EPISODE 006: The Demonstrating Medium with Larry Davids

podcast Apr 09, 2020

If you’ve ever wondered where Mediumship information comes from, why meditation and sitting in the power are a key component in mediumship development or how to maintain consistency with your mediumship demonstrations, today’s guest is here with a huge amount of information to share. Larry Davids is on the show – he shares his fascinating stories about the importance of leaving your comfort zone, the importance of embracing your individuality and he’s here to show you how to take the necessary steps to becoming a professional working medium.



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Ann Théato, CSNUt, Psychic, Medium and Spiritual Tutor, investigates psychic development, mediumship techniques, and paranormal science, so that you can come to understand your own innate psychic ability and expand your knowledge, whilst learning to develop a curious mind.



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PM 006

Hi there, my name is Ann Théato and I am here to teach you proven techniques for spiritual and psychic development from the comfort of your own home. I’m also here to investigate the teachings of experts across the globe, to bring you their wisdom, their advice and their spiritual wealth.

If you’ve ever wondered where Mediumship information comes from, why meditation and sitting in the power are a key component in mediumship development or how to maintain consistency with your mediumship demonstrations, today’s guest is here with a huge amount of information to share.  Larry Davids is on the show – he shares his fascinating stories about the importance of leaving your comfort zone, the importance of embracing your individuality and he’s here to show you how to take the necessary steps to becoming a professional working medium.

Let’s go and meet Larry!

You’ll Learn

  • What demonstrating Mediumship means

  • The importance of working differently

  • Where mediumship information comes from

  • How to build up the power

  • Why you should not restrict yourself with rules

  • The benefits of Sound Healing

  • How Tuning Forks can help with healing

  • The benefits of studying at The Arthur Findlay College

  • The importance of leaving your comfort zone

  • Why learning from different expert teachers is vital

  • Why learning should be a never-ending journey

  • How to be consistent with your mediumship

  • How to overcome fear

  • The importance of taking baby steps

  • How to become an independent manifestor

  • How to create the future you want

  • Why meditation & sitting in the power, are key components in mediumship development


Hello everybody! My name is Ann Théato and welcome to the Psychic Matters Podcast – episode number 6!  If you are already subscribed to the show, thank you so much, that is really fantastic, and I really appreciate you!  If you’re new to the Psychic Matters Podcast, welcome to the community! Do make sure you subscribe to the show, because I am here, not only to teach you proven techniques for spiritual and psychic development from the comfort of your own home, but also I’m here to investigate the teachings of experts across the globe, to bring you their wisdom, their advice and their spiritual wealth.

This week, I have a very special guest on the show and a great friend of mine – International Psychic Medium, Sound Healer, Spiritual Tutor and Intuitive Life Coach – Larry Davids!

If you’ve ever wondered where Mediumship information comes from, why meditation and sitting in the power are a key component in mediumship development or how to maintain consistency with your mediumship demonstrations, today’s guest is here with a huge amount of information to share.  Larry Davids is on the show – he tells some fascinating stories about the importance of leaving your comfort zone and of embracing your individuality and he’s here to show you how to take the necessary steps to becoming a professional working medium

So, if you’re ready, let’s begin.

I am here today with fantastically talented medium Larry Davids.  Larry and I often dem together in Spiritualist churches and private events and we’ve known each other for quite a few years now, we’ve studied together as well – Larry welcome to Psychic Matters!

Thank you for having me.

It’s a pleasure Larry.  Of course, I know all about you and we have a good friendship but tell the listeners a little bit about you and the sort of work that you do. 

