EPISODE 012: Your Story Is Your Power with Tyrone Cusack
Jul 02, 2020
Hi there, my name is Ann Théato and I am here to teach you proven techniques for spiritual and psychic development from the comfort of your own home. I’m also here to investigate the teachings of experts across the globe, to bring you their wisdom, their advice and their spiritual wealth.
In this episode, we are joined by Spirit Messenger Tyrone Cusack who explains the importance of honouring our own unique journey through life. When we face our suffering head on and overcome our challenges, we inevitably feel more capable and more skilled. Each challenge helps us to become a more unique individual, increasingly extraordinary, possessed of rarer skills. Tyrone teaches us how to take ownership of our story in order to gain great knowledge and wisdom and to allow the spark of divinity within each of us to begin to unfold.
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Ann Théato, CSNUt, Psychic, Medium and Spiritual Tutor, investigates psychic development, mediumship techniques, and paranormal science, so that you can come to understand your own innate psychic ability and expand your knowledge, whilst learning to develop a curious mind.
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PM 012
Hi there, my name is Ann Théato and I am here to teach you proven techniques for spiritual and psychic development from the comfort of your own home. I’m also here to investigate the teachings of experts across the globe, to bring you their wisdom, their advice and their spiritual wealth.
In this episode, we are joined by Spirit Messenger Tyrone Cusack who explains the importance of honouring our own unique journey through life. When we face our suffering head on and overcome our challenges, we inevitably feel more capable and more skilled. Each challenge helps us to become a more unique individual, increasingly extraordinary, possessed of rarer skills. Tyrone teaches us how to take ownership of our story in order to gain great knowledge and wisdom and to allow the spark of divinity within each of us to begin to unfold.
So much to discuss!
You’ll Learn
Why we must honour our journey through life
The importance of bringing your strengths to the fore
How to honour the Divine greatness within
How you can translate a story of energy
How to become the best version of you
Why you are uniquely different
How mediums use references and symbols
Why we must discover our own power
The importance of choosing the right reader for you
How the intelligence of Spirit works
How a psychic unfolds your energetic blueprint
The benefits of honouring what resonates with you
Why life’s challenges shape who you are
How spirit often provides
How to prepare for a sitting with a Psychic Medium
Hello everybody! My name is Ann Théato and welcome to the Psychic Matters Podcast – episode number 12.
I am sure you have all experienced times where life was going great one minute and then the next minute, you experience a great change, perhaps a loss or tragedy which expels you from your presumed life trajectory into unchartered waters. Some of us end up living lives or experiencing things in our lives that we definitely had not planned.
In this podcast episode, we are joined by Spirit Messenger Tyrone Cusack, who explains the importance of honouring our own unique journey through life. When we face our suffering head on and overcome our challenges, we inevitably feel more capable and more skilled. Each challenge helps us to become a more unique individual, increasingly extraordinary, possessed of rarer skills. Tyrone teaches us how to take ownership of our story in order to gain great knowledge and wisdom and to allow the spark of divinity within to begin to unfold.
So, if you’re ready, let’s begin.
I have a great friend on the show this week. This gentleman, and he is a gentle man, is one of the most uplifting souls I have ever had the pleasure to have met. You can probably hear me beaming from where you are at the moment. His presence always makes me feel joyful and his incredible ability to connect with the spirit world, makes him one of the most talented Psychic Mediums that I know. His work has taken him across the world, and he is here in the studio today to share with us his own particular story. Tyrone Cusack, welcome to Psychic Matters!
Bless you Friend, thank you so much for inviting me and for that great introduction.
It’s a pleasure.
I just wanted to say quickly before we started, Ann, I’m so, so blessed to be a part of your manifestation process with this podcast and I think your vision and well of knowledge is just absolutely amazing, so thank you so much for including me on this.
Ah, thank you it’s great well it’s nice to be able to share everybody’s knowledge isn’t it, inviting all these people that we both know to just share what they know and just spread the word sort of thing, that’s great.
Absolutely I think it’s fantastic to just get more exposure and get that information out there for those that are interested. Thank you for having me.
It’s always a pleasure I love having you around you are just always so fun. So, Ty, tell us, let me hand over to you, you begin wherever you want to begin on your story.
