EPISODE 009: Voice Of The Animal Kingdom with Mari Cartagenova

podcast May 21, 2021

If you have ever wondered how animals can communicate with us or if you have ever wanted to talk to your pet to find out how they are feeling, or if you want to try to locate a missing animal – this podcast will teach you how! Professional Psychic Medium, Animal Communicator and best-selling author Mari Cartagenova is on the show. Not only will you be astonished by the revelation that animals are communicating with us all the time, but you will be amazed at how simple it is to do this yourself. Mari is a wonderfully talented lady, who will teach you how by being open and non-judgemental, you can talk to your pet; why animals in the spirit world come back to visit us; and what communicating with animals feels like. Not only that, Mari talks to us of her great work as a Psychic Medium, the benefits of soul to soul communication, how to heal past traumas through past life regression therapy and the importance of connecting to the spirit world to provide answers and to help people heal.


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Ann Théato, CSNUt, Psychic, Medium and Spiritual Tutor, investigates psychic development, mediumship techniques, and paranormal science, so that you can come to understand your own innate psychic ability and expand your knowledge, whilst learning to develop a curious mind.



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PM 009

Hi there, my name is Ann Théato and I am here to teach you proven techniques for spiritual and psychic development from the comfort of your own home. I’m also here to investigate the teachings of experts across the globe, to bring you their wisdom, their advice and their spiritual wealth.

If you have ever wondered how animals can communicate with us or if you have ever wanted to talk to your pet to find out how they are feeling, or if you want to try to locate a missing animal – this podcast will teach you how!  Professional Psychic Medium, Animal Communicator and best-selling author Mari Cartagenova is on the show.  Not only will you be astonished by the revelation that animals are communicating with us all the time, but you will be amazed at how simple it is to do this yourself.  Mari is a wonderfully talented lady, who will teach you how by being open and non-judgemental, you can talk to your pet; why animals in the spirit world come back to visit us; and what communicating with animals feels like. Not only that, Mari talks to us of her great work as a Psychic Medium, the benefits of soul to soul communication, how to heal past traumas through past life regression therapy and the importance of connecting to the spirit world to provide answers and to help people heal. 

It’s a jam-packed episode!

You’ll Learn

  • How animals communicate with us

  • The importance of giving animals a voice

  • How the Spirit World first engaged with me

  • How by being open and non-judgemental, you can talk to your pet

  • How to locate missing animals

  • Why animals in the spirit world come back and visit us

  • Why anyone can connect to their animals if they want to

  • What communicating with animals feels like

  • The importance of listening to your own soul within

  • How to open your heart chakra and allow messages to come in

  • The benefits of soul to soul communication

  • Why our work as Mediums changes over time

  • Why a Medium is able to work with you over the internet


Hello everybody!  My name is Ann Théato and welcome to the Psychic Matters Podcast – episode number 9. This week, I have another incredible guest on the show, and you will be blown away by the stories this lady has to share with us.  Professional Psychic Medium, Animal Communicator and best-selling author Mari Cartagenova is on the show.  If you have ever wondered how animals can communicate with us or if you have ever wanted to talk to your pet to find out how they are feeling, or if you want to try to locate a missing animal – this podcast will teach you how!  Not only will you be astonished by the revelation that animals are communicating with us all the time, but you will be amazed at how simple it is to do this yourself.  Mari is a wonderfully talented lady, who will teach you how by being open and non-judgemental, you can talk to your pet; why animals in the spirit world come back to visit us; and what communicating with animals feels like.  Not only that, Mari talks to us of her great work as a Psychic Medium, the benefits of soul to soul communication, how to heal past traumas through past life regression therapy and the importance of connecting to the spirit world to provide answers and to help people heal.  It’s a great episode.

If you are ready, let’s begin.