Well I used to be a full-time musician, and played with many famous bands, non-famous bands, did acting for film and TV, voice-over work for many famous DVDs, TV commercial work, composed for famous TV shows and film and I still do that a bit part-time.  And then I was teaching – I became a music lecturer because I became tired of being on the road all the time.  But during that interim I have always been doing my spiritual work on the side. So, when I was 14, I studied spiritual healing and when I was 15, I started giving readings just with playing cards and at that time as well I was reading lots of spiritual books that my mum used to take out of the library about mediums.  So luckily for me from a young age I got exposed to all these mediums that are now considered the great people like Arthur Ledbetter, Alice Bailey, Edgar Cayce, Madam Blavatsky and on and on. And of course, I used to read those books and I used to see leprechauns all the time, as well in broad daylight.  I’d be out in the back garden playing my guitar and they would be running in threes and at night I would see them going into my sister’s bedroom and the door was closed and I’d run in there and get told off for waking up my sister and my parents thought I was nuts saying go back to bed there is no such thing as leprechauns. And I used to see people’s auras really clearly with my physical eyes, which is called objective seeing.  But of course when you see all this from a young age like that, you don’t think anything of it, you just think oh well you just take it for granted and it’s not until you decide that you actually want to become a medium or a spiritual working person that you realise gosh, all those gifts I used to have that I took for granted, I wish I had them now.

Sorry Larry to interrupt you but let’s go back a little bit about some of those things that you have just mentioned because this is very, very interesting.  So, you mentioned that your mother used to get books out for you from the library.  So, tell us a little bit about that.   It sounds like you had an introduction to mediumship and psychic work through your mum. So, tell us a little bit about her and your relationship. 

Yes, I think my mum could have been a great medium because when my Dad passed away, she used to see him like in the front room, walking through the tv, sitting at the end of her bed and I remember once she did this meditation retreat course and she was waking up in bed, she was lying in bed in her bedroom and she could clearly see her grandmother as if it was a real person in the bedroom and it kind of freaked her out and the grandmother was talking to her picking up her clothes, saying gosh today’s fashion is outrageous and what is this, what is that, and then she said it must have lasted for about a good five minutes and then she just vanished. So, I used to tell her, you know you really should be a working medium because you seem to have these amazing visuals that I don’t get. And so, she would always see my father all the time. She has always been a spiritual person, but I don’t think she was really one to develop it she used to say, oh that’s your job you do it.  It was very blasé for her.  But it was thanks to her I think that I got introduced when I was a teenager to all these mediums because as I say, she used to go to the library and read all his books and then we’d discuss it and I would practice doing psychometry with her all the time.  And she would write everything down and she used to say gosh the information you got is amazing because there’s no way you could’ve known this or know that from her grandparents and great grandparents I was getting names and all sorts of information, so I think thanks to her she was training me up without me even realising it in the early days on how to use the abilities without even being told any rules on how one should give a reading.

Yeah sure and that sounds like you were very lucky because a lot of people don’t have that acceptance when they are growing up.

No that’s true, my dad thought it was completely crazy, he couldn’t stand it, so of course we had to do it when he was busy or not around basically because it just seemed to drive him nuts.

How funny.  So, tell us also – you mentioned leprechauns now that is a very unusual thing to see and to experience, so tell us a little bit about what that was like and when that first happened.

Well I definitely saw them my entire time while I was a teenager right up into my 20s.

I just used to see them always in threes or sometimes in one and they always seem to be running or always seemed to be in a rush, so it’s not like they stood there in front of me just speaking to me they always seemed to be running by or always in a rush and in the day time it was okay I would see them and I was just like, oh there are those funny looking people again but it was always at night time that I would get spooked out because as you can imagine because they look like white misty people but they looked like a leprechaun they had a hat on and the way they seem in cartoons with the vest and everything, but they would never stand there and just speak or say anything.  And also, while I was seeing leprechauns here and there, I would start seeing spirit. But again, they wouldn’t talk to me they would just show up as if they had been phased in and then they would phase out and the last time I saw a really clear spirit, like a real human being, it was in Chicago studying with Sonia Choquette.  I think that must’ve been 2009 and she hadn’t told anyone her father has passed away. So, during the lunch break I went up to her and said you won’t believe this, you might think I’m nuts but the whole time you were speaking, I could see this man like he was really alive standing right behind you.  So she said okay carry on tell me a bit more, so I described him said what he told me to tell her, and then she burst out crying saying oh my gosh that was my dad he passed away a week ago but I didn’t want to say anything.  Because she says, you know what it’s like, you’re in a room with a hundred psychics, if you say anything, they all come up to you and say ooh, I’ve got your father here!  So, she said she wanted to see if anybody without her saying anything would actually pick anything up naturally.  So, she gave me a big hug and said I made her day, so that was really cool.