Well I thought what was quite interesting to me prior to obviously hitting the record button, was maybe talking about a theme of your story is your power. And I feel the inspiration for this is that whether living or passed into the spirit world, each story is unique, each story holds value. I believe your story is your power because you are not living anybody else’s life you are living your own and I think to some degree, we can all get caught in our story, I mean get caught in what our story is perhaps lacking or what it is not, rather than the power of what our story actually is. And just because others might not value you or your story that doesn’t make it any less powerful and that is very, very important to remember. And I think each of us have experienced wins and losses, elation and tragedy to varying degrees of course, and these, let’s say chapters, subchapters and paragraphs if you will, all shape and mould us into the characters that we are now and now there will naturally be some similarities in interwoven stories and experiences we share with others. Maybe even chapters or lifetimes if you’ve had longstanding friendships or relationships but that is what makes your story unique. That is what makes it magical. And I feel when we allow ourselves to reflect and become reacquainted with our story, that is when we align with our authenticity and the minute, we take ownership of our story, all that knowledge and wisdom from lessons learned begins to culminate and manifest in a plethora of ways. And I think when we become invested in our own story in a non-egoic away, we become our power and we can honour that divine greatness within us and when that happens, man, some truly transcendent experiences can begin to unfold. Because at the end of the day, we are the author of our story and it is good to remember that if you find yourself in a challenging situation this really is only one moment in a greater teaching experience and I’ve personally had to remind myself of that this week. So, if you’re listening, I would say take this moment and pat yourself on the back and say my story is my power because it really is and let that energy build within you.
Gosh I love this Tyrone, because there’s so many of us that think … well when you were saying about we look at what we lack rather than what we do have, because we sometimes think oh my life should’ve gone this way, I really had my life mapped out and it was gonna be like this and actually it didn’t end up like that at all.
It didn’t turn out like that at all.
And then you are sort of left of the scraps and you’re trying to make something of that. But there is a great power within that, so yeah tell us more, share more with us, this is fascinating.
Yeah, you know what, I’ve had certain experiences as we all do, and it’s very easy to sort of become distracted or very naturally compare ourselves to others. I mean and to some degree I think that’s healthy, but I think it’s very easy to fall into the trap where you compare yourself to what you are lacking, instead of really honouring and bringing to the forefront what your strengths are. And to some degree even your weaknesses because those weaknesses actually allow you to experience new things and put you out of your comfort zone and I think as long as you can remind yourself that your story is your power, that it is uniquely different to everybody else’s, you make it your own. Because nobody else is doing your story, you are doing your story and that’s what makes it powerful.
Yeah and also, I think that, even though, I have to look at my own life, I had a great dream I would go to Hollywood and be this fantastic famous actress and it never happened.
Well, never say never.
Yes, well indeed, maybe it’s still on the cards for me, that would be fabulous, yes please, any directors listening contact me!
Don’t forget me, friend!
Yes, you can come with me right! But my life ended up being one of single parent bringing up two children and that was a very different experience but there were so many interesting things that happened within that time for me and I really grew as a person and as a soul. And if that hadn’t happened and my life hasn’t taken that direction, I wouldn’t be the person I am now, so we do have to honour what we’ve gone through, I think.
Absolutely warts and all, warts and all because it really does shape who you are now. It helps you sort of bring to the forefront what it is that you are wanting to do and really take the pen and confidently write where you want your story to go.
Yes, because we can, with focus and intent drive our life towards what we want to achieve and attain, I think.
Yes, absolutely I agree with you and I think energy follows thought, so when we can sort of take ownership of our story and start making the necessary changes to bring us into the best versions of ourselves, the future is unscripted.
Yes, exactly and it’s exciting. So, let’s talk about you then Ty, what, tell us your story and where did this all begin for you?
My story… I would probably say my earliest memory, in stepping into the shoes of a psychic medium, was when my sister came home, when my sister was born and my parents bought her home from the hospital and I got to hold her in my arms for the first time and obviously at that age I wasn’t aware of what a psychic or a medium was or spirits and that sort of thing. But when I held my sister there was definitely a Soul to Soul connection, there was a bond that was made and although I didn’t necessarily have the intellectual capacity to understand what it was, I knew what I was feeling. And then life went on and I think when I was around six or seven, my great Gran was living with us and she got really, really ill and ended up passing away, bless her. And I remember seeing my sister and my mum being incredibly distraught, which is completely natural, and I could feel my compassion and empathy, but I wasn’t crying. There was like a knowing in me, knowing that, or questioning, why are they so sad because I know that she’s okay, she’s fine. It was only later in life that you sort of, that these, more and more spiritual experiences began to unfold both on my own and I was very, very fortunate to have two very good friends that were on this spiritual journey with me and we used to go and travel to different psychics and mediums and really try and discover more about ourselves and the spirit world. And I think that the catalystic point for me really stepping into my own power, was when my best friend that we used to do all the readings with, actually passed into spirit. And obviously that’s quite traumatic for anybody. I mean, losing someone to the spirit world is never a nice thing, but I think that was the very first time where I actually go to look back and acknowledge what my mum and my sister were actually feeling. Because now I had, I was having that very own experience for myself. And it was from that moment on that I started to really see spirit and notice them around in my house and around people and psychic energies really sort of picking up and knowing when things happened. And obviously I wasn’t aware of these experiences if you will with my sister and with my great Gran it was only later in life when my mum would tell me stories and she said, well you always knew when your sister needed food or she needed to have a nappy change prior to her crying. And then it all started to make sense. The puzzle pieces started to fit together. And I mean I’m still in the journey now, it’s not finished, but the journey was to sort of reflect and just become one with how my story was changing.