I’m here today with my special guest Mari Cartagenova!  She’s an incredibly talented lady, she has trained and worked with some of the top mediums from all over the world, she’s been double-tested, vetted and approved by Shay Parker’s Best American Psychics as well as Bob Olsen’s Best Psychic Directory; she’s a professional Psychic Medium, Animal Communicator and best-selling author with clients from all over the globe. Mari Cartagenova, welcome to Psychic Matters!

Thank you so much Ann for having me, I really appreciate it.  It’s so exciting to be on your new podcast and I’m glad to be chatting with you from across the pond.

I know it’s so great, so whereabouts are you in America? Where are you based?

I am outside of Boston, Massachusetts. I have an office, not that anyone would know but it’s in Westford, Massachusetts, which is about 45 minutes outside of Boston and I see obviously a lot of people remotely, either over the phone or Skype or Zoom and it’s really been great.

So, let’s go there first because a lot of people might say, how can you work if you are not sitting next to the medium.  How does that work across Skype or Zoom or the internet?  Can you say a little bit about that?

Absolutely you know, and I get that question a lot especially with the animals because I do a lot of animal communication.  People say oh, do I need to bring my horse, or you know, my dog? And you know, honestly energy is the same everywhere and whether it’s over the phone or through Skype, you are really connecting to the energy. So, it’s not really about having the person so much in front of you or the animal.  It’s really connecting to their energy around them and you don’t need to be in person for that.  You can be on any of these other ways of connecting to people and it’s just the same.  And honestly, sometimes with animals, I find it’s a lot better to just work off a photo because sometimes if you have the animal in front of you, particularly like I do a lot of work with horses as well and they are so big that they can almost, not get in the way of the reading, but if they are frustrated or they don’t want to sit still or whatever, it makes it a little difficult for you to do the reading.  So, if I’m working off a picture, I’m just connecting to their energy and then I don’t have to worry so much about the physical with them.

Wow, so tell us then, how does.. let’s go to the animal communication.  How does that work? Can you talk us through the process?  People contact you for what sort of reasons? And then they give you a photograph of their beloved pet and how do you tune in and what happens?

Absolutely, well for me, because I do mediumship with people as well, it is a very similar connective process and it’s interesting because I know a lot of mediums say, oh you know I don’t work with animals and when I was just starting out I heard that and I was thinking oh maybe it’s like a lot harder or something, but honestly working with animals is in some ways easier, because they are so honest and just connecting with them, you know, they don’t have that human foibles and fables like we people do. But the animals are just open and honest so in terms of connecting with them it’s really very similar to a mediumship connection, only like I said, it’s a little bit easier. What I do personally for my practice, is I centre myself, I usually do some type of meditation or grounding exercise, and then it’s really a matter of getting out of your head space and really more into your body, into your chakras, specifically your heart chakra and being open, and allowing those messages to come in.  And I do mentorships as well with people, either with mediumship or animal communication, and this is a lot of the process that we go through, it’s really doing the grounding, clearing your energy, allowing your heart chakra, your body to be open to receiving, your energetic body I mean not your physical body, and then sort of allowing the information to come in. And I know people who maybe aren’t familiar with mediumship or animal communication, they think the messages are like you know, something really loud, or something like, the animal is like, “Hey Mari what’s up? You know I just wanted to tell you I had the best meal today,” or something you know, but it’s not quite like that. It’s more, and you know this because you do the same work, it’s more like a gentle whisper or something that really just touches your energy in a very light way.   And for me, when I’m connecting with animals and with people as well, because I’m very clairvoyant, which means I can see things, you know with my energetic eye and so they’ll show me a little pictures or movies, almost looks like a clip of a movie and they’ll show me. Like, you know, I had a dog that was showing me his fingernails and you know this little girl that was painting his fingernails.  And so, when I was talking to the client, I’m like, you know, he’s talking to me about getting his fingernails painted and the lady started laughing and saying oh yes, my granddaughter comes over and likes to paint his nails, so.


So, it basically works like that.

