit be with us? And then we begin to learn what Spirit is here to do. And it helps us really learn that spirit is here and never dies. That spirit is continually alive. I think many people are so concerned when a loved one passes; they are not quite sure what happens and say the main purpose of the book is to allow people to understand that consciousness lives on past the physical life. And that they are constantly with us and in fact they are not up in the sky, they are always with us and always right here by our sides. Because if you wanna look at the science behind it, energy is always around us all the time and in fact it’s just in a different dimension. So even though many people begin to think that oh well even if I do believe in Spirit there is no way I could even be in contact with them. And in fact, it’s not like Spirit is off way up in the universe, way up high in the sky. Spirit is right next to us. Spirit is literally sharing a space right beside us. That is why I titled the book Spirits Beside Us because they are literally beside us, sharing our space, we can reach out and touch them. In fact, I’ll give an example. When I was giving a reading to somebody recently, I just relaxed and was sitting back in my chair and off to my right hand side there was an empty chair and I put my arm out on the side, to, see if, I could just rest my arm on an empty chair. And no sooner had I done that, but I stretched my right arm out to my side and all of a sudden, I felt like I was putting my arm inside, like a, this energetic portal. I was putting my arm through Spirit. Spirit was sitting literally within arm’s-length of me. I could feel my right arm full of energy, as is if I had put my hand through a spirit person. They were right beside me. So, that’s the purpose of the book. Is to understand that spirit is with us all the time, spirit is by our side and that we don’t need to think that spirit has gone away, that spirit is not near us, or that our loved ones are gone forever.
So, for those people that are listening at home, who have got a desperate need to want to have some sort of feeling of their loved one coming close or have some sort of communication. Can you can recommend some sort of exercise they can do at home to just enable them to feel their loved ones close again?
Absolutely. One of the best ways to do that is to close their eyes and focus on their breath. As they breathe in, focus on the inhalation and then they focus on the exhalation and do that for five or 10 minutes to allow themselves to just calm down. Breathe in through the nose; calmly exhale through the mouth. And as they relax, they will find themselves severing their space. And after they have calmed down to a point where they are so relaxed, they can then focus their attention on the image of a flame on a candle. And as they focus on that that will help them really focus their own mind onto this flame. And as they begin to increase their attention on the flame; it will help them to cancel any image that they might happen to have on what I refer to as a canvas. So, it will enable them to have a blank canvas. And as they empty the canvas, it will allow Spirit to come back onto their own mind and it creates a blank space and they will begin to feel that there is something else there. Because the most important part is removing any conscious feeling of what’s there and as they begin to think about their own loved ones, and they start talking about their own loved ones, they can ask their loved ones to step forward. And because their loved ones are always near them and always want the best for them; as they begin to think about their loved ones, ask for their loved ones to draw near, they will start to feel their loved ones energetically. And they will start to feel that they are drawing closer. And the more that they think about their loved ones in their heart, they should also focus on their heart space. Focus on it from a perspective of love. Because spirit is always attracted to love. If they constantly think of love in their heart, that is what attracts spirit. So, the more you are focussed on love and loving thoughts in your heart it’s like a magnet. Spirit will immediately be attracted by your loving thoughts. And as they continue to think about their loved ones, with loving thoughts in a blank canvas, they will start to feel their loved ones draw near. And if they want to talk with their loved ones, they will be able to hear and feel and understand what is happening with their loved ones in spirit. And more often than not, they will hear, feel, and sense their loved ones. And one comment I would make, would be that many people would probably hear, feel, understand, or even be able to communicate with them and I would say that they would be very sceptical thinking, oh no that’s just my mind. I’m imagining what I’m hearing. It’s not your imagination. When you hear a voice or a feeling in your head, it’s not your imagination. It’s real. Go with it. You have got to trust what is coming in, you have to surrender to Spirit, because it is always right. So, I would just say follow that and you will be able to open yourself up, allow yourself to be completely open. Allow yourself to be vulnerable. And if when you bring down your shield perhaps, if you, you know, bring down your walls of scepticism, your walls of oh no that can’t be real. If you allow yourself to be open and trusting, and just surrender to what you’re getting, you will be able to communicate. Because everybody is able to communicate. Everybody has the ability to, in some way speak and interact with spirit. Because we all have psychic abilities. It is innate in our brain. We all have that ability. It is a question of how developed can you be? And you’ve got to develop it. Just trust and surrender, open yourself up, be vulnerable, come from a position of love and you will be able to open up and communicate.