Oh that’s a beautiful story Larry and tell me then, so you saw these misty spirit leprechauns and then that sort of progressed into seeing spirit people and you had that really amazing experience of seeing Sonia Choquette in Chicago,  tell me a little bit then about how you progressed from being a musician and a composer and a voice artist, into sort of taking this much further and being more full time as a psychic.

Well even as I was a full-time musician touring and teaching music, I was always giving Reiki sessions in my flat or giving readings here and there, there was no spiritual churches I was not aware of the word demming or demonstration of mediumship I would just do it privately, so I had never done any demming as they say I didn’t even know they existed and that was never in my portfolio as it were to say one day I’ll be a demming medium. So I would just carry on giving readings with the cards, the playing cards, or just look at people and give what I called psychic readings and sometimes links would come in and I would just give what I get so I was always a combination of psychic and medium ship without really knowing it was really called mediumship.

Sure, and we talk a lot about demming, and you mention there about being a demming medium and some people listening to this podcast may not know what demming means.  Can you explain that to people?

From my understanding, the word Dem is an abbreviation from the word demonstration, so demonstrating means, it is what me and you do, we demonstrate in the spiritual churches or we do what’s called live events where people pay money and come and see us demonstrate our mediumship

And its fun isn’t it?  When we work together, there’s two of us on the platform and we take it in turns.  I’m just trying to describe it for the listeners, so that people who may not understand what it is.  You may go up first onto the platform, the platform being a small stage or platform podium and then you might go up first and you start to become aware of people in the spirit world and bring through links, what we call a link – a link to the person in the spirit world and then if you could just explain a little bit more about the actual process of a demonstration Larry, that might be very interesting for people.

Well as people may know, everyone works differently, like with music we all learn basically the same language there is only seven notes in the western major scale but yet whether it’s classical, country, jazz, rock, pop, funk, every artist ends up sounding different because we have our own individual blueprint. So, with mediumship the way I work it’s the same thing, we more or less get exposed to the similar foundation brining specifics.  So the way I do it I just feel as you said energy building up and I normally see things quite clearly in my minds eye and I’m normally hearing things not objectively with my physical ears but I hear words in my mind, either songs, such as last week, I was in Birmingham working and I clearly heard the words Johnny Cash in my head and the song Ring of Fire and a voice was saying give that to the recipient and I did and the woman burst out crying and said, oh my God that was my dad’s favourite artist, favourite song and he used to listen to that all the time. So, you see if we listen… to me it made no sense, but I just gave it and to the woman who was getting the reading it made complete sense.   So, with mediumship what I’ve learned is just to give whatever you feel, hear or get visually, however you receive the information and not try and analyse it.  And of course, we don’t always get a yes but it’s good just to give it out to the audience

Yeah sure that’s really fascinating because when I work with you on platform I’m always really kind of taken aback and amazed at the accuracy of your work and the evidence that you are able to bring forward, because both you and I work in a very different way. So for me, when I’m getting information I am perceiving who is stepping close to me from the spirit world, I build up that image in my mind’s eye, and then I look out into the audience and I feel where I believe that person is trying to connect.  So, then I will point to the person I feel is connected to the person in the spirit world. However, you Larry, when you’re working you will often just say I wanna come to the lady in the front row and you will go bang bang bang bang bang with all this information and evidence.  And how do you do that?  How does that work for you?  Where does that information come from and how do you know you want to go to that person in the front row?