This is fascinating, go back a little Ty and tell us, you said you started to notice spirit people around.
Okay so tell us how. How did you know they were there? What did they look like? What is that? You noticed spirit people around?
So, it was before my friends passing, I used to notice shadows and now that I’ve been able to reflect, I’ve realised that Spirit was conditioning me. And I feel that, I mean it wasn’t just me, I’m sure this happens to many other people as well, is you will notice shadows or movement in the peripheral of your sight and you turn and nothing is there and you’re like what is going on? Am I a little bit loopy?
And that was spirit conditioning me to see them. And it was only after my friend had passed that it really became apparent because I actually saw my friend. I went into meditation after his passing and I sat on my bed and I felt him sit on the bed. I didn’t necessarily know that it was him at the time but I could feel something was sitting on the bed and then this whole new world sort of opened up and I saw my friend, how I saw him in the physical world, he spoke to me and asked me to pass on some messages for his family and for my sister because the two of them were dating at that particular time. And then it was only after that, that when Spirit presented themselves, I started to get more detail, I started to get more information. I had to really explore why they were rocking up or why they were sort of coming into my space. Because I mean, initially you know if a Spirit is coming through you are wanting to be connecting them with someone. But what I didn’t actually realise was that it was all a lesson for me to become conditioned to Spirit, to become more aware of them, to notice how every energy has a different sensation or feeling or in this particular scenario, story.
Yeah sure. That’s very sad for you to have lost your best friend.
You know what, I was very, very upset, and I think to a point very angry for a long period of time. Because the three of us used to do road trips and travel around so much and we were so… we had this whole plan mapped out about travelling together and going to different institutes to really study and become more of who we are, and sort of develop the skills and then when he passed that sort of threw that ball into the mix. But it’s taken a period of time and what I’ve realised, and my friend actually said to me prior to his passing because he knew he was going to pass young and I remember having a conversation with him in the car and we were discussing how we thought we were going to pass or at what age. And he had said to me I know that I’m going to pass young. And literally two weeks later it did happen. But he said to me in the car, he said if I do pass young, don’t worry because I’ll be there, I’ll still be doing the journey with you I just won’t have a physical body and obviously at that point I mean, we weren’t taking it super seriously so it was all fun times, laughter and banter.
And really, he has now. He has actually, he’s the one that has really sort of got me going on this journey. I definitely wouldn’t be where I am without him. And although we are currently living two very different stories, our stories are so interwoven at such magical points, that’s what’s got me to where I am today.
Gosh that is so beautiful that you have still got that friendship to this day and that you are still working together towards the common goal.
Towards the common goal and that’s exactly what it’s about, yeah.
And so, then what happened after that because I know I’ve met you on various workshops and stuff so how did you begin your development then?
So, from there I started doing obviously getting a little bit more invested in doing meditations and attending workshops where I could. We knew deep down inside that we were psychic and I think the whole time we went to psychics, all we really wanted or for me anyway, all I really wanted to do was have a psychic tell me, I just wanted to be told that I was psychic and who better to tell you that than an actual psychic?
I get that actually, Ty, because I felt that as well. When I was having all my experiences, I needed the confirmation and then I thought if someone tells me then I’ll go forward and study this.
Yes, then I’ll know. Yeah. But what I had to learn was, because every time we went to different readers, both my friends were told they were psychic, but I never got that gratification and obviously that was a little bit upsetting at first, the ego took a little bit of a …
Yeah, what, you’re the only one that’s …
You know, because especially when you are sharing all this, we were having so many stories and similar experiences together, how can I not be psychic you know? But what I realised was that was my journey. My journey had to be different because I really needed to discover my own power rather than being it told to me. So, I think after my friend started coming to visit me in Spirit, I was like, yes okay I’ll open this up, let’s do this. And I remember I was at a braai, or what we South Africans call a braai, it’s like a barbeque.
I know Braai’s, I had braai’s in Africa as well, so fabulous.
Oh, too good, too good
– oh, too good.