Wow, that’s amazing and so how did you get into this work Mari? Specifically, with animal communication.

Well you know it’s interesting.  I mean I guess if anyone’s read my bio or whatever, I’ve been “this way” my whole life. When I was little, I used to see angels and spirits would talk to me and as, being a little kid, I thought that hey, like, this is normal, this is what happens to everybody.  And as I grew older, I realised that is not what happens to everybody and people kind of thought I was a little weird.  So, I kind of kept that hidden to myself but it was still happening.  I would still connect with spirit and connect with animals.  And even elementals like trees you know, I was the little kid that would be hugging a tree and my classmates would be looking at me askance.  But in terms of working specifically with animals, as I started to work through mediumship, and I remember specifically this conversation I had with another medium who was talking about, that it is so hard to connect with animals. And I was like, I wonder if that’s really true. And so, I just basically started doing it, the connecting with animals piece.  And I just find, you know like I said earlier, that the animals are so open and so honest like cos they are really just about love and they really just wanna get that through to their humans. And so, there is no intermediary, they don’t have an agenda. So, I just sort of started connecting to them and I realised that it was rather easy for me, and just since then I’ve been doing it. And I love working with the animals and it’s probably about 50% of my business I would say.

Goodness, so you work also with lost animals and or missing animals. How do you find them?

Well that is a good question.  Now, people have asked me that and my understanding and my feeling is that I tune in the same way that I do for any of my, you know, readings.  And then the animal, it’s not like I’m seeing it through their eyes, it’s almost like as if I were a Go Pro on top of the heads and I am seeing the path that they are on, but almost on the side if that makes any sense.  And I basically, you know at some point I wasn’t doing missing animal cases. and then there was a friend of mine whose dog went missing and you know they lived in Ireland and they were like oh my God our dog. It’s a long story but basically over the course of six days, I tracked this dog all over, like through the hills of Ireland. And the dog kept show me the number six. And I said to the woman, you know, and this was all through text. He keeps showing me six do you understand that?  And she said, well, you know it turns out they were taking a walk in the mountains somewhere outside of, in Ireland.  And she said yeah, we were walking, and we lost him by cabin number six.  And I said, yeah I think it’s more than that though, because he keeps talking about that and he was showing me areas that he’d been through like the school area and he described this particular building that he had been past and I was passing on this information along to her. And basically, when you’re working with a missing animal it has to be a partnership, because clearly, I’m not in Ireland, I’ve never been there, and so there has to be a person on the ground following all the clues that I’m getting from the animal.  So, the owner was running around this part of town and sending me pictures and I’m like, yeah that’s the building he’d passed, and he talked about a certain house he had been at.  And she went and knocked on the door of the house and the person was like, yeah, I saw that dog running through my yard yesterday and so it was almost like we are on this detective hunt a little bit.  And to make a long story short, he ended up being found at the opening of this logging area which he had shown me, at 6 o’clock on the sixth day he was lost, at this particular area he had described which was notated by a little red ribbon by the logging area so it was pretty amazing. And I’m just grateful I’m able to connect with them and they are able to show me these things and I’m able to bring them home.

That is incredible.  What an incredible story. 

Thank you.

If you’ve got a pet who is, say, misbehaving. Do you work with the owner as well as the pet?

Absolutely, I mean, basically the way it works is that if, in some of the cases I get they say I don’t know why the dog is chewing his paw, or whatever it is they’re doing and I will connect to the animal and I will ask them energetically and say hey what’s going on? Are you upset? Is there something bothering you? And they will tell me. And it could be anything from, you know. There was one animal who kept doing something with his face, rubbing his face on the ground like over and over again and I was like yeah, I am feeling my tooth because I will feel, you know, the issues that the animal is feeling in my own body.