Well I think it’s a combination of like, trusting my intuition and from some tutors that we’ve studied with who say, even if you don’t feel you have the link, who do you feel you’re drawn to and just go to that person and as you do that, you’re starting to make a connection because the energy is building up.  So for me, I’ve learned to just say anything to try and build up the power and the energy link whether I sense a colour or anything and then for me I think I’m just lucky in the sense that as I say anything – it’s a bit like music when I used to be at music school – I would just improvise and people say wow how do you do that and it’s because I wasn’t bogged down with all these rules of like, we’re in the key of C you have to use a C Major scale, I would just play what I felt or heard in my head.  So, I feel I do the same thing with mediumship. I don’t try to restrict myself with rules saying oh, you must start your mediumship this way or you should give it this way.  I just like to give whatever I get and as you know most of the time it seems to work out.

Yes, it works out really well it’s lovely and it’s always fun working with you, you always make it really fun. Larry and I, for those people that are listening, I will often drive over to Larry’s flat I will pick him up in a car, and then we will drive and just entertain each other with stories of a week on the way to our demonstration and then we will demonstrate together and then I will drop you back.   Its fun isn’t it Larry.

It’s great fun because you never know what you’re going to get like strawberries after a Dem.

Indeed, lovely strawberries that we sometimes get.  So are you now working Larry, full time as a medium or you mentioned you sometimes still do composing or work as a musician?

That’s right. I still occasionally gig, play music with various musicians and recently I’ve been composing violin soundtracks for a new scary horror movie, so I still do my music part-time and as of July 2019 I’m no longer teaching at University because the University laid off all its music lecturers.  So that kind of forced me to see if I could do my spiritual work full time.  And luckily for me it’s worked out really well combining not just my psychic mediumship, but the other tools I offer as well.

And tell us what they are Larry, what else do you offer?

Well, I also teach Reiki, I am a Reiki Practitioner a Reiki Master not that I like the word Master because that gives the feeling that oh he if he is a Master he must know everything but far from it, I’m always learning new things or trying to learn new things. And then I am also a Sound Healer, Sound Healer Teacher and I’m an Intuitive Life Coach and I teach psychic mediumship in spiritual churches and online as well and I work with you sometimes when we can together, doing psychic mediumship events.

That’s right exactly and your healing that sounds really fascinating, Sound Healing, and that’s an area that I am not, I’m sort of familiar with it but I’m not too sure what that is.  Can you explain a little more about that aspect of your work?

Well, from the beginning of time when I was starting my music career, I’ve always been interested in healing and I started my healing at the age of 14 through George King and he had many great books out on healing and how he was an advocate of doing yoga and his books are still available on Amazon.  And I was always interested in sound and I used to read books about sound, how sound is vibration, how the body is vibration. So from a young age I’ve always been interested in sound healing but I actually studied music therapy but I was disappointed in that, because it has nothing to do with sound healing it’s more like becoming a therapist where you assess clients and you try and fit them in a medical model whether it’s cognitive therapy, behavioural therapy, psychodynamic therapy, etc., etc.   Then eventually I did many Sound Healing workshops in the States.  I studied toning using the voice and then I studied through the College of Sound Healing here in London and became a Sound Healer accredited through the College of Sound Healing, where we learned to use the voice, we learned to sing the Bija mantras from India, we learned to use the gongs, the Himalayan Bowls, the Crystal Bowls, Tuning Forks.  So, I decided to specialise in tuning forks because for me, it’s not practical to have gongs, crystal bowls and Himalayan bowls because one, they are heavy, you need storage space and they are very loud, and I don’t have a venue to conduct healing sessions with all those bowls.  So, through the college I discovered oh tuning forks, this is interesting.  So I continued my studies specialising in tuning forks and now I give healing where the client lies on the healing couch and I use my tuning forks and every single person who has had a healing session so far is amazed because no one is really familiar with sound healing and wants to have a session, they say oh gosh I went really deep or whatever the situation or issues they may have had,  it seems to,  it’s not a cure for anything but it definitely helps assist with the healing process.

Gosh it sounds so fascinating so talk us through a normal sound healing session for a client. So, they come in, and what do they do.  Do they lie down, do they sit up?  How does it work?