And I was at this particular barbecue and one of my friends actually came to me and said why don’t you give me a reading and I’ve never done it before and I sat with her and she had a whole bunch of tarot cards and Oracle cards and I pulled the cards and read from the book. But it just didn’t feel very natural it didn’t feel right and I think we spent a good 20 minutes just reading through the cards and whatever. And then I said to her, I was like, do you mind if we just sit and like, can we move this away? And then I sat, and it really just started to come through. And I remember then her grandfather came through and I could feel him, and I could see him, and he had the most amazing messages for her. I mean as amazing as it was for her, it was really for my own benefit as well. I was like, oh okay this really is a whole new world. So that really got me into doing readings and I think from there on word-of-mouth spread. And I started travelling to different clients to do readings. I mean, at that particular time I had just finished school so I was in university, so I ended up getting involved in a spiritual centre back in South Africa on a part-time basis, so I was able to work there and then sort of travel to different clients between classes at university and give readings. And, well to cut a long story short, all I wanted to do during university was travel. And I eventually finished university and I was able to travel and the first job I managed to get was on a cruise ship. I met the most amazing people but part of me was like, I felt a bit like I was empty inside, because I’d done all this work and was moving towards doing readings and just really discovering my connection to the spirit world and I was like, oh well if I’m gonna be working I’m not gonna be able to do this. But I put my trust in spirit and man, they certainly do find a way I can tell you this. Because when I was on the cruise ship, I remember we were in the crew bar and I gave one of my colleagues a reading and word quickly spread. Through the duration of my contract, I ended up after hours, sneaking into guests’ rooms to give them private readings when they are coming on holiday. Obviously I had to keep that quiet ‘cos I probably would’ve lost my job but it’s so amazing because I thought I was abandoning Spirit but I followed my intuition to travel and Spirit were with me right along my side and still giving me the opportunity to sort of strengthen my gift and have new experiences. And although my mind couldn’t fathom how that worked, there is definitely an intelligence to Spirit because they found a way for it to happen.
Yeah. They always find a way.
They always find a way if you are committed and your intent is to be focused on compassion and love, they really do make the effort.
And then I went to Thailand for three years and that was an absolutely amazing healing experience for myself. I travelled back home where I was able to stabilise for a little bit and really dedicate myself to the craft, doing one-to-one readings and a lot of church platform demonstrations. And then I really wanted to sort of upgrade myself and step it up a bit with the training and the learning. And for me, the only place that I was able to do that was London. And obviously being on a South African passport, the Visa situation is rather tricky, however I put that out into the universe and magic really did happen and I was granted a work Visa and able to come to the UK to train in such prestigious institutes like, I mean you know where, I’ve met you there as well, the Arthur Findlay College, The College of Psychic Studies in London, Tony Stockwell’s Soul Space. Ya, that brings us up today. The magic and the learning continues to unfold. I mean, me and you we continue to go to different courses to really sort of push the barrier of our own abilities to ensure that we can bring the best possible service to those that wish to come to us for a reading.
Yes, that’s beautifully put. I think there does come a point when you are dipping about in the shallows of psychic work, doing a workshop here, a little workshop there and going back to your ordinary life, where you are paying the rent and doing life’s challenges. And then there comes a point when you go, right, enough. Like you said. I’m going to step it up and I really want to focus. And that happened to me and since I made that decision and I drew that line in the sand, that’s the past and this is the future, it just sort of really took off from there.
From there yes absolutely. And I think when that happens, then spirit is very much aware of your commitment to them. So, they actually start to give you more experiences for you to challenge yourself and really become the best version of yourself, in terms of the work that you are doing, obviously with this and so on and so forth.
It’s extraordinary isn’t it because I, I’ve done this a couple of times. I’ve put my desire on doing a, say a, for instance, a mentorship program and it cost a lot of money. So, I just think right, I wanna do that and I’ve got enough for the deposit. I’ll put the deposit down and then I’ll just say to Spirit you have to help me with the rest because I have no idea where it’s coming from, I have no money, I don’t know where it’s coming from. And it arrives. Just enough. Not extra but enough to pay for whatever you need to pay for, and it’s happened to me two or three times with courses that I’ve gone to study at the Arthur Findlay College. I’ve put the deposit down and the rest of the money just comes.
The rest of it falls into place.
Yes, it’s extraordinary.
The Universe gives you what you need. And I think also because you’re approaching it from an intuitive basis is you’re not gung-ho on signing up for every course. You are really honouring what is resonating with you and when you do that, Spirit does provide. I think if you just pick any old thing off the shelf, at some point they are going to, you will learn a lesson. When you trust in yourself and you know that actually this particular learning module feels really good to me, magic can happen, ya.