And so, I was feeling like, yeah, my left jaw is kind of bothering me. I think you should probably take the pet to the vet because clearly, I’m not a medical professional, I cannot diagnose or treat.  So, she ended up taking her dog to the vet and he had an abscess in one of his teeth in the back and so that’s why he was doing it you know.  And you know, I was just able to tell her like, hey, you know, and just pinpoint the area of where there is an issue.  And it is the same thing with behavioural issues. Like, I had a client and one of her dogs was going crazy at night, he would go to the hallway, a specific spot in the hallway. And he would run up and down and bark and this owner was like, what is going on? And it was really bothering the family obviously keeping everybody up. And so, I talked to the dog and he told me about there was another spirit, and I know this might sound a little out there to some of your listeners but there was a another spirit animal that had passed in the house and he was still there because he liked the house and even though these were new owners of the property, he just kind of liked to pop in.  So, when I talked to the dog, the dog who is living, I sort of explained hey this is this other dog.  And then when I talked to the owner, she was like yeah, this other, the family that moved out, they had this dog that passed in the house and I described the dog and it was exactly the same dog that had passed. So it was sort of between the owner and the dog, I was able to sort of tell them both, look you can chill out, it’s just a spirit he just kind of wants to pop in and say hello and after I explained that to the clients dog, he was like oh okay. And he was able to calm down and they were sort of both able to accept there was this other spirit here who was just kind of popping in and saying hi and everything was fine.

Gosh that just makes me smile so much to know that our lovely pets, when they have gone over to the other side, can come back in visitation that is so lovely. Absolutely, because they are souls just like us you know. To me there is no difference. Whether it is an animal or a person, because we are all souls and all sparks of the divine so when you are connecting to that, the energy is the same. So, whether your grandfather comes back or if it’s your dog Spot, it is all the same energy. And so that is why we are able to connect.

Oh, it’s so beautiful. And you’ve written a book called Heaven Sent.  Tell us about your book.

Well thank you.  Yeah, it’s actually a really great book. It’s a multi-author compilation so it’s not just me, it’s a number of other authors as well.  And they are all true stories of how animals touched our hearts in miraculous ways.  And, you know, my part of the book I talk about our cat, beloved cat, Mr Fur and you know, how he came to us and how he came back in visitations, as we are talking about visitations, and it’s a really beautiful book for anybody that loves animals.  I highly recommend picking up a copy.  It’s on Amazon and easy to find and it’s just a lot of, I think it’s like 20 or so, stories of people and how their pets have helped them through crossing or through you know, sicknesses and it’s really lots of beautiful stories. Get your tissues out because there are some tearjerkers in there.

Oh, I will have to buy a copy it sounds beautiful. Heaven’s Scent.  I’ll put the links in the show notes for this episode so people can find it.

Thank you.

Mari, how would somebody at home, if they wanted to communicate with their pet, have you got an exercise that they could do?

Yeah, absolutely.  You know, and people think it’s, and I always tell everybody like, I’m not magical.  Like, what I do I’m not magical.  I don’t have any special powers.  Anyone can connect to their animals and their loved ones if they want to. It’s like, I tell people if you wanna be a bodybuilder you go to the gym and you cut carbs and all that kind of stuff you would train yourself so, in terms of connecting to your animals, I developed a really easy exercise which I called CORA.  And it’s basically clearing your energy, which would just basically be surrounding yourself in a bubble and imagining all of the energy, you know anything you don’t need, sort of dripping down into the ground.  The ‘O’ is opening. Opening your heart chakra, you know the green heart chakra energy and sort of allowing any of that energy to be able to come to you. The ‘R’ is releasing expectations, which is a big one because people are always thinking that you know, their animals are going to have some, or even their people are going to have something, like the lottery numbers or something, but it’s not so much that, the R for releasing expectation and just allowing whatever there is to come to them. And then the A of the CORA is allow the information to come in.  