Well first assess them, we have a chat to, a brief chat, and I explain how the sound healing works and show them my tuning forks, explaining how I will be using it on them, what it is, what it’s not, and I say to them as well, I don’t need to know any of your medical history because with my psychic mediumship abilities, most of the time I seem to pick up the imbalances. For example, I was working on a client just this week and I said to her, have you ever had your adrenal glands checked, she said no why?  So, I just said well I’m not a doctor so I can only tell you, you might want to have those checked out because I feel I you have adrenal burnout.  So she went to the doctor and had all these blood tests done and she Googled adrenal burnout so she said oh my gosh, all the symptoms I have matched completely what I’ve been suffering for three years and she said after my sound healing session, she slept two nights in a row really well and she hasn’t slept really well for about three years she said.  So she was very excited with the benefits and results she had after only one sound healing session and of course she’s booked other sessions and in the meantime, she is now seeing somebody else, some kind of alternative practitioner who can help her out with her adrenal gland burnout so she can get those balanced again so she can get those balanced again to help her get her energy back to normal.

Oh, my goodness it sounds amazing Larry.  I must come and have a sound healing session with you, in fact you did promise me one I just haven’t been round yet to claim it.  So, Larry you seem to have done a lot of training in a lot of different colleges and places of learning, tell us a little bit about some of the most interesting training that you’ve done?

Well for me, as probably for you, I have to say the Arthur Findlay College for me has been the best place for me to study and learn about mediumship, because as you know it’s very intense there – 12 hour days – and you meet like-minded people from all over the world and of course, well for me it always feels like you are leaving your comfort zone.  I always feel I have to do things I wouldn’t normally do, and it keeps you on the edge as it were.  So, for me it’s been great being exposed by different teachers, concepts, of course we cannot agree 100% with everyone but it’s still good I feel, to expose yourself to different concepts, people’s perspectives and see what you can take to integrate in your normal way of working.

Do you think we are ever qualified, and we can stop training, or do you think it’s something that we should all embrace as we go forward?

Well for myself learning is a never ending journey and even when I was a full-time musician, I was always, when we would be travelling across North America, going to music shops, looking for books, anything, and people always used to say, why do you keep buying all these music books but as you know there is always something to learn, whether it’s a perspective or one slightly different way of doing something.  And there is a famous proverb which I don’t remember the exact words, that say the day you stop learning is the day you stop living.  So, I’ve always remembered that and it’s true for me, any time I read books or learn something, it just stimulates the brain it makes you feel excited and yeah it just keeps you going basically.

Yeah I completely agree with that because personally I continue my training as you do and in fact we started the year together didn’t we at the Arthur Findlay College, we did a weekend course which was incredible with Tony and Chris Drew and Lynne, Lynne Probert and we are finishing the year aren’t we at the Arthur Findlay College on another programme which will be amazing.  I also know Larry, that you are working at the College of Psychic Studies in Kensington in London – tell us about that.

It’s funny you mention that, I completely forgot about that.  No it’s true, talk about how the universe supports you, when I got laid off from the University job that was in July – in August I received an invitation from them saying we’d like to offer you a position at this College of Psychic Studies and at first I thought it was just a joke or a trick to entice me to go back there as a student so I didn’t really bother with it for about two weeks and I called them back and sure enough it was an authentic phone call.  So, after giving my interview process as they call it, you’re three one-hour readings, they decided to give me a place.  So now I’m there currently two days a week giving readings to the public and so far, it’s been going really well.

Yes, that’s amazing Larry congratulations that’s such a wonderful historic place to work as well, especially in this field of psychic and mediumship.  So, tell me what you’re working on right now, regarding your gifts.  Is there anything in particular that you are trying to improve or work on or …

Well my mediumship I always compare my mediumship or spiritual work to playing an instrument, my guitar or violin.  It doesn’t matter how many accolades I receive or compliments, to me that doesn’t really make me rest on my laurels, I always think no, how can I go deeper? How can I get better evidence?  How can I really blend with spirit even more?  And as you know when working as a medium, sometimes we can have these amazing dems and go, wow everything just flowed, it was effortless, how did I do that? And then a week later you could be demming again and be really struggling and think, gosh what happened to the energy it’s completely different from last week whether it’s on a one-to-one or a rostrum somewhere.  So, it’s as if I’m a detective trying to figure out how can I maintain and sustain this effortless way of demming and being consistent with our mediumship and trying to really blend with spirit, so it feels like the person can really feel and sense that we are really connected to that spirit person.