Magic can happen that’s for sure. So, gosh, this is all so fascinating, I love it. I love talking to you Tyrone and spending time in your company. So, tell us, I know that you have a story about a pet that you want to tell.
Yes, oh goodness. I was actually thinking when I was having a little chat with you before we started recording, about, our story is our power, but everything has a story and obviously if you’re a pet lover, pets have their story as well. And all of you who actually work with animal shelters and are veterinarians or are able to adopt and look after you really are doing God’s work – in my eyes anyway because animals hold a very near and dear space in my heart. But this particular story, I remember I had just come back from…I don’t know where it was but nonetheless, I came back home and I was staying with my sister and my folks and my parents had gone away for holiday. And we had this most, I mean, we’ve only had Bull Terriers until recently and I had this beautiful Bull Terrier called Magnum.
Such a great name!
This, bless him. He had, sometimes Bull Terriers can suffer with eczema and he did have quite heavy eczema, so the vet had actually put him on Cortisone tablets to help him with his skin. And I remember seeing him one day, it caught me quite off guard. He like, basically passed out and fell completely to the side and we ran to him and sort of patted him and he came to and you could see that he was quite bewildered as to what was going on. And I was like, hmm, that’s something you know like, that red flag goes up? You know that trust the niggle, trust the niggle?
Anyway, so I left it and it happened another time and the second time I saw it I was like, no, this is not right. Come and sit with me, my friend. And we sat there, and I was like what’s wrong with you? What’s going on? And I was like, this is not like you. And again, like my sister, that soul to soul connection when you allow yourself and ask to connect heart to heart you can be very surprised about what information comes through.
Anyway, my dog had told me, he’s like I’ve got a heart murmur, I mean in not in so many words obviously, but he said I’ve got a heart murmur and the Cortisone tablets are too strong. And this was basically what I was feeling from his soul energy. And I was like right okay. So, I called my sister and I was like, let’s go to the vet. Got to the vet and obviously the vets don’t know who we are, but they are very good at remembering your pets’ names. And I remember, bless this vet, she picked Magnum up onto the table and said right what seems to be the problem? And I was just brutally honest. I was like, my dog told me that he’s got a heart murmur and the Cortisone tablets are too strong.
Well when I tell you this lady’s face, bless her, I don’t think, you could see she was still trying to process what had actually been said. And she took out the stethoscope and put it to his chest and she paused for a moment and she was like. “He does have a heart murmur.” And then she very gently put the stethoscope down and was like, “Just give me a second, I’ll be back.” And she walked out the room and me and my sister were canning ourselves with laughter. At the end of the day she can back in, and she said that the Cortisone tablets were too strong. We’ve actually quartered his dose, so here you go, and he was fine after that. And what a happy puppy he was. And I was like, you know what, if we didn’t trust that niggle, or just take that moment to spend a little bit of time and hear somebody else’s story, that story could have had a very different ending.
Yeah that’s incredible, gosh they were really strong as well.
Yeah, they must’ve been. I don’t know.
Poor little Magnum, poor little thing. Oh, but that’s so amazing! So, animal communication and you do that as well alongside your other talents?
I don’t predominantly do it but when the need… I think it’s more for me, to be honest. I think there are some phenomenal animal telepaths out there that just take it to a whole new level and I think if we, I think like us, everybody is psychic, everybody can connect and the minute you open that psychic energy, you are working soul to soul and heart-to-heart and everything has got a story if you are willing to listen.
Yes, yes for sure we do have to be willing to listen.
So, Tyrone as a psychic medium we are able to tap into a person’s energetic body, but there’s a lot of people that listen to this podcast that don’t know how the process works. Can you go into that a little bit for us?
For me personally, if it is a psychic reading what I’ll generally do is I will blend with the energy or the soul energy of the person and allow, I quite like to use colours in the beginning. I mean this isn’t a staple, but I find it’s what I generally start off with to really help anchor me in that persons energy and then that story begins to unfold, where we can go back in time to what particular person has experienced or gone through and worked through up to the present moment, and what they are busy dealing with, perhaps need a little bit of insight or guidance with, as well as if there are any sort of future events that are coming about, give them a little bit of guidance on what their energetic blueprint is, in terms of the multitude of possibilities that are available to them in that moment of time. And I think that’s important to know because, when we go into a reading it’s not just being told the information, it’s important for us to become involved and take responsibility and play our part and to know that when you leave the session, you can make the changes, whether you want to make the change or don’t want to make the change, that’s fine but you are able to craft and become the author, like I was talking about earlier. And I think when, if you go into a mediumistic reading, that’s exactly what the medium is doing. They are unfolding the story of the spirit world, whoever actually happens to come through and connect with you, your loved ones in spirit, they are doing their very best to unfold that person by helping describe possibly how that person passed or their personality. Really bringing that person back to life, sharing in the memories again but I think it is also important because mediums will also work with spirit to bring through information on what’s going around in your current life to show that Spirit is actually very present with you now. It’s not just about what was, but it’s about Spirit being around you, and in supporting you, and continuing to work with you. And they know when certain events are going on in your life and it’s nice to have that validation. So, I mean we as psychic mediums try our best to bring that information and message across, in terms of unfolding your story as best as possible.