So, it’s a matter of basically sitting down, allowing the everything to come to you as it is. You have to first make sure that you are open and sort of in that meditative or receiving state.  And then don’t judge whatever they are giving you. I mean, animals will tell you honestly the strangest things, but you know sometimes they’ll talk about, look I don’t really like my owner.  Or I had this one cat that was talking to me about, he showed me this really weird toy, and I was describing it and I’m like this looks like a green fuzzy peapod and to me it didn’t really make any sense and then the owner ended up sending me a picture of this cat with this fuzzy green peapod toy.  So, it is as a matter of allowing what comes to you and not judging it and just basically being open. So, it’s sitting, being open, receiving and allowing the information to come in without judgement.  So that’s pretty.  An easy.  It may sound a little complicated, but it’s really not, once you sit with it and practice the steps. And if anybody needs any clarification, certainly they can shoot me a text, or a message and I am happy to send them that exercise as well.

Oh, that would be fabulous and again I’ll put your contact details on the show notes too and we’ll talk about those at the end of this podcast so people can find you. And another thing you mentioned, was you do workshops for people to learn how to do this.  So, do you want to say a little bit about those?

Yes, absolutely I mean given now that we are in the age of the coronavirus, everything has changed a little bit but I certainly, you know in my local area, I do workshops on connecting to animals. I do some classes now online for, to be able to connect to your animals and then I offer a mentorship. There are some people that, for whatever reason, just wanna learn one-on-one.  And if you do a mentorship with me, you have my full attention and we can meet for between four and ten sessions.  And we just go through all the steps of connecting.  We do a lot of practice exercises and you know; I have a lot of information I can send you about connecting to your animals and people really like that. They really enjoy having that one-on-one time with me, where I can walk them through all the steps and practice and give helpful notes and stuff like that. So, I’m doing that online and certainly wants the coronavirus God willing goes away, I’ll be doing it again in person as well.

Wow, that’s brilliant so I’m sure people will be very interested in that. That sounds absolutely fascinating and nice to be on a one-on-one I think with something like that, that’s a really wonderful way to work. So, you say animal communication is 50% of your work will talk to us about the other 50%, what else do you do Mari?

Well, I would say along with animal communication and my “regular mediumship” or connecting with people’s loved ones who have crossed over, that is a big percentage of my business as well and certainly also people come to me for psychic readings, if they need help with what’s going on in my life in the future or what’s going on in my job or romantic relationships.  And also, there is something I do called soul readings which is really more about your past lives and what your soul is really aching to do in terms of your direction.  If you are sort of feeling lost like I don’t know what to do with myself I feel there is something I should be doing but I’m not sure what it is, that is really more of a soul to soul reading.  Really connecting on a soul level and sort of figuring out what you’ve done in the past and where your soul would like to go in the future. So that is something I do as well. So, you know there is multifacets to my business and I just love working with people and I’m a licensed therapist, so prior to doing this I was working with people in that way. So, for me it’s really about the healing, whether it’s through the animals, through the mediumship, through the Soul II Soul it’s all about providing answers and helping people heal with whatever issue they have going on.

Tell us Mari, that sounds just incredible all the different skills that you have.  Tell us more about the soul work because people might be very interested in that. What kind of things can you give us an example of a Soul II Soul reading with somebody how that might go? People may be more familiar with a psychic reading or they may be familiar with us being able to bring through people from the spirit world with messages, but perhaps people aren’t quite as au fait with soul readings. So how do they work?