That is a beautiful exercise for people to do. Thank you, Chris, for sharing that with us. I think also for people they could repeat that exercise over a certain amount of days because maybe at first they may not feel they have succeeded but I think just keep coming back to that quiet place of love that Chris was talking about and you will hopefully get some beautiful results. So, Chris where can people find you online? Do you give readings online?
Yes, yes, I do. My website if people would like to connect is www.montclairmedium.com and that is my website and go through my website I do readings online. I do all kinds of things. I also help people with, you know, different types of meditations. So, if they are interested in doing meditations, I do that. Which, especially in this kind of world that we live in, it is very important to calm the mind and meditation is one of the most important things we can do to calm the mind and allow the stress of the everyday life to just slow the pace of mind because that is one of the things that will help us to communicate and help us to connect.
Beautiful. So, meditations, online readings, everybody goes over to www.montclairmedium.com. I will have that link in the show notes for this episode, so head over to the show notes on my website and you will be able to pick up all the links for Chris and anything that he has referred to here, including his book. So, Chris tell us about your book before you go. It’s called Spirits Beside Us, it is due for release on 17th of May and where can people purchase it? It will be available on Amazon when it is published. It will both an e-book as well as a print copy, so they can have either the digital or the print copy version. Oh, there’s also going to be an audiobook if some people would prefer that as well.
Fantastic Chris thank you so much for coming and sharing all of this information, it’s going to be a fascinating episode and people are going to learn so much and thank you again for just sharing everything that you know and everything that you have learned with us today.
My pleasure thank you for having me.
It’s a pleasure and we wish you all the very, very best with your book launch.
Thank you so much.
Well, that was Psychic Medium, Chris Lippincott. What a great guy and what a lot of knowledge he holds. I’m so glad that Chris was able to find time in his schedule to come along and talk to us and share what he knows. If you would like to have a psychic or a mediumship reading with Chris, or if you’d like to buy a copy of his book, Spirits Beside Us, which is coming out on May 17th, or if you would like to find out more about some of the things he’s mentioned in this podcast, please head over to the show notes for this episode on my website to www.anntheato.com and you will find a complete transcription of the episode plus you will find links to Chris and his website, and new book. And Chris has even very kindly given us a fabulous link to his personal recommended reading list, which I really want to thank you for Chris, thanks for doing that. So do take a look at that, as it contains some really fascinating authors and books on all things paranormal.
Is it really the end of this episode already? Time goes quick! I want to say a very big thank you to all of you, Psychic Matters Listeners, as ever, I really appreciate you and thank you so much for listening and please make sure to hit the subscribe button, so that you don’t miss out on any of the upcoming episodes.
Quick sneak preview – in the next episode I’ve got another incredible Light Worker for you. Faye Harrison is coming on the show. This beautiful lady is a healer, a visionary and a soul worker who talks to us about Shamanic Mediumship and the importance of the Mind Body Spirit Connection. Don’t miss it!
Finally, please know, that I’m here to help you, so do get in touch if there is anything you feel you need help with. You can head over to my website anntheato.com or to the Psychic Matters Podcast Group Facebook Page. And I have to say a special thank you to a lady called Mari CartaGENova who has been absolutely instrumental in helping grow our Psychic Matters Facebook Group Page. Mari is a Psychic Medium and Animal Communicator whom I have also interviewed and she will be on the show very soon talking about the incredible work she does in the Animal Kingdom. But want to say a special thank you to Mari, as she really did help grow the Facebook group. I went from a humble 8 members, to 240 members overnight, thanks to Mari. And also thanks to another friend of mine, Sheila Clark, who has also been a wonderful help in growing this Psychic Matters! community. At the time of recording we now have 349 members from all around the globe and it is thriving. There are some great conversations going on over there about all things Psychic, so do jump over and join us, you are more than welcome.
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Have a fantastic couple of weeks everyone. I hope that everything goes really well for you all
Until next time… my name is Ann Théato and thank you for listening to PSYCHIC MATTERS!