What If You Could Unlock Your Psychic Potential and Connect with the Spirit World in Just 8 Weeks?

An immersive 8-week programme designed to awaken your intuitive gifts, sharpen your mediumistic abilities, and deepen your spiritual connection.



There are 8 sessions for this course, all listed in UK time zone.

  1. Friday 18th October 2024 -  7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
  2. Friday 25th October 2024 - 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm
  3. Friday 8th November 2024 - 7:00 pm – 9:00pm
  4. Friday 22nd November 2024 - 7:00 pm – 9:00pm
  5. Friday 29th November 2024 - 7:00 pm – 9:00pm
  6. Friday 6th December 2024 - 7:00 pm – 9:00pm
  7. Friday 13th December 2024 - 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm
  8. Friday 20th December 2024 - 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm


Do you often doubt your intuitive insights, wondering if they’re real or just your imagination? This uncertainty can hold you back from fully embracing your gifts, leaving you feeling disconnected from your spiritual path and unsure of how to progress.


Do you feel a strong desire to connect with the spirit world, but often find yourself questioning whether you’re actually making contact? The frustration of trying to communicate without clear signs or validation can leave you feeling isolated and disheartened.


Are you hesitant to share your mediumistic abilities with others due to fear of judgment or failure? This lack of confidence can prevent you from offering your gifts to those who need them most, keeping you stuck in a cycle of self-doubt and missed opportunities.


I've designed this Mastery Circle to enable you to:
  • Move Beyond Uncertainty: Transform from self-doubt to confidence and clarity.

  • Unlock Your Intuitive Potential: Engage in a carefully crafted 8-week journey to deepen your connection with the spirit world.

  • Expert Guidance: Benefit from knowledgeable instruction and support tailored to your needs.

  • Powerful Meditations: Experience guided meditations designed to enhance your intuitive abilities.

  • Practical Exercises: Apply hands-on practices to build and refine your psychic skills.

  • Build Assurance: Gain the skills and confidence to trust your intuitive insights and connect with the spirit realm.

  • Embrace Your Gifts: Fully embrace and develop your spiritual gifts, allowing your mediumship to flourish.

  • Step Into Your Potential: Move from doubt and disconnection to realising your true spiritual potential.


The Psychic & Mediumship Mastery Circle is MORE than just a course.

It’s a comprehensive, soul-enriching journey that combines deep spiritual teachings, hands-on practice, and guided meditations—all within a supportive community of like-minded individuals.

This isn’t just about learning techniques; it’s about transforming your connection with the spirit world, expanding your intuitive capabilities, and stepping into your true spiritual purpose with confidence and clarity.


Imagine stepping into a space where your spiritual growth is fully supported, where each week you’re guided intuitively through exactly what you need to elevate your psychic abilities and mediumship. In this 8-week course, we’ll focus on unlocking your true potential, no matter where you are on your journey.

Tailored Learning for Your Unique Path:

Each week’s session is designed to meet you where you are. Whether we’re diving into advanced mediumship techniques, enhancing your psychic awareness, or strengthening your connection with the spirit world, the course content will be guided by the collective needs of the group. You won’t just learn the theory—you’ll experience practical, hands-on exercises that build your confidence and sharpen your skills.

Overcome Doubt and Build Confidence

Throughout the course, you’ll move from uncertainty to clarity. We’ll explore how to trust your intuitive insights, how to recognise and interpret the messages you receive, and how to confidently communicate with spirit. If you’ve ever questioned your abilities or felt overwhelmed by the process, this course will help you break through those barriers.

Comprehensive Support and Flexibility

Can’t make it to a live Zoom session? No worries! Each class is recorded, so you’ll have access to a downloadable replay, ensuring you never miss out on crucial teachings. This flexibility allows you to learn at your own pace, integrating the knowledge and practices into your daily life.


Visualise Your Transformation:

Imagine yourself at the end of these 8 weeks—feeling empowered, confident, and deeply connected to your spiritual gifts. Picture yourself confidently delivering messages from spirit, trusting in your psychic insights, and knowing that you’re making a meaningful impact in the lives of others. Each week, you’ll leave the class with a sense of achievement, having made tangible progress in your mediumship and psychic abilities.

Addressing Your Pain Points:

Are you tired of second-guessing yourself? Struggling to find consistency in your spiritual practice? Feeling overwhelmed by the process of connecting with spirit? This course is the answer. You’ll learn how to quiet your mind, tune into your intuition, and establish a strong, reliable connection with the spirit world. By the end of this journey, you’ll no longer be held back by doubt or uncertainty—you’ll step into your power with clarity and purpose.

A Community of Like-Minded Souls:

You won’t be alone on this journey. You’ll be part of a community of supportive, like-minded individuals who are all on the same path of spiritual growth. Together, we’ll share experiences, insights, and encouragement, creating a collective energy that enhances everyone’s progress.

I've empowered countless individuals to awaken their psychic gifts and connect with spirit - now it's your turn!

  • TRUST YOUR INTUITION: Gain the confidence to recognise and trust your intuitive insights, eliminating self-doubt and uncertainty.
  • STRENGTHEN YOUR CONNECTION: Develop a deeper, more reliable connection with the spirit world, allowing for clear and consistent communication.
  • TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE: Step into your spiritual power and purpose, using your psychic and mediumistic abilities to positively impact your life and the lives of others.


Your Life BEFORE the Course 

  • Uncertain about your psychic abilities
  • Disconnected from your spiritual path
  • Frustrated by inconsistent connections with spirit
  • Overwhelmed by self-doubt and hesitation
  • Fearful of sharing your gifts with others 

Your Life AFTER the Course 

  • Confident in your intuitive insights
  • Deeply connected to the spirit world
  • Consistently interpreting messages
  • Empowered to trust and use your spiritual gifts
  • Ready to share your abilities and make a meaningful impact

I'm Ann Théato, CSNUt  

As an International Psychic, Medium, and Award-Winning Writer, I've spent decades honing my ability to connect with the spirit world and strengthen my psychic faculty. I'm excited to guide you on your own transformative journey in my Psychic & Mediumship Mastery Circle.

Through years of dedicated practice, study, and teaching, I've refined methods that make connecting with the spirit world accessible and deeply meaningful. In this 8-week programme, I'll share the techniques that have empowered me and countless others to confidently communicate with the spirit world and tap into our innate psychic abilities.

Join me, and together we'll explore the depths of the spirit world, unlocking new levels of understanding and spiritual growth. Let’s embark on this journey to elevate your practice and fully embrace your psychic and mediumship gifts.

 Here's what my current students have to say ...

"Absolutely love Ann, she is very approachable and has a wonderful style of teaching. I loved the starting meditations. I was shocked at how accurate most of my readings were, some even down to the smallest of details."

- Jazz C.

"Made you think of how to improve connection, decipher information, and trust even if it makes no sense to you. Some things must be experienced in order to learn and Ann was an exceptional guide for all her students."

- Mary M.

"Ann is an incredible teacher and the class was more than I expected.
As the class progressed I saw my understanding and skills improve. No doubt I benefited from her clarity, expertise and her ability to convey complex concepts."

- Michael T.

"Been part of these Circles for 4 years and they never ever get boring. Always fresh, intriguing and useful! If you are developing psychic medium I highly recommend this training."

- Kazemaru

"Highly recommended, I trained with Ann myself and not only is she talented and a great teacher, but also a lovely person who I’m now proud to call friend."

- Helena B.


Psychic & Mediumship Mastery Circle

Payment for the 8-week Course