Well it’s very interesting and I wouldn’t say it’s a common part of my business because

it’s not something that everybody really is interested in or feel drawn to.  But for certain people they really just have this like yearning to, I know I need to be doing something and I don’t know what it is. And the soul reading for me is really connecting with them on an energetic and soul level, as opposed to connecting to a loved one or an animal.  I am connecting directly to the client and almost going in through their past lives and things have happened to them and spirit will just drop things.  Like I had a client and I was connecting to them and I kept seeing them in a past life working as a farrier. Working around horses.  A farrier is someone that shoes the horses. And that during this connection, I felt myself getting kicked in the stomach or there was a blow.  This person ended up getting kicked by a horse.  As I connected further with them and as we chatted after about this connection, this person said you know I’ve always been terrified of horses, and any time I ever go to the barn with my daughter, you know, I can’t walk behind the horses and I’ve never had any accident and I’ve never had anything happen but she had this almost deep seated fear of walking behind the horses.  And after we did this reading she was like, oh well now I understand, because it wasn’t from this lifetime it was from a different lifetime and that helped her put a little bit of perspective on why she was having that feeling.  So, you can sort of work through any type of issues or fears you have during this lifetime or in terms of where you should be going.  You know, I’ve worked with people who are really drawn to working in the spiritual realm, whether it’s a shaman or a psychic or a medicine person and I will connect with them on a soul level and find out, well that’s what they’ve been doing for, you know, 30 different lifetimes. So, it feels very familiar to them, but in this lifetime, they’ve just had a lot of issues getting there like, oh what will people think etc., etc. But being able to connect with what someone did in the past, opens up that door, if they want to continue going there in the future. It also validates their feelings like, one of my clients was like, I don’t understand, I’m a lawyer but I keep getting these dreams about being a shaman and about healing people and using smudge sticks and herbal medicine and I feel like I’m going crazy because I’m a lawyer and that’s what I do.  And by connecting to the soul level of who they have been through different lifetimes, I’m able to sort of guide them and say, you know, you’re not going crazy, it’s just your energy, your DNA, has this shaman piece imprinted on it and that’s why you keep moving there and going to that space and even though you might enjoy being a lawyer or whatever it is you’re doing, that may not be what you’re meant to be doing this time, in this go around. So, it sort of helps provide clarity in terms of what people want to do with their lives and what their soul is really pushing them to do.

Yeah because our human beings get in the way so much don’t, they?  Our conscious minds come in and then we just get separated from what we are put here to do on the work we are meant to be doing. And we end up doing things that, boring jobs, living a life that is unfulfilled. I mean a lot of us have to do boring jobs.  I am one of those people, part of my life is a boring job, but it is about bringing in things that make your soul sing I think and trying to identify what those things are so that you can enrich your life.

Absolutely 100%.  And you are so right that the human gets in the way, and it’s also, its our human self, and it’s also the people around us, you know, a lot of people that I know, like, oh I can never do that, my family would disown me, or they will think I’m crazy, or there’s all that type of societal input, families, friends, et cetera that sort of gets in the way of really connecting to your own voice. And I feel like when you sit for a soul to soul reading or with anybody in our profession, you’re able to get some clarity in terms of what you as a person, as a soul, really want to be doing.

Yes, that’s beautiful Mari, really beautiful. And so, where do you think your interests lie at the moment? I think for me, as a medium and healer and a past life regressionist and all of those things, my work is going in a certain way at the moment and it changes from, every few months, I have a different things happen within my work.  Currently for instance, I am exploring taking people into deep hypnosis and bringing their loved ones through from the spirit world so that they can have this three-dimensional experience of meeting them.  So, I am combining my mediumship with my past life regression therapy. Where are you at Mari at the moment with your work?  What is the driving force for you at the moment and where you’re heading?