Thank you, that’s a great explanation.
Thank you.
So, when you work, Ty, how do you work psychically with somebody? If you’re giving a psychic reading, so for instance, I did a psychic reading for a wonderful lady yesterday. And as I tuned into her the first thing, I became aware of was her shoulders. And then through being aware of the sort of weight on her shoulders, I was able to start to unravel what was happening around her and why she felt she had the weight of the world on her shoulders and the story unravelled from there. So, when you’re working with someone, how does your, because you’ve already said we all work very differently, how do you work?
Well that’s a very good question. I generally like to connect and blend with the energy of my client. I quite like to use colours in the beginning so I will actually ask for a particular colour or just become aware of their sort of auric energy and the colours that are involved there. And that’s really just to ground me, for me personally, that is really just to ground me in the energy of the person that I’m reading for so, like you said, so the story can begin to unravel
Yeah so that’s like your starting point?
Yes, exactly your starting point. And usually what I’ll do from there is allow the energy to move into a particular area of their life where they might be focussed on, so perhaps relationship or career and I almost let the colour lead me into that particular area to expand on it. And it’s quite fascinating for me because the colours that generally come through all blend into each other and that’s really what you’re wanting to do in the reading, is you’re wanting to go full circle. You are wanting to take where that person has come from and see where that person is now, and where the potential is, or the possibilities are of them going. And I think that’s how, like you did with yours, in recognising bless her, the weight that she was feeling on her shoulder, so you can actually start peeling those layers back and giving her the tools and the insight to recognise what she might be experiencing. Because a lot of the times is, we think, we know but that in there lies the problem – we think we don’t feel.
Yes. And so, for me, so when I’m working, how that works for me is, as I blend my energy with hers, I’m almost drawn to look at her shoulders. I’m almost drawn to feel a weight on my own shoulders and so I know that that is the major… and interestingly enough, at the very end of the reading, that was the sole reason that she had come, you know, because she had felt this.. you know, she had the weight of the world on her shoulders and I guess for me it starts, so it’s an energetic feeling; I feel it in my energetic body; I feel it in my physical body; I see it in her body; and then it leads onto imagery that comes into my mind. So, I’m just asking for you, you work with colours, I’m just kind of trying to work out the process for people to learn how we do it, because it seems like a magical mysterious thing. So, for you, what is your, is that the same for you Ty or does it work slightly differently for you?
I think every person is different, so I generally give over to their energy to see what unfolds. But like I mentioned earlier, is colours seem to be a theme and then that will sort of evolve into sensations. So, like you I will feel it in my ethereal body. I will also, if there is any sort of physical discomfort that will become present in my own body, just to sort of really draw my awareness to it. Now, I found it quite fascinating that you actually looked at her shoulders because for me, I find that I generally look away. Most the times when I am really reading or connecting or blending, I’m actually not physically looking at the client or at the person, I’m generally sort of glancing into the distance. But then I will sort of let it build and like you, I’m sure you might get sort of clairaudient sounds or imagery. I also, for me, I get certain references or symbols that I’ve sort of built up – my little spiritual toolbox if you will, that mean certain things to me. And I think because I’ve worked with my Spirit Guides if I need to get to a particular point, they use that to sort of, I don’t want to say speed up the process because that is wrong, but to help anchor into that energy a little quicker, to really start to unfold it in more depth, rather than, that’s what I’ve seen.
It’s interesting. I love talking to other Mediums and Psychics about how they work.
Absolutely, and I think just listening to the stories of all the other phenomenal psychic mediums and healers that you have had on, it is just so fascinating to hear how they work and what they offer. And that is the importance of this is because everybody really does work differently. And each experience is different because I remember, a couple of weeks ago, actually talking about how I work is, sometimes you will be put in a situation where that whole rhythm or pattern changes because you are catering to what that person actually needs and I think also that Spirit is quite aware of training you into different areas, so you can have those experiences. If we talk about all the different clairs; seeing clearly, hearing clearly, smelling, tasting, feeling. I think naturally people are a little bit more predominant in one of their clairs but that doesn’t necessarily mean that it’s the only one that’s going to happen and I think spirit will start to give you tastes and smells and give you different experiences, so it’s interesting for you as well, because even though you’re giving a reading for somebody else, you are still growing within yourself.