Yeah, so you’re always trying to go deeper and trying to be just like you say, trying to get more evidence and basically just be better at what we do, right?

Absolutely, because the teacher can tell you something and cognitively me and you can say oh yes that sounds great we understand it but when it comes to actually doing it, as you know, it’s a whole different thing because we can be standing on that platform and in our mind our left brain can be kicking in saying come on we were told we are meant to get more evidence, go deeper, why isn’t it working?  As you know it can be very frustrating at times.

Yes it can be and I think what I’ve learnt certainly is, and I think this is the same for you Larry, is that you can do a certain amount of training courses, and I know you have done an awful lot of training courses, as have I, but there comes a time when you just have to step out and do the work, and it’s only by doing the work, that you become better and better at what you do.

Absolutely, I think on 2013 is when the churches started calling me up and I was so scared because that was never my plan to be a demming medium on platform and I was so scared I didn’t even call them back at first.  And then I told myself I really have to learn to overcome this fear of working the churches which I’d never done.  So, I came up with a strategy, I just invited other mediums that I’d met on these courses we were doing, so I would do two links and they would do two links and gradually as my stamina and confidence would develop I would do four and they would do four, until eventually I just started doing the whole services by myself. So, for me, I feel there has got to be steps.  I don’t feel, well maybe some people can, but I don’t feel anyone can go from a class to say that’s it, I’m ready to be a demming medium, I think everything has to be done gradually in baby steps.

Yes, so what would you say, I agree with you Larry of course it does have to be taken slowly. What, have you got any words of encouragement for those that are at the very beginning of their training and development?

Yes, again for me it’s like playing an instrument.  Some days you feel like you’re oh I’m really getting the hang of playing the guitar, the violin, the piano, whatever and other days you’ll feel like packing it in – ah, this is hopeless I think I’m gonna just stop.  And mediumship can be like that.  It can be sometimes feeling like it’s a very slow process and other times you might get a really good link, or something might happen – wow, I think I’m getting the hang of it. So, it seems like the weather, it fluctuates and because we are human beings, we are sentient beings, we are emotional beings, we are always fluctuating with emotional wellness. Sometimes we feel really good and other times we can feel really deterred. So, I feel like we need remember that mediumship is not like, okay I’ll just study for X amount of time and that’s it, I’ll become a really good medium, the journey never stops it never ends.   just like with exercise I’ve been doing yoga for years but I haven’t stopped just because I’ve been doing it for years I keep doing it, because it keeps me feeling good, it keeps me healthy it improves with my flexibility all sorts of stuff, massages my internal organs.  So even with exercise I don’t stop and say well that’s it I’ve done it for 20 years plus.  Same with mediumship I’ll always be looking for courses or something to keep learning from to see how I can be expanding my mediumship and as you correctly said, I do feel it’s important as you’re learning, to be working at it as well.  Again if it was music, I would say as a student of music, try and go out there and play on stage so you can see what it’s like to be playing in front of people you don’t know, what it’s like to be on stage, what it’s like to play in front of two people who are not listening, what it’s like to have a sound man who disappears, what it’s like to play when the PA system is terrible and you can’t hear yourself.  So just like that  with mediumship, when you are in the real world you might have two people in front of you, you might have 100 people or you might have people who are completely resistant, unwilling to be open to working with you.  All the things that you don’t actually learn in a circle because in a circle or in a class it’s normally like-minded people who are there, willing and wanting to learn so they’re very cooperative. 

Yes, that’s great, that’s good advice Larry, really good. I also know that you do a lot of work with the law of attraction, so can you say a little bit about that, Larry?