Well that’s a very interesting question because you’re totally right that it does change, you know, because you might get into something and think is this really what I want to be doing and then you keep getting pushed in another area.  So, for me right now, I guess it’s always been the animals. I love, I really love doing mediumship, I love doing demonstrations which for your listeners, is like a gallery reading, getting up on stage, and demonstrating and connecting to Spirit but of course whenever I’m doing that there is always animals that come in. So the animals are always around me and I love working with the animals so I would say I am being pushed more towards the animals but honestly I  try to keep a foot in both worlds because I love working with people and offering the healing that mediumship can provide and just proving that life continues beyond what the physical is right now. And so, they know that their loved ones are okay and that, you know, they are in a good place.  And giving them specific information, that you know, I would have no way of knowing otherwise.  Because a lot of people come to me and they’re like, oh I don’t know about this, this seems kind of crazy. They are sceptical. which I understand. Because at one point in my life I was like, am I going mad?  Is this really happening to me?  Because you don’t really know until you really dive into it.  So, I love providing that healing and I feel like my therapy background is really well-suited for that. Because people will come and perhaps they had a fight with their dad before they passed and just trying to work out all those pieces, so that the person that is still here has some peace and the soul that has crossed knows that their daughter, for instance has heard them. And has had their apology and that way, both parties, the passed and the one that’s here, can both move on in a way so it’s providing that energetic closure for both parties and I love that and I never really want to give up working with people. But the animals again are always around me and they always seem to find me so I do get a lot of people calling me for animal communication with their animals that have passed or their animals that are still here and you know, I love animals so that stuff is always going to be a big part of my practice.

That’s so great and animals really need a voice and it’s fantastic that you’re working in that field on their behalf Mari.

Thank you. Yeah, I love that.

So where can people find you? People wanna come and see you, they wanna come to you for a reading, they can come for psychic or Soul to Soul or tarot, or past life or animal communications, they can come for your workshops, they can buy your book.  Where will they find you on the Internet?

Well the best place to find me is and I also have Facebook and Instagram and Twitter and YouTube Channel so all those links are on my website that’s probably the easiest way to find me and certainly if you are in Massachusetts or New England, once the coronavirus has left us which God willing will be soon,, I have an office in Westford, Massachusetts at Tranquillity Wellness Centre and I see people in person there. So that’s probably the easiest way to get hold of me and certainly now I’m doing a lot of online sessions, Zoom or if you’re not a techie, over the phone works just as well, so, I can connect in any of those ways.

Oh, how brilliant. Thank you, Mari.  And, of course, all of that will be in the show notes as well, so people can just head over to my website and pick up the show notes and they’ll be directed over to Mari. Thank you so much for coming onto the show and telling us all about the work that you’re doing out there.  It’s very, very vital work and it just sounds like you’re touching a lot of hearts of both people and the animal kingdom and thank you Mari for sharing everything that you have today.

Absolutely it’s my greatest pleasure. Thank you so much for asking me to be on the show and I love again working with people or animals and my goal really is to bring healing and whatever aspect I’m working with.  You know because that’s important, that’s why we’re all here is to help the other souls to get to the other side I guess, in the best and most loving way possible, so again, thank you so much for your time and putting together this podcast which is brilliant and very informative, so thank you again.

It is such a pleasure Mari and thanks; it’s been great talking to you.

Thank you so much.

Well, that was Mari Cartagenova, Professional Psychic Medium, Animal Communicator and best-selling author, whose book, Heaven Sent is available on Amazon.  And Mari has said that if anyone out there who is listening is interested in receiving a signed copy of her book, you can buy it directly on her website and with that you get a free gift too! 

It just remains for me to say a very big thank you to all of you, Psychic Matters Listeners, as ever, I really appreciate you and thank you so very much for listening.  If you want to pick up the show notes for this episode, which always include a complete transcript of the entire show, plus links & resources that have been mentioned, do head over to and you’ll find them over there.

We have a very active Psychic Matters! Facebook Group now, lots of you have become members and joined in the conversation, so if you haven’t done so yet, please do head over there and join us as we discuss all things paranormal.

Thank you to everyone who has taken the time to write some really lovely reviews for this podcast.  I really appreciate you.  And if you haven’t done so yet, can I ask you to go over to Apple podcasts and write an honest review that would really help so much with algorithms and ratings and so on and so forth.

Have a fantastic couple of weeks everybody, stay safe out there and do try talking to your pets this week and let us know how you get on!

Until next time… my name is Ann Théato and thank you for listening to PSYCHIC MATTERS!