And just to clarify for the listeners, you are talking about clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairgustience, those kind of clairs.
The clairs yes.
I always used to get very confused over the clairs. So, with all of the things that we’ve just said, there are so many readers out there, they read in so many different ways, there is a lot of talented people out there working in the field of psychic mediumship, how does somebody choose the right reader for them, Ty?
That is actually a very good question and for someone – myself – who has been to many different readers in the past, I know that was something that I personally struggled with. And I think that the advice that I can give is, trust your gut, do your research. Because like you mentioned, there are so many phenomenal psychics and mediums and healers out there and I think when we get to the point where we actually feel like we need that guidance, it’s very easy for us to make a snap decision because the need is strong. Whereas I think when you get to that point, that’s when you need to slow down, and be like, right, Universe, Spirit, I’m wanting to have a reading, I’m asking you to bring the right person for me. Because just because someone is a psychic reader doesn’t mean they are the reader for you, and I think that that’s important for people to notice. I would say do you research, trust your gut, if you’re not sure about your own intuitive pulls, if you happen to find a reader online or if you happen to hear about someone via word of mouth, say that person’s name out loud and feel how your body actually resonates or reacts to that name. And I think if there is an element of lightness and a pull towards them, then you know that is the right person for you. And it doesn’t necessarily mean that person is going to be the right person for you forever.
Or for your friend.
Or for your friend, exactly. And I think it’s quite easy for people to jump into readings quite quickly prior to sort of really feeling what they need. So read testimonials, look for websites, look for social media pages. Nowadays it’s quite easily available.
Yes, it’s quite easy now to research.
Exactly. And I think we get into a space where we are like oh, I just want to get a reading done and they will tell me anything. Where it’s important to take responsibility for that. So, play your part and do the research. Find the right person for you. If you were going to change your shock absorbers on your car, you’d want someone to do it properly, so you would do the research, to find… it wouldn’t be just, usually not, just any old garage, you know. And I think it needs to be treated the same. Because there are, psychic mediums out there that are so professional and so incredibly dedicated to their and if you trust yourself in terms of who you have been led to, you really can benefit a lot from it.
That’s brilliant Ty, and so if somebody has chosen their reader, and they think right, this person feels really good for me in my gut and I’m going to go and see them, how do they prepare?
I would say, there is no real hard and fast rule about this because I think everybody sort of prepares differently in their own way for all situations. But what I would say is, if you have a couple of questions in mind, perhaps write them down and take them with you. And mention those to your reader in the beginning that I have a couple of questions and let them sort of instruct you as to when they want to hear those questions whether it’s at the beginning or the end. Because like I said, all readers and healers work differently, so you have got to be prepared for that. And I think if you are wondering what to expect, this is obviously different for everyone as well, but the biggest thing I’d say is go into the reading with an open mind. And then with the information that comes through, like I said earlier, play your part in your self-discovery. Because I think it’s very easy to have so many questions and be governed by the need to have certain questions answered, because it’s quite strong in our mental self. But also, we as humans we are so much more than just a busy mind needing to know the answers. So be open to your session. Because it’s a journey of your self-discovery as well. And you are going there obviously for information, but there is an element of spiritual healing and emotional soothing that can really come out of it. And I think if you go into a reading or expect to just have your questions answered about am I going to get married and have two children and live with a white picket fence with a dog named Rover, I think if you go in with that mindset, rather than an open mindset, you can really limit your experience, because you are so much more than just those questions. And that Psychic or that Medium will do their absolute best to help unfold that story to show you, that you are so much more. So, you can bring these other tools into the work that you are doing or the life that you are living.
Yes, it’s interesting. I know I have had people come to me and I say why are you here? I don’t actually ever really say to anyone why are you here but this happened to be a 15 minute quick in and out reading, so I had to get you know what guidance would you like in this 15 minutes what can I focus on for you? And they said I don’t know just tell me whatever. And I’m like, well why are you here? I don’t know my friend is having a reading, so I thought I’d have one. And that kind of lack of commitment …
… and energetic input yes, it’s very hard to read for people like that. It’s a bit like taking your car to the garage like you say and just going well have a look at it and you’re like, well what part of the car do you want me to look at? I don’t know – just take a quick look.
…just give me a quick once over.
…and then they complain and say oh, they didn’t find out that the glove box didn’t open and shut properly and you’re like, what?