Yeah, ever since I started reading in the 80s those books by Louise Hay and Shakti Gawain, creative visualisation, I’ve been a big fan of LOA, Law of Attraction and without realising it I’ve actually manifested everything I’ve succeeded with, with my acting and music career because I just used to visualise myself doing it all the time and that’s one of the tools for LOA. For example, with my intuitive life coaching, a lot of people come to me because they are not happy with the lives or they’re in the wrong job, so I tune in and then I teach them how to become independent.  So, I think it’s very important that we become empowered and independent each and every one of us, as opposed to always feeling we need to depend on someone else.  Of course, it’s always good to get feedback or sometimes a little bit of help or assistance from someone else but we really need to become independent manifestors.   So, my belief is that the universe is all about expansion, it’s not about restriction, it’s all paradigms of the way we’ve been conditioned to live, for example from a young childhood I’ve never been told, you know you should learn how to feel really good. It’s always been about conditioning us to feel bad.  If you watch the news you are conditioned to feel bad.  If you’re at school and you don’t do too well, you’ve been conditioned to feel like you’re an idiot or you don’t do well, like in math, I’ve I was never good at maths I was always put down in maths. In school they wouldn’t let me do music, they said I was tone deaf, which is ironic because I turned out to be a very successful musician.  So luckily I didn’t allow the negativity to stop me when it came to my music career, so I really like to, or it brings me great joy when I work with these people, to teach them that they don’t have to be dependent on what happened in the past. Like I tell them we have shoulders, the shoulders are for looking behind us and then we should be looking in front of us because the future can be whatever we want as we work on what we are currently doing at the moment. 

So, if we always consistently complain about things, oh how am I going to pay my rent this month?  Or say someone had a bad relationship, well any thought you have, produces a feeling which produces a vibration or a frequency, because everything in life, as quantum physics has proven, and that the ancient seers new as well, everything is a vibration or a frequency and all we have to do is stay consistent with what is the frequency of the vibration we want in our lives, so we focus on that vision and of course with LOA, Law of Attraction, there are various tools one can implement on a daily basis to help us manifest the tools or the actual desires that we want to manifest in our physical reality.

Wow, you are full of knowledge Larry Davids. So, just before we finish, I wonder if you can I’m putting you on the spot here Larry, I wonder if you could think up or give out to the listeners, a simple exercise that they might be able to do at home that might enhance either their psychic gifts, their mediumship gifts, or even their law of attraction skills.

Well for psychic and mediumship development, I think for myself it goes without saying, meditation is a very key component.  I’ve been meditating since I was 17 years old and I still meditate twice a day, as well as sitting in the power now, which is something I learned by going to the Arthur Findlay College.  So, I’m a very disciplined individual in that I know like practising an instrument, you’re not going to get good just because you go to a music school, you get good by being consistent.  Whether it’s five minutes or 10 minutes but if it’s consistent and on a regular basis you develop a skill set.  So, it’s the same thing with psychic mediumship, because everything is energy, vibrational frequency and we will have chakras, as we meditate on a regular basis, we develop our sensitivity. Now, one can argue and say, well I’m a Psychic and Medium I never meditate. Well, that’s good.  But my belief is you can still be a Psychic Medium without meditation but I feel if you do meditate on a regular basis, your psychic and mediumship abilities will be enhanced and developed to a higher level than if one doesn’t meditate but again, this is all personal but that’s my personal ethos for what I would recommend for people to develop their skills no matter what level they are at. 

Yes, I think that’s great Larry, meditation is definitely key. So, Larry thank you so much for coming and speaking to us on Psychic Matters!  People can come and find you if they want a one-to-one session, if they want sound healing with you, Reiki healing, any life coaching or tuition, they can come, and they can find you.  please do tell us your website so people can find you.

That’s right Ann.  People can find me on   and my services are listed there and there is an email, or a contact page and they can contact me, and I normally get back to people within 24 hours

And finally, your demonstrations of mediumship, of which I take part now and again, where will people find out where they can come and watch you working?

Well they can go to my events page on my website and I do have a list there of all the churches or live events that are listed there so that so that gives a good indication of where people can find me.

Perfect okay Larry so just before we go as well, we ought to mention that we do teach together.  Do you want to say a little bit about that?