I think you’ve touched on a very important topic there, which is just because your friend is doing it doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to do it at that time. You should be pulled to it. You should have a need. And I’m guilty of that as well, because when I used to go for loads of readings in the past; I think there was a period of time when I went to 3 different readers and the story was the same and I was like what the hell is going on? I was like, nothing is changing. And that was because of my own fault. Because I wasn’t actually playing my part in my story. You know, it’s very easy to have somebody tell you stuff but if you’re not going to do the work to either make the change or not make the change, and in this particular case, I had not made the change, which is fine, because somethings if you are on track you don’t want to make too many changes you just gotta keep on going because it is working. But what I was doing wasn’t working, so I needed to make the change, but I never did. So that story, Spirit kept telling me that same story over and over again until I got frustrated with obviously hearing that same story over and over again and I had to make the change. Do you know?
Yes, oh my gosh this has been such a fascinating episode Tyrone.
Bless you, friend.
I just love sitting in your company.
Time has gone by so quickly.
It goes very quick doesn’t it? So, let’s sum up for the listeners, lets sum up about ‘your story is your power’. How can they take that forward for themselves?
I would say is spend a couple of minutes with yourself in the bathroom. Stare at yourself in the mirror and say to yourself, my story is my power. Actually, look into your own eyes because then you are saying it to yourself and you can take responsibility for that. And I think don’t get stuck, and it’s easy to say this, even for myself, don’t get stuck in the trivial stuff, it is only one moment in the greater teaching experience. But don’t disregard the things that you’ve experienced thus far because that absolutely has shaped you into the person that you are. And if it hasn’t unfolded as you had wished or as you anticipated, to remember that you are able to change, you are able to make the changes, you are able to be the author of your life. And to really sort of step into that power and let the uniqueness of your power shine through you because at the end of the day we really are all magical beings and it’s just phenomenal if we can share that with each other in a collective way.
Beautifully put Tyrone.
Bless you friend.
Thank you so much for sharing all that with us.
Thank you for having me.
Oh, it’s such a pleasure, such a pleasure. You’ll have to come on the show again because I know that you have got so many stories to share and tell. And things to teach people as well because you are a tutor aren’t you, yourself?
That is correct yes.
So, Tyrone if somebody listening to this podcast has fallen in love with you which I’m sure they have, you are a well-loved psychic medium, what are you offering. You are offering I believe healing, teaching and 1:1’s and private coaching and things like that? Can you tell us what you’re offering?
That is correct, yes. Psychic readings, mediumistic readings, training workshops for those that are looking to sort of develop their gift and discover a little bit more about their psychic senses and the spirit world and then obviously different events and public demonstrations like you do, friend, like we’ve done.
Yes, like we’ve done and will do in the future.
And will do in the future, absolutely.
And your website is what?
Yes if people want to get in contact they can go to www.tyronecusack.com if you can’t spell Cusack don’t worry you can also go to www.tyronespiritmessenger.com and if you’re looking to follow me on Facebook or Instagram it’s @tyronespiritmessenger so I look forward to those that want to, seeing you on the interweb.
Excellent, excellent. Brilliant. Tyrone, thank you once again for coming on and sharing everything that you have so willingly and so generously.
Bless you my friend, thank you so much.
Oh, it’s such a pleasure it’s been just wonderful talking to you.
Well, that was Spirit Messenger, Tyrone Cusack. What a great guy – so very talented at what he does. If you are interested in Ty’s work, I highly recommend that you follow him on his social media platforms and keep a close eye on his website for new training programmes and workshops or if you would like a 1:1 sitting with him.
All resources for this episode, including a full transcript and plus importantly, how to reach Tyrone, are over on my website so head over there and you can pick everything up www.anntheato.com. Have a little explore while you are over there, I have some wonderful new meditations that you might enjoy.
I know I say this every week as my closing phrase but I am so very grateful to all of you Psychic Matters Listeners, I’ve had some wonderful reviews for the podcast and seem to be really appreciating the content, which really warms my heart and makes everything worthwhile. All those hours of transcribing every word! Believe you me, it’s quite a painful, time consuming process! It does take 2 or 3 days to get each episode together, so if you are appreciating this podcast, please, I beg you, head over to Apple Podcasts and leave a written honest review.
So, thank you again to my wonderful guest Tyrone Cusack and to all of you out there who are listening. Be very kind to yourselves this week, and others of course and really give yourself a pat on the back for managing to get through all of life’s challenges so far. There’s a great saying: success is the result of good judgement. Good judgement is the result of experience. Experience is the result of bad judgement. Be kind to yourself. Be kind to others. We’ve all made mistakes and making mistakes are something we have to do in order to grow as individuals.
Have a fantastic couple of weeks everybody, stay safe and until next time… my name is Ann Théato and thank you for listening to PSYCHIC MATTERS!