Yes, the good thing is for the public who come to see us work together whether its demming or learning from us, as you said earlier, we both have contrasting styles which makes it more interesting for the public when they see us dem, to show them that there is not only one way on how you can be a medium.  So the good thing is that we bring to the teaching forum, is that we both have very vast experience whether it is seminars or personal working experience, we are both international working mediums, so we’ve worked in different countries, so we’re both able to share what it’s like to actually work in different countries because people are not really aware on how when you travel, people’s expectations, the vibration and energy of the cultures and the people is completely different. And how just because if you get used to demming in England, how it’s completely different for example if you go to Canada, the States and Europe.  So we are both able to bring all these different areas of expertise, and because we are always growing and learning, we always are bringing back to the teaching forum, what we have learned recently as well so it’s not like we’re both resting on our laurels and saying well we’ve been teaching this for 10 years and this is all you’re going to get.  So at least when we teach the audience never knows what they’re going to get because we don’t know what we’re going to get so we’re always coming in with an open mind, so everybody is learning together.

Yes I think that’s a really good point actually Larry, to bring in the fact that we can pick up things from our demonstrations together and our psychic lifestyles and bring that into our tuition I think that’s a really important aspect of it actually, so we are teaching psychic and mediumship workshops together…

That’s right yes, if anyone is actually interested who is listening who would like to study or continue their studies with me and Ann, do feel free to contact us on our various websites, because Ann has a wonderful website and you can easily contact Ann on her website or myself on my website and we will be very happy to reply back to you and let you know when our next dates are for teaching.  Or if you would like to set up an event in your town where you live if you have a venue etc we would be more than happy to travel to your area as well, to offer a demonstration of mediumship but also workshops as well.

Yes, that would be fabulous as we do enjoy demonstrating mediumship together so much don’t be Larry because we always have fun and the evenings are always very uplifting and really enjoyable for the audience who come along. Larry thank you again so much for your time.  I could talk to you all day you are so fascinating.  You have got so much background and so much history and you’ve trained in so many interesting places and you’ve had so many fascinating experiences, I think you should write a book

Well it’s good that you should mention books because I’ve just finished publishing my third music book, So You Want To Play Guitar – that comes with its own YouTube channel now as well.  And I’ve got that out of my system so now I have got three spiritual books on the go that I’m currently working on at the moment.

Ooh, how exciting, well when you get closer to publication date, let us know and we will get you back on the show and you can tell us about those.

Indeed, we will have more exciting things to talk about page 42.

Okay Larry thank you so much again for coming on the show.

Thank you for having me and thank your listeners for listening.

A very big thank you to all of you, Psychic Matters Listeners, I really appreciate you.  Thank you so much for tuning in and I really do hope that you enjoyed that episode and in fact, all the episodes so far. If you haven’t done so already, please make sure you hit the subscribe button, because next week, we’re going to be talking about how to develop your sixth sense. Everyone is psychic – each one of us knows instinctively how to use their intuition.  We can all sense a change in atmosphere if we walk into a room where an argument has just taken place.  Or a lot of us have had an experience where we suddenly think about someone and then they telephone you. Or you start singing a song and then it comes on the radio. This is all part of you picking up information from the atmosphere around you and using your intuitive or psychic skills.  So, in the next episode we are going to explore this and help you to awaken your own psychic potential.

Please know, that I’m here to help you, so do get in touch if there is anything you feel you need help with.  You can head over to my website or to the Psychic Matters Podcast Group Facebook Page.

I really appreciate your time in this very upside-down world.  If you know of anyone who you think might be interested in the subject matter of this podcast, please do share this with them and if you’re enjoying things so far, I’d really appreciate you leaving me a written review on Apple podcasts. Many thanks to those listeners who have already done that, I’m so appreciative, but if you haven’t as yet and you are finding this podcast helpful, please do take the time to leave me a review, I would be so very grateful. 

Have a fantastic couple of weeks everyone.  I hope that everything goes really well for you all this week.

Until next time… my name is Ann Théato and thank you for listening to PSYCHIC MATTERS!